Super high bio available test...


Active Member
Just went to the doc for my annual...

I am on trt for one year, my protocol is 120mg per week... was prescribed twice a week injection (enanthate... Delatestryl) ... All is well, did me a ton of good... however...

I did adjust my protocol to EOD a few months back... simply split my dose in 2 originally, not realizing that my dose of .20 EOD was in reality 140mg per week! ... After reading here and posting on ********, someone got me on track with the Dose times 7 divided by two... so I adjusted back to .17 cc EOD... now that's 119 per week...

So I have been cruising for a few months at 140 ... then 5.5 weeks ago came back to 120 ... and went for my annual test... Oh boy... my doctor is a little spooked by the numbers...

Total testosterone 39.5 nmol/L (so I guess about 1150 ish in US lol)
Bio available calculated is a whaping 22 nmol/L ... So in the 600 ish US! )

It's the bio available that spooks me a little ... what's up. Am I a slow metabolizer of test?

I do subQ in the belly...

Seeing my doc back next tuesday... I am afraid he will cut me out... ! ...

I am thinking of Skipping a dose, then moviing to 100mg per week (.14 cc/eod) and go from there for another test in 6 weeks...

Thaks for all the help... this place rocks...

I don't know my SHBG level as my doc won't test for it! He says there is nothing we can do with it so no use in testing it.... I think now I will convince him to test it in the next blood tests... I have skipped one dose now, will skipp the next one as well, then I will meet with him and see where we go from here... Thanks for the response.
You can use AI meanwhile or lower your dosage but not skipping. What about your lipid profile. Cholesterol is linked to shbg. So increase in cholesterol can cause decrease in shbg and therefore high free testosterone n estrogen. Everything linked to one another. I suggest do dieting and exercise meanwhile to increase ur SHBG.
Just went to the doc for my annual...

I am on trt for one year, my protocol is 120mg per week... was prescribed twice a week injection (enanthate... Delatestryl) ... All is well, did me a ton of good... however...

I did adjust my protocol to EOD a few months back... simply split my dose in 2 originally, not realizing that my dose of .20 EOD was in reality 140mg per week! ... After reading here and posting on ********, someone got me on track with the Dose times 7 divided by two... so I adjusted back to .17 cc EOD... now that's 119 per week...

So I have been cruising for a few months at 140 ... then 5.5 weeks ago came back to 120 ... and went for my annual test... Oh boy... my doctor is a little spooked by the numbers...

Total testosterone 39.5 nmol/L (so I guess about 1150 ish in US lol)
Bio available calculated is a whaping 22 nmol/L ... So in the 600 ish US! )

It's the bio available that spooks me a little ... what's up. Am I a slow metabolizer of test?

I do subQ in the belly...

Seeing my doc back next tuesday... I am afraid he will cut me out... ! ...

I am thinking of Skipping a dose, then moviing to 100mg per week (.14 cc/eod) and go from there for another test in 6 weeks...

Thaks for all the help... this place rocks...


You are still caught up doing this and no one cruises using trt doses?

What are you hoping to accomplish doing such?

The goal is to use a dose of T that allows you to attain a healthy TT/FT level while at the same time reaping the positive beneficial effects and minimizing any potential negative side-effects while keeping overall blood markers in a healthy range is what you should be concerned with.

As you know labs are critical.

You felt great on 120mg/week so why up the dose unless you were not achieving a healthy TT/FT level and were lacking any relief/improvement of low-t symptoms.

Going from 120--->140mg is going to have minimal impact on body composition changes as we are on trt here.

You dropped your dose down to 120mg/week split into EOD injections and have been on this protocol for over 5 weeks.

Was your blood work done at the trough and if so then sure your TT levels are on the higher end and your peak levels will be higher but if you feel great overall and blood markers are in a healthy range than I see no reason for your doctor to drop your dose or cut you off as you say unless he is a stickler for numbers than find a new doctor.

Regarding the bio-available T, I am hoping you mean free T as most doctors do not rely on bio-available T = (free testosterone + albumin-bound T).

Again we have no idea where your FT sits as the most accurate testing methods for FT such as the gold standard Equilibrium Dialysis (most accurate) and Ultrafiltration (next best) are not available in Canada and the FT used to be tested using the direct immunoassay/tracer analog which is inaccurate and no longer recommended so now FT is done using the calculated linear law-of-mass action Vermuelen method.

Post the reference ranges with your blood work.

Seeing as your TT level (if done at the trough) is on the higher end than not only will your FT levels be high or really high (depending on your SHBG) but your peak levels will be higher.
You can use AI meanwhile or lower your dosage but not skipping. What about your lipid profile. Cholesterol is linked to shbg. So increase in cholesterol can cause decrease in shbg and therefore high free testosterone n estrogen. Everything linked to one another. I suggest do dieting and exercise meanwhile to increase ur SHBG.

This is terrible advice as he feels great and more importantly has absolutely no idea where his e2 levels sit on such protocol as it has never been tested.

Unfortunately, we only have the standard assay available in Canada unless you live in the province of Ontario where a lab such as Dynacare offers the sensitive assay (LC-MS/MS).
This is terrible advice as he feels great and more importantly has absolutely no idea where his e2 levels sit on such protocol as it has never been tested.

Unfortunately, we only have the standard assay available in Canada unless you live in the province of Ontario where a lab such as Dynacare offers the sensitive assay (LC-MS/MS).
What exactly is terrible advice?
I am guessing AI part. I agree suggesting AI was not a good idea. For some reason, i thought he has more chances of converting testosterone to estrogen as he got more free test. Rest is fine. Tats why i used OR lower the dosage.
What exactly is terrible advice?
I am guessing AI part. I agree suggesting AI was not a good idea. For some reason, i thought he has more chances of converting testosterone to estrogen as he got more free test. Rest is fine. Tats why i used OR lower the dosage.
Thanks for the replies... I do exercise (althoug Covid screwed that up some...) and eat clean and low carb. My cholesterol is a little high but not much and lower than last year.

My main mistake was to not do a proper baseline last year when I started, we never got a good lab... My E2 is high but still in the normal for the test, however it is not a sensitive essay as here in canada... well... it's canada...

When I can, I will go have a pannel done by discounted labs... but I have to travel far as all the east coast states are as bad as canada with regards to labs... not legal to order yourself... So I have to go down to florida or something...

I am dead set on fixing this properly... and yes, this is bio available test... I can't get a free test here... none, and my doc uses Dynacare... It's not on the list... maybe because I am in Quebec? Who knows... these laws are quite stupid.

My doc is not all that bad. He is against AI... which is a good thing... imagine if I was chasing E2 as well... I have come to learn that constance is best... I am lowering my levels by skipping a couple of doses... lol I have some reserves... I am also well versed in calculating half life of T... so I am calculating my restart at lower dose, but I want to talk to my doc first... I will report back.

I am learning on my journey... My first year was a blast! Changed my life ... really... actually gave me my life back...

This place is a godsend... Thanks
Reporting back from the doc... He said hey, here's the body builder! ... lol We laughed, he agreed with my skipping two doses and we lowered the dose to 100mg per week... Skipping two doses I can already see sort of an apeasement ... like maybe a reduction in anxiety, not that I am overly anxious if that makes any sense...
Will run that religiously for a couple of months and get blood then... and re-adjust if needed...

I am putting my first year of TRT in as an experiment and learning experience... now to find my sweet spot... was fun, HighT has both its good and bad...

Thanks to all for the replies.

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