New test results...
24mg TC daily
430iu HCG E3D
.125 Arimidex E3D
3 grains of NDT (thyroid) daily split up over day
My lipids look like shit. HDL has gone down a little and Trigs have skyrocketed. Also my liver tests are now out of range for the first time. Not completely surprised, my diet has been shit the last few months. Also looks like I am taking way too much thyroid. Looks like I need to make some changes!
24mg TC daily
430iu HCG E3D
.125 Arimidex E3D
3 grains of NDT (thyroid) daily split up over day
My lipids look like shit. HDL has gone down a little and Trigs have skyrocketed. Also my liver tests are now out of range for the first time. Not completely surprised, my diet has been shit the last few months. Also looks like I am taking way too much thyroid. Looks like I need to make some changes!

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