Nonsense E2 test


New Member
Hello i am a 37 year old male living in europé. Recently my doctor prescribed me with arimidex that caused my estradiol to go below zero with some pretty harsh symptoms.

I've read some around the internet since in my country doctors don't seem as well informed as you are over here.

From what i can gather there are ultra sensitive e2 tests wich i would have to travel across the country to get, and that isn't really an option for me right now.

I have only been able to do "standard" e2 tests for women and my first test back in february was at 6.

February: 6
March: 11
May: 25

Most symptoms from low e2 has faded however i still do not feel 100% recovered.

Would you expect my e2 levels to still be to low according to this non sensitive e2 test?

I know it becomes difficult to help without the proper testing but any pointers would be greatly apritiated since my doctor don't really seem to know a whole lot about these things, he basicly tells me to dose on how i feel. And is atm happy with my result.

Current protocol is 150mg testosterone a week split on two injections with 0,25mg arimidex on injection days.

I have tried even lower arimidex dose but i was having bloating and swollen tissue behind the nipples and i could feel my estrogen was high. But perhaps it was just some sort of rebound phase?

Any advice would be apritiated, have a nice day.
Hi Harold welcome to the forums. I would stop taking the AI for a while. Since you can't get a sens test I would not start taking the AI again until your std E2 test reads about 60 or if you have high E2 symptoms before then and I would cut your dose from .5/wk to .25/wk
Hi Harold welcome to the forums. I would stop taking the AI for a while. Since you can't get a sens test I would not start taking the AI again until your std E2 test reads about 60 or if you have high E2 symptoms before then and I would cut your dose from .5/wk to .25/wk

Welcome, Harold. We're glad you joined Excelmale. Feeling Lost has given you a reasonable, conservative, approach to E2 management given the constraints you have to operate under. If you post the details of your TRT protocol, as well as any other labs you might have, the discussion will open up.
Right so, when i go below .375wk the same symptom appears, i get nervous around other people.

It was never like this before trt or during the crash.

I've experienced this same feeling 3 times now trying to go to .25wk and then upping dose again to .5wk and this nervous feeling fades right away, however i get anxiety and feel pretty terrible again.

I seem to hit some kind of sweet spot at .375wk, it is actually just like being in the sweet spot at that dose. Just that i still have some mild shitty feeling.

Very wierd to be in a sweet spot and at the same time have minor anxiety. Like feeling awesome at the same time as feeling abit shitty.

Any advice? (Need guidance and directions)
Harold have you considered cutting your T cyp dose to 120mg/wk for a couple months?
Did you ever post any blood tests? What is your SHGB? If your SHGB is low 150 might be too much and too much will cause anxiety. It did for me.
My shgb is 24.2 and 150/wk sent me way over range I hated it and could not wait to come down.
Go to really good idea by Feelinglost, adjust your dose of testosterone and hopefully you can drop your AI.
Well, i have wondered if maybe it's just that my emotions are coming back and i'm not used to having them, since my mood has been very flat. I do feel better now than before.

It was just this nervous feeling that bothered me. I'm still not back yet but anxiety is not really there any more and i feel happier. Abit wierd though at the moment, but that might be because of hormones rebounding and being out of whack.

Going to stay off the arimidex for a while longer and wait and see if things continue to improve.

Thank you guys
Actually guys i think i'm pretty accurate to know if e2 is to high or low because i just confirmed i can't get it up or even get hard.

I've never had this problem in my life before. First time of erectile dysfunction ever.

Wow, it seemd to have started once i drove myself down below 0.375wk.

So i'm going back up and going to try and stabilize on that dose for a while and see where things goes from there.

If that won't solve it then i will lower my test dose. I did feel pretty good at 0,375wk.

I just wasnt on it more than 2-3days though.
This shit is fukin crazy i feel almost bad putting all these trouble on you guys who read this forum frequently.

I did take 0,15 adex and ED is gone, almost immediately. Not sure if it was in my head but i've never had that problem before so..

Anyway, today is fine, no anxiety to speak of, it's completely gone and i feel totally ok, can't complain about anything.

