Newbie with a story. Need input


New Member
So after a setback cycling ( nerve stuff) i wqs told i had prostitis. I wasnt having any sex problems,felt ok and acter taking some antibiotics and a low dose cialis for boh. I woke up one night and couldnt go back to sleep. I got massive anxity ,couldnt sleep without meds and went to uncontrolable crying , couldnt think straight, had every blood test done,kidneys,wugar, thyroid,pituatary ect. Asked for a testosterone test and it was 227 with a free of 52. They said well check it afain i a month. I had a diff doc do it fasting in the morn and it was 185. They said 200ml shots every 2 weeks. 2 shots and my mood wasnt changing. A buddy goes to center 4 mens health in tampa fl (2 hours from me) after a consult with dr. He recomnded 300ml every 2 weeks and checked my estrogen (not sure if its standard or senitive they are getting back to me as i just called and asked) it was 89 and he put me on ansterzole .5 every other day and will check estrogen in a month. Does this sound like a good start? After 2 doses off the ai i feel much more stable.

My stress and anxitey was outta control. Prescribed xanax ect but im not taking any meds. Night erections back before starting the ai.
Sorry to hear about your problems.

Thyroid problems can cause these types of symptoms.

Also, where were your SHBG and Cortisol levels?
300 ml every two weeks is 600 mg per injection and way way way to much!

That's what bodybuilders run when on cycle.

You need to do weekly injections at a typical starting dose of about 100 mg.

.5 mg of the AI every other day is way to much.

Your Doctor doesn't know what he's doing.

Call Defy Medical in Tampa and talk to them about getting the right care.
I agree with Gene!

Sorry that you still have anxiety, man. I hope you get better.Are you sleeping OK? Any stress or worry that is burdening you? We are here to be supportive to all buddies that need help.
Maybe back it down to .25 every other day until i can get an appt down there?

Rhe stress was from rhe injury i guess. I just started sleeping this weekend
Sleep deprivation can definitely cause anxiety and lack of coping. Some men who have injuries are put on pain killers (opiates) that can not only affect mood but also decrease testosterone.

I am glad you are starting to get some good sleep since that is the basis of everything in our bodies. Once we mess up with our circadian rhythm everything starts getting out of sync.
At 600 mg per injection you are both tanking SHBG which will cause anxiety in and of itself AND elevating estrogen through the roof which has many negative side effects.

Your dosages are all wrong and throwing you out of homeostasis.

Get to Defy as soon as you can.

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