New here with new lab results


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Hello everyone,
I'm new here, long time reader and lurker. I've gained a ton of knowledge since discovering this site.
I'm a 54 yr old male with all of the usual complaints. Tired,weight gain,low libido, brain fog, loss of muscle etc.
I have all of the usual stressors in my life. Own a business, 5 children, divorced after 23 year marriage etc.
I had previously sought help at urology dept at the local university school of medicine, who at the time had a
"renowned" Dr. that specialized in low testosterone. This was in fall of 2015, blood work showed test levels at around 300 with free test at 26. He started the protocol of 200 ml? every 2 week injections.They did not allow self injections. I did this till spring of 2017. Divorce was finalizing and this "treatment" was costing a fortune and I also wasn't seeing any results.
Fast forward to now. I've found a local provider that seems knowledgeable. I've attached my recent blood work and would love to here everyones input and discuss protocol going forward.


A Dr. that specializes in low testosterone and 200mg every two weeks are conderdictions and do not go together, clinical studies proves 200mg every 2 weeks fails everyone. The reason why this cookie cutter protocol of 200mg every 2 weeks doesn't work is because everyone is bio chemically unique, everyone metabolize or secretes testosterone (into urine) at a different rates and SHBG is a big factor in what type of protocol is best for you.

A good protocol when considering your high SHBG would be 60mg twice weekly.
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Before I will consider anything I would get a complete new set of labs. The ones you posted are pretty old.
System, I understand what you are saying, hence ,why the "renowned" was highlighted :)
This was the main reason I discontinued with that Dr.
Vince, these labs are 2 weeks old!
Are these labs on the 200mg every 2 weeks? And if they are, when did you get the labs done? Was it the morning of your 2 week injection?
Okay I understand now. I would probably because of your high shpg, try injecting 100mg once weekly and I would probably consider injecting HCG 500 IU twice a week. Have labs 6 to 12 weeks, I like waiting at least 12 weeks. For whatever reason it takes me at least 12 weeks to really feel my new protocol.
Okay I understand now. I would probably because of your high shpg, try injecting 100mg once weekly and I would probably consider injecting HCG 500 IU twice a week. Have labs 6 to 12 weeks, I like waiting at least 12 weeks. For whatever reason it takes me at least 12 weeks to really feel my new protocol.
So, for high SHBG , inject more times or farther apart?? I'm leaning for every 3.5 days. Would that be to close together?
So, for high SHBG , inject more times or farther apart?? I'm leaning for every 3.5 days. Would that be to close together?
For high shbg, you normally try injecting only once per week. It's some cases that will lowers your shbg. If it doesn't help then I would inject every three and a half days. Men with low shbg inject more frequently.
For high shbg, you normally try injecting only once per week. It's some cases that will lowers your shbg. If it doesn't help then I would inject every three and a half days. Men with low shbg inject more frequently.

Is this true, or is it an old wives tale? Not saying you're wrong Vince, just wondering if this theory has been backed up my actual anecdotal stories of men going from ED, EOD, or E3.5D injections, to injecting once per week, and seeing a noticeable difference in their SHBG when going to once per week, compared to one of the other protocols. From what I've seen, it just seems like something we keep repeating, but has there been any actual proof to support it? Again, not saying you're wrong, just wondering if this is actually true, or just something we all heard, and keep passing on.
My shbg is on the higher side. The higher my testosterone levels the higher my shpg rises and estrogen. Even though I am told that men with higher shpg should inject once a week, I inject daily. I'll post my last labs from June plus my protocol. I just had Labs on Monday, will post them when available.

My protocol is 16 mg of testosterone cypionate daily, 500 iu of HCG twice a week, 25 mg of DHEA, 10mg of pregnenolone and no AI.

testosterone serum 1117 ng/dL range 264 - 916
Free T 30.3 pg/mL range 6.6 - 18.1
DHEA - Sulfate 347.3 range 48.9 - 344.2
Estradiol, Sensitive 29.5 range 8.0 - 35.0
SHBG 48.8 range 19.3 - 76.4
HCT 47.9 range 37.5 - 51.0
For high shbg, you normally try injecting only once per week. It's some cases that will lowers your shbg. If it doesn't help then I would inject every three and a half days. Men with low shbg inject more frequently.
Thank you Vince!
Anything else in those labs that you would be concerned with? Low prolactin? Thyroid function look ok?
Is this true, or is it an old wives tale? Not saying you're wrong Vince, just wondering if this theory has been backed up my actual anecdotal stories of men going from ED, EOD, or E3.5D injections, to injecting once per week, and seeing a noticeable difference in their SHBG when going to once per week, compared to one of the other protocols. From what I've seen, it just seems like something we keep repeating, but has there been any actual proof to support it? Again, not saying you're wrong, just wondering if this is actually true, or just something we all heard, and keep passing on.

There is truth to it as high androgen levels (supra-physiological) will have an impact on lowering SHBG but it usually requires high doses of testosterone as in usually 200 mg or higher injected once weekly which most are not doing on trt and many of the studies showing lowered effects on SHBG are using very high doses of testosterone injected once weekly.

If anything the c-17 alpha alkylated orals such as oxandrolone/stanozolol among others are known for lowering SHBG due to first pass effects on the liver.

Here is an older study:


125mg of test E every 7 days bumped my very high SHBG down a little, but it's still really high.

Saw a new doc this week and he's prescribed Azol to try and reduce it. Will be interesting to see how that goes.

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