[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I am 44 and by chance my cardiologist did blood work on me and had my testosterone levels checked and they came back low. He sent me to a urologist who did more blood work and it came back low also. He offered to start me on testosterone but I asked if maybe we could figure out why I am not making it on my own and he referred me to an endocrinologist.
The endo did more test and says that I am borderline low and he referred me to a sleep dr to see if my sleep is causing my low testosterone. That appointment isnt for two more weeks. I had a sleep study done six months ago and I sleep with a cpap machine. I gave him my sleep study but he still wants me to see this dr. I do not sleep a lot (5 hours a night average 6 every now and then) but the sleep I get is good sleep and I am no longer tired during the day since starting cpap.
Not so sure I am seeing the best dr what do you guys think? What do you think my next course of action should be? Should I keep on with this endo or find a new guy or go back to the urologist and let him start me on hrt? I have read a lot here the last few days and no dr has discussed most of the things that are here on the forum like HCG or HGH. I kind of feel lost with all the info here yet the dr's dont even mention any of these things. Seems like if this is your business you should be up to date on what it takes to best treat it.
The endo did more test and says that I am borderline low and he referred me to a sleep dr to see if my sleep is causing my low testosterone. That appointment isnt for two more weeks. I had a sleep study done six months ago and I sleep with a cpap machine. I gave him my sleep study but he still wants me to see this dr. I do not sleep a lot (5 hours a night average 6 every now and then) but the sleep I get is good sleep and I am no longer tired during the day since starting cpap.
Not so sure I am seeing the best dr what do you guys think? What do you think my next course of action should be? Should I keep on with this endo or find a new guy or go back to the urologist and let him start me on hrt? I have read a lot here the last few days and no dr has discussed most of the things that are here on the forum like HCG or HGH. I kind of feel lost with all the info here yet the dr's dont even mention any of these things. Seems like if this is your business you should be up to date on what it takes to best treat it.
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