123810: NMR LipoProfile® With Lipids (With Graph) | Labcorp
Labcorp test details for NMR LipoProfile® With Lipids (With Graph)
My cardiologist is an old school guy and mostly useless (insists all TRT is bad, wants to do a bruce treadmill protocol test on me even though I've had multiple knee and hip surgeries and other protocols would be better to get my HR up without pain limiting my ability to exercise etc)
unfortunately he won't differentiate between LDL types so I'm debating ordering this myself to get a better idea what's going on
My basic numbers aren't amazing
HDL - 49
LDL - 124
Triglycerides - 74
However the LDL is meaningless by itself since I don't know how much of it is the dense small stuff
Is the NMR test the one I should be getting to get more info on the actual picture?