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Hi all,

I am glad to have found this forum. I am 52 yrs old from SC. Getting a doc in upstyate SC that knows trt other than a clinic is impossible. Ihave been suspecting Low T for about 5 years.
Four years ago I went to my GP about it and she ordered a full blood work up, after results came back
she said everything looks good there, you just need to exercise and lose weight. I do remember my Total testosterone was 559 at the time. We the last few years I hired a trainer and worked my ass off in the gym, lost weight and in the athletic range for bodyfat % I still have all the low t symptoms and before I had a low sex drive but now it's zero. Viagra and cialis will help the erection a little bit, but the drive and stamina just isnt there more than a couple minutes on a good day.

The main question I have on Defy is how does the process go? I looked at the site and it is kinda vague. Im assuming first is the free consultation? I read some where I need a basic physical/ If so do I mail that in? Im not sure when and what type blood work I need intially. I did email them, Im just so impatient lol trying to figure this step by step process.

Thanks for any info and tips you guys have
Hi all,

I am glad to have found this forum. I am 52 yrs old from SC. Getting a doc in upstyate SC that knows trt other than a clinic is impossible. Ihave been suspecting Low T for about 5 years.
Four years ago I went to my GP about it and she ordered a full blood work up, after results came back
she said everything looks good there, you just need to exercise and lose weight. I do remember my Total testosterone was 559 at the time. We the last few years I hired a trainer and worked my ass off in the gym, lost weight and in the athletic range for bodyfat % I still have all the low t symptoms and before I had a low sex drive but now it's zero. Viagra and cialis will help the erection a little bit, but the drive and stamina just isnt there more than a couple minutes on a good day.

The main question I have on Defy is how does the process go? I looked at the site and it is kinda vague. Im assuming first is the free consultation? I read some where I need a basic physical/ If so do I mail that in? Im not sure when and what type blood work I need intially. I did email them, Im just so impatient lol trying to figure this step by step process.

Thanks for any info and tips you guys have

Welcome to Excelmale. We hope you'll be an active member.

Call Defy's customer service on Tuesday and ask them as many questions as you can think of (they won't dodge difficult ones about cost). They will email you the entire package to get started. I'm not a Defy patient, but I have great respect for the care they provide. You made a good choice.
Thanks, Looking forward to hearing what the Dr says. Everyone says that @ 559 total for my age I don't need anything.
Thanks, I guess the online labs can be emailed or maybe the lab sends them directly to Dewfy via email. I havent been to a GP in a while, mine retired. Would a walk in clinic that does sports physical etc.... do the job? Im starting to wonder at 559 level if I even have low t. I do have all the symptoms on the ADAM test though. Hope after I do blood work they sort it out either way.
A total of 559 is a tiny pixel in the larger picture, like Free T, SHBG and Thyroid.

If you do the Defy Physical here's a PRO Tip: whiteout "defy medical" on the form so that it's blank. Take it to a CVS minute clinic and ask for a work physical, or DOT physical and hand them the form. Do NOT discuss TRT with them, even if they seem open to it. The need for the physical has zero relevance to some objective health data.
559 is a pretty decent level, but is a small part of the puzzle. E2 and SHBG would be the most important to have tested, prolactin as well, possibly DHT also. All of those hormones can cause symptoms if they're not balanced in spite of a 559 total testosterone.

I am a defy patient so I know the process pretty well. Minute clinics work for the physical, and the labs can be ordered from defy for the consult.

Pretty accurate imo.
"Would a walk in clinic that does sports physical etc.... do the job?" yes a walk in clinic works, everything is mostly done with email and over the phone.

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