Disclaimer: I am the TRT Analyzer app developer. The app is free to download and use.
cpetersmarck, I will answer your questions and then talk about a personal example (mine) - which is why I created the app and how it has already helped to improve my life on TRT.
1. The idea is that you add the medications that you are on now. Let's say you inject 50mg of testosterone every 3.5 days. You would enter that into the app along with start and stop dates. The start dates defaults to today and the stop date defaults to 90 days from now. If your dosage changes – maybe your doctor increases it to 60mg every 3.5 days – then add a new medication with the new dosage and new dates. Change the stop date on the previous dosage to the day before you started the new dosage. The graphs are going to use this information to plot your ratings according to the dosage that you were on at the time so that you can compare.
Here is what my medications currently look like. Basically if your dosage or frequency change then add a new record and the list grows over time.
View attachment 2455
It is important to be as consistent as possible for the injections. Some people are more sensitive than others. When I started out I would just inject "the day of". This stuff takes hours and days to go through your body and even being a few hours off can interfere with how you feel. My SHBG is on the lower side and I'm more sensitive. I add reminders in my phone for everything and that helps. I set the alert to go off 15 minutes prior to when I actually plan to do the injection so that gives me a few minutes to wrap up what I'm doing and get to it.
2. When answering the assessments, I look at mood, energy, etc. over the course of entire day instead of at that moment. Everyone's personal scale has a different meaning to them, so enter what works for you. I think that from a doctor's perspective that they are more interested in the trend as opposed to a specific moment. In other words, are you consistently irritable or tired instead of getting the assessment reminder in the middle of an argument.
3. It's better to do the reminders in the evening when most of the day is over. There are some peculiarities with notifications on iOS, but those should be resolved soon. The reminders currently fire at 6PM, but that is going to be pushed back to 8PM in an update to give more time to evaluate your day.
I'll respond to your last paragraph in a separate post with some graphs. It's better to ask for advice in
Testosterone Basics & Questions but since I had a similar situation, I can explain how I used the app to make things better.