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Hey all, I'm introducing myself as a new user to ExcelMale. I have been visiting this site for a long while, but only recently joined the forums to get some direct information if possible.

I started TRT about 3 years ago when my T levels were just at the recommended cutoff for non-HIV infected patients age 47. The results were nothing short of miraculous. Even my doctor was shocked and amazed by the difference in the quality of every aspect of my health and appearance.

About six months into therapy, I started having the ups and downs. They were really severe. I could go about 10 or 11 days feeling normal but then couldn't get out of bed for the last three days before my next shot. I tried changing my diet and my sleeping patterns and nothing seemed to help. Finally, I changed my dosage to once weekly and was able to avoid the exhaustion, but never got the benefit that I had grown accustomed to right after my injection.

I switched doctors about a year ago but continued on TRT with no problems. There is no indication in any of my blood work that I have any of the precursors to any of the side effects associated with TRT. However, due to a scheduling problem where the clinic canceled my appointment and wasn't able to reschedule me for 2 months, my doctor refused to renew my testosterone prescription.

He wants me to go in to have my testosterone levels tested though my last doctor indicated that the clinic doesn't test for bio-available or free testosterone, just total testosterone--which may not paint a complete picture.

My question is this: If I have been on TRT for 2-3 years and now I am basically being forced to quit cold turkey, what effect should that have on my Test levels and what can I do to counter the serious side effects that I am experiencing?

Since I ran out of Testosterone a week ago, I have literally slept about 18-20 hours a day. Even as I type this, I am falling asleep. I haven't been very good at taking my regular HIV meds because I don't even know what day of the week it is. I sleep. When I am awake, I am so fuzzy-headed that I do stupid things like leaving the stove on with a pot of mac and cheese burning to a crisp. The quality of my life is so severely diminished that I have begun looking for illegal sources of Testosterone just to function. I have been like this for almost a week and I don't see any real difference. I'm unable to eat or stay hydrated because I will literally sleep 12-15 hours in a row, getting up to pee or try to eat/drink. I certainly don't have the energy or focus to prepare a meal and I'm lucky if I can stay awake through a bowl of cereal without spilling it on myself.

There is no reason that I can see why my doctor would withhold my testosterone as all of my test results are perfect. I am supposed to have my T checked tomorrow if I can get to the clinic. I certainly cannot drive like this.

Any input on what I can do to counter this complete lack of energy and focus would be greatly appreciated. Even if I could just shake this fuzzy fog-like feeling that I have in my head and body, that would help.
Stopping TRT cold turkey will eventually see the decline of testosterone to zero and some time after all exogenous testosterone is out of your system, your natural production will fire back up and you will see a return of your previously low levels and all of the symptoms.

I'm not understanding your doctors reasoning for wanting to stop TRT since it has had a profoundly positive impact on your health. It's very common to see doctors stopping TRT once after it was initiated via a third party do to all the poor quality studies that show TRT causes prostate cancer and cardiovascular problems, the newer more recent high quality studies are showing TRT only shows benefits, in fact TRT shows high marks for safety.

See if you can get ahold of a copy of your labs, then we may be able to know why your doctor is holding your prescription hostage.

I stopped TRT in April of my own free will to fix my other health problems before restarting TRT, but I know exactly what you are going through. It took me four and a half weeks for my HPTA to come back online and I knew what was happening in that moment, I felt fantastic for about a day and then levels declined again the day after to pre-TRT levels.

Injected TRT earns high marks for safety, effectiveness.
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Thank you for the response. That's the thing, my labs are perfect. I do not have a single value out of standard range in any of my panels. Unforunately, the only Testosterone test my clinic offers is a "general testosterone" which shows me at low testosterone though I have been on TRT for 3 years.

Surely you would think that my testosterone should be higher than that on TRT.

I had an appointment scheduled late in August and they canceled it. My next appointment is October 8. I ran out of T at the beginning of September but borrowed from my partner for the last month. Now we are both completely out of T and have been stuck in bed for 18+ hours a day for the last three days.

There has been no explanation of why he refuses to renew my prescription and absolutely no physiological or biochemical reasons. I plan to file a formal complaint tomorrow if I can get out of bed. Thanks for your reply.
Thank you for the response. That's the thing, my labs are perfect. I do not have a single value out of standard range in any of my panels. Unforunately, the only Testosterone test my clinic offers is a "general testosterone" which shows me at low testosterone though I have been on TRT for 3 years.
View attachment 8362

Surely you would think that my testosterone should be higher than that on TRT.

I had an appointment scheduled late in August and they canceled it. My next appointment is October 8. I ran out of T at the beginning of September but borrowed from my partner for the last month. Now we are both completely out of T and have been stuck in bed for 18+ hours a day for the last three days.

There has been no explanation of why he refuses to renew my prescription and absolutely no physiological or biochemical reasons. I plan to file a formal complaint tomorrow if I can get out of bed. Thanks for your reply.

No reason given and you are being kept in the dark about why your TRT is being held hostage, if this happened to me I wouldn't wait for that new appointment, if I were you I would cancel it!

I don't understand why your testosterone is so low, the only explanation I can think of is the Test is of poor quality or fake, maybe that's why you are being kept in the dark, damage control.

There is a another option you may not be aware of, there are telemedicine options available to you, Defy Medical a clinic in Tampa Bay FL which does telemedicine that might serve your needs better.

I can personally vouch for Defy, the intake staff are more knowledgeable than most doctors.
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