New Study for Alzheimer's

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Finally a study to stop the progression of Alzheimer's. This is one of the most horrific and debilitiating diseases. It robs you of everything. Everything you worked for your entire life, your personality, your memories, your cognition, and it's deeply devastating to the families left to watch their loved one endure this progression. Please forward this to anyone you know that has a family history of Alzheimers.

Alzheimer's disease is currently ranked as the 6th leading cause of death in the United States, but recent estimates indicate that the disorder may rank 3rd, just behind heart disease and cancer, as a cause of death for older people.

Over 5 million Americans are living with disease.

Alzheimer's Disease Could Be A Third Form Of Diabetes

Date:September 27, 2007
Source:Northwestern University
Summary:Insulin may be as important for the mind as it is for the body. Recent research has raised the possibility that Alzheimer's memory loss could be due to a novel third form of diabetes. Scientists have discovered why brain insulin signaling would stop working in Alzheimer's disease. They have shown that a toxic protein found in the brains of individuals with Alzheimer's removes insulin receptors from nerve cells, rendering those neurons insulin-resistant.
MADISON (WKOW) -- A new UW study has confirmed a link between Alzheimer's disease and diabetes.
Researchers with the UW School of Medicine and Public Health found people in the early stages of diabetes are showing signs of brain dysfunction by using brain scans of people with a family history of Alzheimer's disease. The research involved 150 members in the Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimer's Prevention (WRAP) over a two year period.
Add one more test to run that only cost a few $$$$. And that is a Lyme test. Read about Kris Kristofferson here. DRs only look at what is in front of them and MOST do not think outside the box. There are many, many, many people that go years being misdiagnosed with Alzheimers, ALS, MS and soooo many other conditions when all they have is lyme....
This is so true. I knew a woman that was incorrectly diagnosed with MS and suffered for years before a new MD found she had Lyme Disease the entire time.
Toxic proteins in the brain, poor metabolism in the brain, brain cell mitochondria starved of nutrients have all been proposed as causes of Alzheimer.
A study released earlier this year strongly suggests that supplementation with a combination including ALC, ALA and aminos may prevent even reverse the disease.

Add... Lyme test... DRs only look at what is in front of them and MOST do not think outside the box. There are many, many, many people that go years being misdiagnosed with Alzheimers, ALS, MS and soooo many other conditions when all they have is lyme....

Thanks for your support last winter Orrin. As we discussed the conversation needs to change to"Tick borne disease" and the urgency of proper post bite care. Testing the tick by DNA amplification is conclusive while serum testing of the bite victim is not.

There are several serum tests. If the first one fails to show anti-bodies the lab discards the specimen, Lymes is ruled out and antibiotic refused. Early antibiotic treatment has a high cure rate. The longer treatment is delayed the more entrenched the pathogens get. Treatment then becomes extremely difficult and has a much lower success rate.

Here' my experience in a nutshell:

- Tick was on me at least 72 hours as determined by state of engorgement. Deeply dug in, could not pull out. Head remained, accidentally squeezed abdomen forcing contents in to my bloodstream

[ correct action: go to Urgent Care have removed SAVE the tick for testing!!! ]

- I reported the bite right away but was given bad advice. Not told to save tick. Not offered antibiotic although ticks in my area have high rate of infection.

- Never offered anything but the initial serum antibody test for one of several likely pathogens. This even though I was presenting with severe post-bite symptoms indicative of infection. Patients will NOT test positive for antibodies immediately post-bite. They take weeks to develop. Meanwhile the pt looses his best opportunity for a relatively easy fast cure as the organisms become entrenched.

- Symptoms continued. Returned to MD armed with print outs. MD remained in denial. Repeated initial serum test but refused to order any of the more conclusive tests. Went to several other MD's and got nowhere. Similar to the TRT experience persistence earns the pt nothing but friction with doctors in denial.

- I was forced to give up pursuing treatment for "Lyme Disease" My initial test came back negative. There was no tick for testing ( your best proof ) ergo "You do not have tick borne disease" even though testing was for antibodies only and only for those to one of three or more possible pathogens.

That's where I am today. On my own. Supplementation has helped quite a bit however I seem to have permanently lost a degree of vigor. The take away message is:

1. pursue known effective supplementation especially if you are older than 40 whether or not you have been diagnosed with Tick Borne Disease.

2. take precautions, become tick-aware. Remove clothing and shower soon after being outdoors. Ticks take time to attach. Properly remove, save in a vial, and send out for testing any that do attach.

3. Don't become complacent because your MD ruled out tick borne disease based upon a typically inconclusive serum antibody test.

4. Discuss with your MD, in advance, what steps he or she will take if you were report a future bite. It is likely that you'll need to search for a physician who understands the importance of thorough testing and of not delaying antibiotics if they are indicated by any of: 1) symptoms 2) serum testing 3) tick testing

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