I can't lose any weight before starting all this . I had hoped that adding TRT and HCG would help with my weight. I have been eating better for months but seems the better I eat the more I weigh.
I'm not afraid to stop the AI if I need to. I won't see the doctor till March 2017.
would my E@ levels have anything to do with soft testicles? They are smaller and mushy, Not firm like before?
I'm taking HCG 500 IU every Tuesday and Thursday. I upped it to 500IU Mon, Wed and Fri to see if that would help. I just made that change yesterday.
Weight gain is common when starting TRT, and it freaks people out sometimes, but it's mostly water, glycogen, and possibly muscle mass. One study gave normal guys with 550-650ng/dl levels 125mg per week. They gained 7.5 lbs of fat free mass in 16 weeks.
You may also recomposition, losing fat and gaining muscle, but staying the same or increasing in weight.
E2 is at 9, which is almost nothing on a standard test, and low E2 is found to increase abdominal fat in men, amongst other more serious problems.
Increasing hCG on your own is a bit reckless, I mean you just had major surgery on your testicular area, maybe it's from that.
Making a lot of changes at once, and seemingly randomly, is going to leave you in a worse place than you are now. I'd stick the course, lower the AI as you have almost no estrogen in your body, and see how things change.