I'm New so here is my story ( sorry its a little long)


New Member
HI all,

I have been following this site quietly for a few months. I am grateful for all the time and dedication that you all put into sharing knowledge. So Here is my story.

First off, I am from a Family full of Doctors and Nurses but I am not a Doctor, nor do I play one on Tv. :)

Age: 44
Single Male (this part will make sense in a few)
Health: Managing Cholesterol with Diet and Exercise otherwise pretty healthy and my family is as well
Fitness: I have been pretty muscular and not. I go through spells but I have started working more on Cardio and fitness through Martial Arts (Boxing, Muay Thai, and BJJ). I plan on adding weights back in but I am just really trying to ease my way back into a groove.

Diet: Earlier this year I became Vegetarian and am almost 100% vegan and eat fairly clean.

Being a single Male I have always had a lot of sex drive and interest in woman but have noticed the last few years that not only has it tapered off but it has become almost none existent. With me being single and hoping to someday find my match, this has been concerning. I have avoided TRT or even the thought because I was hoping i could fix it with Natural supplement and diet and exercise. I have had some success but not much. I notice that even when I am working out hard I struggle to lose the belly fat and I really have lost a lot of energy. This sparked my desire to research more about TRT. After mentioning it to my very conservative family, I was surprised when they all said I probably should look into having my testosterone tested. I asked my Doctor and he kind of shrugged it off but ordered the test. When I got the results back the office called and just raved about my improved Cholesterol but didnt even discuss the other results. I looked myself and saw I was about 510 which fell into the range and just assumed again i was normal. I then Mentioned it to my Sister (RN who has gotten treatment herself and My brother- in law(Doctor) about my results and that all seemed normal. They advised that just because the total was normal range didnt mean anything and that I should consult a specialist. In my search I found many clinics that seemed to only care about getting me on a cookie cutter approach and not a concern about health, until I stumbled onto this site and discovered Defy. I contacted them and went through my labs. I just got the results back today and was contacted. I had lab work done for my work health program 2 days prior to Defy labs. So here is where it gets interesting. My cholesterol seemed oddly high again from six months ago (after cleaning up my diet) then I get My Defy back and it was back to what it was in spring but my Testosterone apparently went up to like 683 total.

In speaking with my consultant he was very nice and remembered my comments about it being low 500 and mentioned that with my new levels i may not be a TRT candidate but could potentially speak to a doctor about other options. At first I replied no if my levels went up and are normal (which didnt make sense since i still have no libido or energy) that i would probably just talk to my family and see what my other options are. He was very nice and said that would be fine and that i could contact them if i changed my mind. I immediately contacted my Brother-in-law and he advised again that i should move forward with the consult that they could potentially help me maybe utilize my current testosterone better. I Called back and was reassured that there may be other options and that i would have to speak to the doctor which i am fine with. Even if they aren't able to help me I will have some closure from an expert. I felt more confused after my results than I did prior to doing the labs. Since I am not in a hurry i chose to consult with Dr Saya since he has such great reviews and probably has some knowledge to help. At this point i just want to feel better and find a solution. TRT or not I would just like some understanding to what is going on. It seems beside my cholesterol still needing a little improvement everything else seemed in line. Sorry for the long post but curious if this jump in testosterone is rare and if the natural vitamins i have been using could of done that or maybe my diet change lowered it initially in spring. REgardless the symptoms are still there.

My results:

Total Test: 683ng/dL 264 - 916
Free test: 13.1 pg/mL 6.8 - 21.5
DHEA-Sulfate: 166.8 ug/dL 102.6 - 416.3
TSH: 1.600 uIU/mL 0.450 - 4.500 01
LH 6.6 mIU/mL 1.7 - 8.6 01
Prostate Specific Ag, Serum 1.0 ng/mL 0.0 - 4.0
Estradiol, Sensitive 21.2 pg/mL 8.0 - 35.0
Sex Horm Binding Glob, Serum 62.3 High nmol/L 16.5 - 55.9

Again.. sorry for the major long post but I felt like i needed to explain my situation from the beginning and see what some of your thoughts are.

Thankful for such a great forum and everyone who shares.

Hi Derrick, welcome to the forum. I am no expert but I see several things you could bring up with Dr Saya or one of your family members with a prescription pad even though you are not primary or secondary hypogonadal.
Your DHEA need supplementing 300 is good number to shoot for.
Your shbg sucks and IMO is why you aren't feel well even with an excellent Total T. It is binding up all your T so your free T is low.
Free T is what you feel it is where the energy/recovery comes from.

I wonder if a low dose HCG would stimulate your testis uping your TT a little hoping to up your free T some? I have no clue if this is doable just thinking out loud.