A while back on 0.375 wk however i did have some minor anxiety it didn't really feel ok. However, it felt like i was in a magic fairyland everything was just wow…

Today, even tough i feel absolutely ok, there is no magic fairyland lol…

Oh well, thanks for all your help tbh it's really nice of you to reply to these kinda topics.

Crashing your estrogen like this has really been rough, glad there are nice people trying to help.

You deserve more credit for this.
Right so i'm back in the sweet spot now.

I have no idea what dose this is or what estrogen levels i'm at to feel this way.

Safe to say it is somewhere inbetween 0.25wk and 0.5wk

This is like the 4th time in a few weeks i've hit this spot somewhere in the middle of 0.25 and 0.5

I'm wondering if perhaps my shbg is still rising from the estrogen crash and that's why i seem to keep improving even after my estrogen rebounded.

Not sure, but i could use any advice on this.

I can tell you right now i'm back pre crash, same feeling.

This shit is fukin crazy i feel almost bad putting all these trouble on you guys who read this forum frequently.

I did take 0,15 adex and ED is gone, almost immediately. Not sure if it was in my head but i've never had that problem before so..

Anyway, today is fine, no anxiety to speak of, it's completely gone and i feel totally ok, can't complain about anything.

A while back on 0.375 wk however i did have some minor anxiety it didn't really feel ok. However, it felt like i was in a magic fairyland everything was just wow&#8230;

Today, even tough i feel absolutely ok, there is no magic fairyland lol&#8230;

Oh well, thanks for all your help tbh it's really nice of you to reply to these kinda topics.

Crashing your estrogen like this has really been rough, glad there are nice people trying to help.

You deserve more credit for this.

See how you feel later.

If you felt it that fast it was in your head most likely. Are you new to TRT or have you been on it for a while?
I believe the standard E test is more likely to make you look high??? Hence docs give AI and people crash fast. Can someone that knows chime in? If that's true your at 25. You could see what 30 felt like. I think standard E results people typically feel 20 to 30 a "good" range to be in from what I read.

Also the more labs you can put up these guys here can give you great advice. Get labs done.
See how you feel later.

If you felt it that fast it was in your head most likely. Are you new to TRT or have you been on it for a while?
I believe the standard E test is more likely to make you look high??? Hence docs give AI and people crash fast. Can someone that knows chime in? If that's true your at 25. You could see what 30 felt like. I think standard E results people typically feel 20 to 30 a "good" range to be in from what I read.

Also the more labs you can put up these guys here can give you great advice. Get labs done.

I think honestly it's not in my head, i can feel the effect of arimidex almost immediately or with an hour or two. It's not a drastic drastic effect, but it's minor.

Yup, i've calculated non sens vs sens e2 tests and it seems as if on average a sens e2 test shows about 70% of a normal test. I looked up all threads where people had done both and calculated the average. It was as low as 60% on some and up to 80% on others.

My last e2 was at 25 non sens wich would have made me sit at 17.5 on a sensitive, wich imo seemd to relate to my symptoms, i still felt abit low on e2 but not low low.

I then found a calculation on a site with a sweet spot of 22.

17.5/22 = 0.79 x 0.5wk = 0.39wk

And like i wrote earlier, at 0.375 i seemd to always hit the sweet spot.

Now abit of update, i know this might been abit drastic but i've lowered my dose to 100mg test a week and changed my ai protocol to 0.25mg wk.

And i seem to feel even better now on this dose, it's almost in a way like i've doubled my dose, i feel stronger, faster, better, more alert, happier.

I will evaluate for abit longer before i can say anything for sure. Pulling new labs in a week or two and staying on this protocol.
Now abit of update, i know this might been abit drastic but i've lowered my dose to 100mg test a week and changed my ai protocol to 0.25mg wk.

And i seem to feel even better now on this dose, it's almost in a way like i've doubled my dose, i feel stronger, faster, better, more alert, happier.

I will evaluate for abit longer before i can say anything for sure. Pulling new labs in a week or two and staying on this protocol.

told you see post 6. Glad to hear it's working out.
17.5/22 = 0.79 x 0.5wk = 0.39wk

And like i wrote earlier, at 0.375 i seemd to always hit the sweet spot.

