100 mg/week is by no means a high dose and is actually a common starting dose for trt.
Forget worrying about TT as FT is what truly matters as it is the unbound active fraction of testosterone responsible for the positive benefits.
Most men do well having FT 2-3% of TT.
Seeing as your TT is 589 and your SHBG is 24 when using the
Free & Bioavailable Testosterone calculator (Vermeulen method) your FT is 2.56% and your BT is 60.1%.....by no means high.
Free & Bioavailable Testosterone calculator
Your doctor is senseless as you stated "
I also know I feel great where I am right now"
So why would he want to lower your dose as not only did you state "
So everything in my blood panels look great" but you feel great and are experiencing no negative effects.....this one is a no brainer here......find a new doctor!
When was your blood work done at trough?
When did you start trt?
Also post ranges for your labs.
Blood work is important and critical to know but treating ones symptoms is what truly matters.