As for your libido I don't know. I've been on TRT for 11 months and my libido is still at 0.

Hi Derrick, welcome to the forum. I am no expert but I see several things you should bring up with Dr Saya even though you are not primary or secondary hypogonadal.
Your DHEA need supplementing 300 is good number to shoot for.
Your shbg sucks and IMO is why you aren't feel well even with an excellent Total T. It is binding up all your T so your free T is low. Free T is what you feel it is were the energy comes from.

Feeling Lost, Thanks for the quick reply.. Your name is how I have been feeling lately. I will talk to him about that. I was about to just strike it all up as Maybe this is how i am suppose to feel at 44 and I just have higher expectations. I am glad I chose to go ahead and schedule time to speak with Dr Saya. I hope he can help me get my mojo back. I don't care if its by suggesting more vitamins as long as it works. Thanks again for the info. That helps me feel like at least I am not crazy and wasting my time. I will bring those things up if Dr Saya doesn't do it himself. My sister and her husband both mentioned seeing about getting a better utilization of my own T but they both say they are not specialists and would prefer me talk to Defy or another DR for more info. You kind of confirmed what them and the consultants mentioned. That helps a lot.
Well we both joined this forum for the same reason and I did choose my screen name based on how I felt when I joined.

I am a Defy patient as well, my consults have been with Dr Calkins. During my first consult we spent more time talking about diet, life style, libido, ED, exersize as well as my bad lipids. Every blood test was discussed and then we covered a TRT protocol. I was already on TRT from my PCP.
We discussed supplements and I was give several suggestions to take. When I hung up for the first time in my 9 month TRT journey I finely felt like I was getting somewhere. Whether they put you on a TRT program or not I believe they can help you get your bad blood numbers better and another plus you won't having to jab your leg every other day with a needle.
Well we both joined this forum for the same reason and I did choose my screen name based on how I felt when I joined.

I am a Defy patient as well, my consults have been with Dr Calkins. During my first consult we spent more time talking about diet, life style, libido, ED, exersize as well as my bad lipids. Every blood test was discussed and then we covered a TRT protocol. I was already on TRT from my PCP.
We discussed supplements and I was give several suggestions to take. When I hung up for the first time in my 9 month TRT journey I finely felt like I was getting somewhere. Whether they put you on a TRT program or not I believe they can help you get your bad blood numbers better and another plus you won't having to jab your leg every other day with a needle.

Thanks Again. Great to hear about another positive feedback from Defy. I literally searched from something bad about them and just couldn't find anything other than a few randoms just saying that TRT isnt natural but nothing specific about DEFY.

As for injections that doesnt bother me. I'm a doctors kid...lol My biggest fear is just wasting more time and money trying to figure out whats wrong. I feel much better that there is still hope for me. I really didnt understand much about the Free Test and Binding. All that info really helps. My over all health and lifestyle Is pretty good for the most part and now that i am trying to train a lot more I hope things improve Cholesterol. The last few years have been pretty tough. I am not depressed just literally lost interest in a lot of things. I stay pretty even kill on my perspective of life and pretty positive overall but my drive both goals and sexually have all but vanished. Oh, I didnt add and not sure how much this matters but I was starting to experience a little gyno and after I switched to a vegan lifestyle it disappeared. Weird things. So many things point to my hormones but my numbers seem really good overall. I think i read somewhere about people metabolizing testosterone faster. Is that possible for regular people or is that only for TRT people?

Thanks in advance for anyone who can provide some clarity on that last part.
Man boobs (gyno) is actually petty hard to get. Google hyperprolactinemia and add prolactin to to your blood test list.
You have to have a very high prolactin for a long period of time to actually develop mammary glands behind your nipples.
An before that your nipples will get hard as rocks and be so sensitive a cotton teeshirt will hurt.

What to know how I know?



Fat around the nipples can just be too many Big Macs and Pizza Huts.

Well I hogged your thread long enough. I hope you will report back what you discover after your consultation we all learn when we share.
I believe I can help you with your cholesterol issue. When Dr Campbell wrote the book The China Experiment, it was published as an observation. Since then, the plant based diet community has used it as reference material to support hypothesis. Unlike the Scientific method, where hypothesis are tested and than peer reviewed, The China Experiment is used as vetted material. It is not and no properly vetted paper or ethical scientist will us it as anything other than a primer. If your turn to a plant based diet is for religious or other personal reasons, have at it. If it is for health reasons remember what the father of plant based diets (Dr Campbell) says on his web site. “ at present there is no evidence supporting the statement that a plant based diet has increased health benefits over a diet containing meat”.
It would be worth investigating if your cholesterol levels are shared with that of you parents and siblings.
You definitely don't need TRT. I wouldn't add dhea, it's going raise your estrogen and lower your testosterone, especially if your not on TRT. I wonder what supplements you take if any?

