On TRT, Great Two Weeks, Now Nothing


Active Member
If you want to read my history, just check my previous threads, TL DR: gone with symptoms for a couple years, contacted doctor about a year ago, 9nmol, 5nmol, 6nmol, 5nmol, 5nmol again, MRI and finally got put on trt.

Only testogel tho (the same as androgel I believe), 50mg a day.

I can say this: after about 5-6 days, I woke up with the strongest and biggest boner Ive had since I was 20, I also felt extremely refreshed and energetic, my mind worked way faster and I wanted to socialise and work out. My libido also felt strong, I wanted to jerk it 1-2 times a day. Going from NO motivation, NO libido, NO morning boner in years, this was a rather extreme difference and I dont think it was "placebo" really.

Now, after about 16 days, things are different. No morning boner, low libido again and I just feel "meh", motivation is down again, I dont feel like working out and I dont wanna socialise, basicly Im back where I was before I started using this gel.

Someone dear try to guess what is going on here?
For the first week or so you were still creating your own Test and adding to it with the Gel, once your body determined you were using the Gel it stopped creating your own Test, so you went from a low natural, to about 7 - 9 days of natural and supplemented, which was the really good feeling point, then down to just what the Gel was supplying. We call it the honeymoon period, now you need to work with your doctor, to see what the Gel is actually supplying, and titrate it up to get you back to that nice sweet spot you felt when first started. Hope that helps explain it.
Tom did a nice job of laying out a likely explanation of what your system is dealing with - the loss of endogenous testosterone. It happens to many of us in the early phase. As he said, the next step will be for you and your doctor to see how your topical dose can be adjusted to achieve the results you are looking for. Keep in mind that for some, I was one of them, the topical mode of delivery simply didn't do its job. You will know soon enough and, if that's the case, you will likely transition to injections.

All the best.
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Same thing happened to me! Was on a compounded cream beginning 3/15, felt great for a few weeks then nosedived! I came to the same conclusion that Tom described. I started injections last night though.
Alright guys, If anyone could figure this one out, or atleast give it a shot, would be great.

So, I called my doc but she wasnt available now and wanted to draw my blood ... after 12 weeks, and then proceed from there. So 3 months to go before any change.

This made me wanna experiment on my own (bad I know), so basicly I took a UGL testosterone-gel, which you put on your body and it absorbs like 20-30% (something with DMSO I think), Its a gel used for body building obviously, and based on "TNE" (testosterone no ester).

As I only want to get in the upper end of the range, I decided to add 2mg of testosterone split up on three times a day, so in total 6mg of testosterone a day from the UGL gel coupled with the 5mg of testogel, a total of 11mg of pure testosterone a day.

Now, this is some weird stuff, cause usually I do feel a rather extreme increase in energy on this, and just general alertness, however my libido is still low and doesnt even come close to the great libido I had the first couple of days when starting testosterone gel.

Nor do I have any strong morning erections.

Not sure why this is, theoretically Im getting 11mg of testosterone a day which would be 77mg a week of pure testosterone.

I also do feel that 5-6 hours after the TNE-gel application, I start feeling "bad", just in a halv-depressive mood and its not great at all.

My SHBG before testosterone threatment was around 20-24, my estrogen was so low it didnt even show on the normal range.

Obviously its just as guessing game at this point, anyone wanna take a shoot trying to understand what is going on?

I strongly consider just getting my own test E and inject, cause this kinda sucks.
Why do you think anyone on this forum guessing about your situation will help you in any way? Get labs and find out what is gong on. :)

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