Now abit of update, i know this might been abit drastic but i've lowered my dose to 100mg test a week and changed my ai protocol to 0.25mg wk.

And i seem to feel even better now on this dose, it's almost in a way like i've doubled my dose, i feel stronger, faster, better, more alert, happier.

I will evaluate for abit longer before i can say anything for sure. Pulling new labs in a week or two and staying on this protocol.

And how long has it been since you made this change? If it has been less than 6 weeks, you don't yet know the true result for the longer term.

I have been reducing dosage due to high Hematocrit and E2. Currently on at least the third readjustment downward. This process was started last November. I always go through multiple symptoms as levels decrease and fully believe at least some are due to the levels changing prior to reaching new steady state. Some of these things tend to feel good, others do not. They are variable and hard to pin down, but for me it takes 6-8 weeks to reach a new stable level.

We know that due to half life of testosterone cypionate that it takes around 6 weeks for blood levels to readjust and stabilize to the new level. So if you are having a great time after a day or two, great, enjoy it, but don't let it go to your head, as your levels have not even started to change considerably. An exception to this is if you have very low SHBG, the resulting lower level of free T could feel better. However, again don't expect a steady state of bliss, but reassess after 6 weeks.

SHBG is all important for your dosing frequency. 2 injections a week are probably fine if you have middle to higher SHBG. If you have lower SHBG, you may benefit from much more frequent injections.

You have not posted full labs, and it appears you are micro managing your own dosing without correlating to the reality of medication half lives nor the full picture of your blood levels. Maybe you'll be lucky and feel great from this change for the long term, but you may experience more symptoms as your levels decrease. Anyway, People here can give you much more targeted feedback with more complete information. As is, it's all quite speculative.
Well at least i can update abit for you guys. Not yet fully stable but im back to feeling superman. Safe to say, i have not any damage in my dopamine receptors xD

Hello i am a 37 year old male living in europé. Recently my doctor prescribed me with arimidex that caused my estradiol to go below zero with some pretty harsh symptoms.

I've read some around the internet since in my country doctors don't seem as well informed as you are over here.

From what i can gather there are ultra sensitive e2 tests wich i would have to travel across the country to get, and that isn't really an option for me right now.

I have only been able to do "standard" e2 tests for women and my first test back in february was at 6.

February: 6
March: 11
May: 25

Most symptoms from low e2 has faded however i still do not feel 100% recovered.

Would you expect my e2 levels to still be to low according to this non sensitive e2 test?

I know it becomes difficult to help without the proper testing but any pointers would be greatly apritiated since my doctor don't really seem to know a whole lot about these things, he basicly tells me to dose on how i feel. And is atm happy with my result.

Current protocol is 150mg testosterone a week split on two injections with 0,25mg arimidex on injection days.

I have tried even lower arimidex dose but i was having bloating and swollen tissue behind the nipples and i could feel my estrogen was high. But perhaps it was just some sort of rebound phase?

Any advice would be apritiated, have a nice day.

Where in Europe are you Harold, with you being on - Current protocol 150mg testosterone a week split on two injections with 0,25mg arimidex on injection days, I take it you are not from UK as I suspect no NHS UK doctor would have you on that.
Why are you altering and changing medication dose without consulting your doctor???
get advise from the forum sure, but consult with your own doctor before changing amount you use, then again; your choice, your life.
Where in Europe are you Harold, with you being on - Current protocol 150mg testosterone a week split on two injections with 0,25mg arimidex on injection days, I take it you are not from UK as I suspect no NHS UK doctor would have you on that.
Why are you altering and changing medication dose without consulting your doctor???
get advise from the forum sure, but consult with your own doctor before changing amount you use, then again; your choice, your life.

A doctor is just a person in white clothes that read a few books. There are people on this forum that know more about these things than most doctors ever will.
A doctor is just a person in white clothes that read a few books. There are people on this forum that know more about these things than most doctors ever will.

I'm not smarter that your doctor. All my suggestions were ideas you should bring up to your doctor and nothing more.

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