Interesting thought. I did a saliva test, but don't remember a whole lot about what it showed. Amitriptyline has been shown to reduce migraines, but I believe it is a TCA, not an SSRI. I was on it a while back. Ironically, I think I read something somewhere that it can suppress testosterone, and was one of my theories as to why I became hypogonadic in the first place. Tangentially, I have struggled with the thought that maybe now that I am off that drug and some other medication I was using for migraines, my natural levels might come back up to normal. I have done a few half-assed resets, but none that were legitimate attempts. At this point, I don't even care. I have accepted that I am hypogonadic, regardless of the cause, and am fine treating it. I just need to find the right treatment regimen, but I digress.
Will you post back here if you do this trial?