At one point I was pretty much a vegetarian, my doctor told to go low-carb to get my lipid panel under control. I thought he was full of BS, boy was I wrong.
HI all,

I have been following this site quietly for a few months. I am grateful for all the time and dedication that you all put into sharing knowledge. So Here is my story.

First off, I am from a Family full of Doctors and Nurses but I am not a Doctor, nor do I play one on Tv. :)

Age: 44
Single Male (this part will make sense in a few)
Health: Managing Cholesterol with Diet and Exercise otherwise pretty healthy and my family is as well
Fitness: I have been pretty muscular and not. I go through spells but I have started working more on Cardio and fitness through Martial Arts (Boxing, Muay Thai, and BJJ). I plan on adding weights back in but I am just really trying to ease my way back into a groove.

Diet: Earlier this year I became Vegetarian and am almost 100% vegan and eat fairly clean.

Being a single Male I have always had a lot of sex drive and interest in woman but have noticed the last few years that not only has it tapered off but it has become almost none existent. With me being single and hoping to someday find my match, this has been concerning. I have avoided TRT or even the thought because I was hoping i could fix it with Natural supplement and diet and exercise. I have had some success but not much. I notice that even when I am working out hard I struggle to lose the belly fat and I really have lost a lot of energy. This sparked my desire to research more about TRT. After mentioning it to my very conservative family, I was surprised when they all said I probably should look into having my testosterone tested. I asked my Doctor and he kind of shrugged it off but ordered the test. When I got the results back the office called and just raved about my improved Cholesterol but didnt even discuss the other results. I looked myself and saw I was about 510 which fell into the range and just assumed again i was normal. I then Mentioned it to my Sister (RN who has gotten treatment herself and My brother- in law(Doctor) about my results and that all seemed normal. They advised that just because the total was normal range didnt mean anything and that I should consult a specialist. In my search I found many clinics that seemed to only care about getting me on a cookie cutter approach and not a concern about health, until I stumbled onto this site and discovered Defy. I contacted them and went through my labs. I just got the results back today and was contacted. I had lab work done for my work health program 2 days prior to Defy labs. So here is where it gets interesting. My cholesterol seemed oddly high again from six months ago (after cleaning up my diet) then I get My Defy back and it was back to what it was in spring but my Testosterone apparently went up to like 683 total.

In speaking with my consultant he was very nice and remembered my comments about it being low 500 and mentioned that with my new levels i may not be a TRT candidate but could potentially speak to a doctor about other options. At first I replied no if my levels went up and are normal (which didnt make sense since i still have no libido or energy) that i would probably just talk to my family and see what my other options are. He was very nice and said that would be fine and that i could contact them if i changed my mind. I immediately contacted my Brother-in-law and he advised again that i should move forward with the consult that they could potentially help me maybe utilize my current testosterone better. I Called back and was reassured that there may be other options and that i would have to speak to the doctor which i am fine with. Even if they aren't able to help me I will have some closure from an expert. I felt more confused after my results than I did prior to doing the labs. Since I am not in a hurry i chose to consult with Dr Saya since he has such great reviews and probably has some knowledge to help. At this point i just want to feel better and find a solution. TRT or not I would just like some understanding to what is going on. It seems beside my cholesterol still needing a little improvement everything else seemed in line. Sorry for the long post but curious if this jump in testosterone is rare and if the natural vitamins i have been using could of done that or maybe my diet change lowered it initially in spring. REgardless the symptoms are still there.

My results:

Total Test: 683ng/dL 264 - 916
Free test: 13.1 pg/mL 6.8 - 21.5
DHEA-Sulfate: 166.8 ug/dL 102.6 - 416.3
TSH: 1.600 uIU/mL 0.450 - 4.500 01
LH 6.6 mIU/mL 1.7 - 8.6 01
Prostate Specific Ag, Serum 1.0 ng/mL 0.0 - 4.0
Estradiol, Sensitive 21.2 pg/mL 8.0 - 35.0
Sex Horm Binding Glob, Serum 62.3 High nmol/L 16.5 - 55.9

Again.. sorry for the major long post but I felt like i needed to explain my situation from the beginning and see what some of your thoughts are.

Thankful for such a great forum and everyone who shares.


Your free t 13.1 pg/ml (range 6.8-21.5) is not low it is basically mid/normal as 14.15 would be the mean for that range.

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