JA69 - You need to read lots of posts/threads on here for about 10 days to fully understand what is going on.
Most topics are covered in detail over the course of 10days - so start reading every post and start learning. Do this before you start any regimen.
In the end you will discover why most individuals have switched from injections every 2 weeks, to every 1 week, and eventually to every 3.5 days.
Example 50mg Sat morning & Tuesday evening.
Also - the responses above jump to the conclusion you need a new doctor.
That is not necessarily true. If your doctor is willing to learn - you can help educate him.
Have you started injections yet?
Testosterone of 350 tells us a little, but what else is going on? What other blood work have you completed?
At age 25 you may want to try alternate routes (clomid). Do you have primary or secondary hypogonadism?
Watch this video to learn the difference.
Its not your doctor's fault that he recommended starting with 100mg every 2 weeks. And the dosage is not the biggest issue. The timing is. Testosterone cypionate peaks at 48-72 hours & has an 8 day half-life. So on Day 3 your levels will be 1400 and they will be 300 by day 14 when you take your next injection. This is why so many of the comments above are telling you to run away from your doctor. But I'd encourage you to educate him/her instead. The current clinical guidelines are terrible and following those protocols have been proven to cause wide fluctuations in Testosterone levels. Injection schedules of every 3.5 days reduces these wide fluctuations. Also consider using HCG incombination with TRT to prevent testicular atrophy. Get full blood work & post it here - we will then give you feedback on issues/concerns. Vitamin D (both thyroid & testosterone can be impacted by low Vitamin D) Thyroid bloodwork: TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3 & anti-TPO. Get all 5 to getfull picture of thyroid issues. Testosterone bloodwork: Estradiol Sensitive orUltrasensitive (regular estradiol is for women and will not give completepicture). Also get Total Testosterone, Free Testosterone, FSH, LH, SHBG, DHEA-S& CBC which will include hematocrit levels.
Get your full labs done - then post the result here. Don't rush this - do it correctly. Once you post your numbers the members here will explain what they mean. But don't start injecting until you get full blood work.