New to TRT


Ok, 40 years old (January 14th) weigh ~245 pounds 6'-0". Never used "steriods," don't drink, don't do other street drugs. Drink mostly water, then unsweet tea, and milk. Take coq10, fish oil, multi with iron, viatimin d, and supplement with creatine mono (currently not taking at the moment) and whey protein.

August 2013 weighed 300 pounds and was not active since high school (16 years old). September 2014 i got down to 162.2 pounds, I rode bicycle, did Hiit training, and did some weight training at home, but mostly diet (low carb) is how I accomplished this. During this time, May of 2014, went to Dr because I was feeling horrible, low sex drive, low energy, (weighed 190 pounds at time)did blood work, my total T was 330 (normal range was 2xx-1,xxx) i was slighly anemic, but otherwise healthy. Was instructed to take daily with iron (was taking daily without iron) and keep up exercise etc... If it continued would have to look into low t.

August 2014 fell off bicycle and broke arm, weighed 175, couldn't exercise but kept diet up, in less than a month I hit 162.2, and decided to eat at maintence until arm healed, November 2014 started "bulking" and started weight training at gym. (Squats, deadlifts, bench, and all accessory work to help those lifts). I have done 3 powerlifring competitions and found something I enjoy. Energy levels have fluctuated during this time, never feeling optimal, but getting thru. I have gained muscle (and fat of course) and strength, but not at the level that I was expecting, (I just totalled 1,000 pounds in May of this year at meet @ 241 pounds)

Last October helped my sister in law and her husband move, and for 3 days after felt horrible, I felt this way after gym, but not at this level. This was first time that I had to admit something was off but kept trying to ignore it. Late December I started looking on here and seen Labcorp so decided to order a lab test (total t, free t, estradiol, and thyroid)
January 4th went for draw, early in morning and I was fasted. Tt was 468.6 (range 348-1197) Free t was 9.5 (range 8.7-25.1) estradiol (sensitive) 14.9 (range 8.0-35.0) t4 1.14 (range .82-1.77) tsh 1.800 (range .450-4.500) triiodthroynine (t3?) 3.8 (range 2.0-4.4)

Thought this meant I was normal. Between then and June 17 i just kept trying to get thru. Gym performance was ok but after gym I was beyond tired. Sex drive started going (most of the week didn't have any drive at all) most of the time just didn't feel like it and erections were hit or miss, more miss. Symtoms continued to worsen, mainly being tired, no drive (sexual or even gym) depression/mood swings, and having to struggle to get up.

Anyways went to universal men's clinic on June 17th (figured they would be best). They did questionnaire, Dr talked to me about symptoms, then did blood draw (unfasted) had me sign contract and then gave me an injection of 200mg testosterone and 1 mg tablet of estrogen blocker. 1.5 weeks later got results over the phone (told me numbers and ranges but can not remember everything) Tt 357 (range I believe was 2xx-1,0xx) didn't tell me free t, estradiol 14.8 (don't know if sensitive or not) liver enzymes all in normal range, white and red blood cells normal, hemocrit normal. I don't remember the rest.

I got my prescription yesterday and used my 3rd dose (had to go back to clinic last Saturday because I didn't have syringes yet, between 1st and 2nd had a dr planned 2 weeks between.) Supposed to do same day every week, was instructed to inject around front pocket area of thigh.

Recieved 11 pre filled 1 ml syringes. Prescription label says "INJECT 1 ML (1 SYRINGE) INTO GLUTEUS ONCE A WEEK THANK YOU CMP TESTOST/ANAST 200MG/1MG/ML"

Reading here I see that isn't really good (pre filled syringes and estragon blockers) also don't like that it says GLUTEUS when I was instructed to inject on front side "front pocket area"

Sorry so long just trying to share info to see what thoughts are. Thanks

Also have to add, 1st injection within 2 days I was feeling better, not super man but noticeably better. (At gym, sex, in general!)
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That's a red flag - an AI compounded with your testosterone. You were given a cookie-cutter protocol that may well crash your estradiol and put you in hormone hell. And you signed a contract...oh, boy. This is not a good start to your TRT journey.

How long are you locked in?
It is 18 months. 16 monthly payments. I can get out for 1 of 2 ways, medical completely free. Then where I choose to get out of it, have to pay for meds, visits, and labs that I've had done, but can get out of it.

I am supposed to go back August 12th and then every 6 months after for labs and visits with Dr and was told to call with any problems.

Anyways after the fact I see info here that goes against the whole thing. Didn't want this at all, but figured they were best option for me but maybe not.

Thanks for reply
It is 18 months. 16 monthly payments. I can get out for 1 of 2 ways, medical completely free. Then where I choose to get out of it, have to pay for meds, visits, and labs that I've had done, but can get out of it.

I am supposed to go back August 12th and then every 6 months after for labs and visits with Dr and was told to call with any problems.

Anyways after the fact I see info here that goes against the whole thing. Didn't want this at all, but figured they were best option for me but maybe not.

Thanks for reply

Its a poor model of patient care, and it's a terrible medical decision to compound your testosterone and anastrozole. You aren't being well served - you were taken advantage of (as so many men who find themselves looking for medical care in this field are). There are physicians we can refer you to who practice in a far more progressive fashion.
Thank you CoastWatcher, I live in Oklahoma, and honestly didn't know who to go to. I knew some Dr's from other people, but they were doing monthly shots, and I knew that was bad so thought a clinic would be best.

Anyways any recommendations would be appreciated. The more I know the better.
Thank you CoastWatcher, I live in Oklahoma, and honestly didn't know who to go to. I knew some Dr's from other people, but they were doing monthly shots, and I knew that was bad so thought a clinic would be best.

Anyways any recommendations would be appreciated. The more I know the better.

What is the nearest metropolitan area? Are you familiar with the telemedicine model used by Defy Medical?
Thank you CoastWatcher, I live in Oklahoma, and honestly didn't know who to go to. I knew some Dr's from other people, but they were doing monthly shots, and I knew that was bad so thought a clinic would be best.

Anyways any recommendations would be appreciated. The more I know the better.

I'm also in OK. I use Defy Medical and have had a great experience with them. My insurance pays for my labs, I use Quest labs since they are the only thing local to me, and I get all my prescriptions from Empower in Houston (labs and meds are ordered by Defy).
Interesting that you mention Keto diet. I was on a low carb diet for about 3 years before I started to really feel like crap. Though I think my low T was probably caused by more then just the keto diet since I was not 100% before starting low carb, I think it may have played a role in it.

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