New to TRT, I have a few questions for anyone willing to help (sorry for long post)


New Member
Hey guys, first off this is a really great site, and I'm thankful for finding it. My name is Mike, I'm currently 34, 6'2", 335lbs. A little background about me.... Appx 6 years ago I was constantly drained, low libido, no drive, determination, etc. I had my doc check my test. It came back in the 60-70 nano p/ range. He put me on patches, then gels, all along prescribing me Phentermine to help me lose weight (at this time I was appx 290-300, heavy, but not necessarily FAT, I've always had a solid build with muscle.) This went on for YEARS because he didn't feel comfortable prescribing injections, and tbh, I didn't know much about it...
Long story short, the highest my numbers ever went up with him were in the 120 range. Last year I move out to Long Island from Brooklyn, had to change doctors, I went in, told this guy everything that happened, he immediately went to the weight, "I'll order your blood, I want to see your numbers, but I won't prescribe testosterone, because I wan't you to lose weight first." My numbers came back 67 nano per. He kept going with the weight thing, I told him I appreciate your advice, truly I do, but I just got off of this ride after 5 years, I'm not getting back on it, can you please give me a referral to see a Urologist. I go to Uro, tell him everything, he draws my blood, tells me "we just have to wait on the results, but it seems like you know what's going on, go home and research, and when you come back in a few days, tell me if you want to try long term" (1 shot every few months,) "or short term" (testosterone cypionate at home, myself.) I go back, my numbers again are in the 70's, he prescribes me 200mg testosterone cypionate bi weekly.
I took my first shot last week (Monday) and by Wednesday, I started to feel ever-so-slightly different, it brought back memories of the way I used to feel when I was just into my twenties, but by yesterday (Sunday) I was drained, and have the same feeling all day again today. It's been only one week, I have to wait an entire week now before I take my other 2x dose. I've read a few posts on here where people swear the bi-weekly shots are sometimes worse than doing nothing. Is that the case for me? Is it too soon to tell? It took me so damn long to even get a doctor to prescribe me test injections, even though my numbers clearly reflected that I needed it, I don't want to mess anything up with this doctor, but I'm wondering if I should try to see him this week, and tell him what's going on. Does anyone have any advice?
Also, a couple of months back before I saw the Urologist, I made an appointment with an Endo, but I had to wait almost 4 months to see him, the appointment is coming up in two weeks. Do I still have to see the Endo? Or am I good now with the Urologist that I have? I'm sorry if some of these questions come off as amateur to some of you, but it's taken me so long to get to this point, and now that I'm here, I want to take advantage of it, and start to feel like my old self again. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I truly apologize for the length, I just wanted to make sure to get everything included. Thank you.
You really need a trt doctor, we have two clinics that advertise on this website. You may wish to call them, they are Prime Body any other one is Defy Medical. You could start a new thread, stating where you live and asking if anyone knows a good trt doctor in that area.
Endocrinologists and urologists don't typically know how to do TRT well, most don't even know what labs to run let alone interpret their meaning. There really aren't any hormone specialists inside insurance networks, they just don't exists because the medical community doesn't really focused on hormones therapy as it's not very profitable for doctors and big pharma.

There are a some labs needed for determining the correct test dosages (SHBG) and to determine injection frequency, please share any that you have.

The real hormone specialists practice privately.
I had no idea. Thank you. My last tests results read as follows:
Sorry Vince. I'm still new to this and still don't fully understand everything yet.

TESTOSTERONE, T, MALE, ADULT - 68 ng/dL NORMAL Range 250 - 827

TESTOSTERONE, TOT, LC/MS/MS - 87 ng/dL Normal Range 250 - 1100

TESTOSTERONE, FREE - 22.9 Normal Range 35.0 - 155.0
Sorry Vince. I'm still new to this and still don't fully understand everything yet.

TESTOSTERONE, T, MALE, ADULT - 68 ng/dL NORMAL Range 250 - 827

TESTOSTERONE, TOT, LC/MS/MS - 87 ng/dL Normal Range 250 - 1100

TESTOSTERONE, FREE - 22.9 Normal Range 35.0 - 155.0
You are a really good candidate for TRT. But you need to find a good doctor. Or do a lot of research and find a doctor that would listen. Having a doctor with little knowledge on TRT can be as bad as not having a doctor at all.
I would follow Vince’s advice. TRT can be life changing specially for someone like you with such low levels. So it is worth digging deeper into the rabbit hole.
Agree with with the comments above, you really need to see someone that really specializes in this practice. I know I sound like a broken record lately, but I would seriously suspect you also have some serious thyroid imbalance/issues taking place (?). That and other variables (E2, PSA, CBC's, metabolic, etc.) will need to be addressed to ensure you get a treatment program designed for you.
Chris knows what he is talking about.
Here is my Mantra....
A LOT of info to digest...
I would recommend getting the books and do some reading on the subject....
I would also download DR. John's paper and powerpoint presentation.
Other link cover a LOT of ground to include thyroid.
Remember... Education is your friend...
First step is
Cannot tell how much research you have done on TRT.
If not a lot, I recommend you get a few books.
Get a few good books and educate yourself now:
1. Get Nelsons book "Testosterone: A Man's Guide".
2. Get Lee Myer's book "Natural Versus Testosterone Therapy".
3. Get “Testosterone for life - Dr. Abraham Morgentaller “.
4. Get “The Definitive Testosterone Replacement Therapy MANual: How to OptimizeYour Testosterone For Lifelong Health And Happiness” by Jay Campbell.
These books will give you a much better understanding of TRT....

ExcelMale.comGuide to Testosterone Replacement
One other forumthat has great info that might be useful to you is:
GREAT article onE2 – A MUST READ
Dr Saya's Videos on Testosterone Therapy and Side Effect Management
DR.Saya's HCG Study
Second step might be to have a look at your thyroid and see if any issues
Do some research.
I do like Tiredthyroid as a starting point.
Easy to read sections.
References at the bottom of each section (and NOT from people wearing "tinfoil" hats)
See below:
Basic sources to research Thyroid issues and testing:
Spend time here and get the 2 books, “STTM: The Revised Book” and “STTMII:Authored by Doctors”.
Great simple to understand articles.
Get her book.... “Tired Thyroid: From Hyper to Hypo to Healing—Breaking the TSHRule”,
A lot of clear researched information that is easy toread and understand.
Good info here. Look around.
A LOT of good articles and a youtube page.
Spend time here looking around and reading after getting labs back.

Do you have Hypothyroidism?
The CompleteHypothyroidism User Guide for Patients (2018 Edition)
Need information on thyroid testing....
Read here:
And here:
and here:
and here:
and here:
And here:
Some additional links to read before you receive the books you have already ordered
Go here:
and download:
TRT: Recipe For Success
Print out.
HCG Update.
the TRT Power Point presentation.

Dr. Crisler is one of the "TRT Cutting Edge DR's" here in the states....
Also go here:
and also print out the article.

ALSO look at the videos that are posted on this site. A LOT of great info to take in....
Now you will have a great reference library and knowledge base to go forward on!
Thank you everyone for your advice, you especially Orrin. The amount of information you have provided is substantial and I definitely need to begin reading up. A few years back when I first suspected I had Low T, I read up on the symptoms, and some basic knowledge, but this forum has shown me just how little I actually know. All along I thought once I started getting the injections, I'd be fine, but it's become clear that's not the case. I also plan on seeking out an actual TRT doctor soon also. Thank you all again

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