New Blood Work - Can someone review it and tell my why im impotent -Updated with bloodwork

It looked at some of your old threads. Before you started trt, your levels were super low. Men who had lower levels of testosterone through most of their life have a harder time on TRT. One of the reason is you need a lower lever like @Cataceous. I would look at his protocol. You may want to personally message him

why do lower level men have harder time on high dose trt. because the body is not used to it?
why do lower level men have harder time on high dose trt. because the body is not used to it?
Sure seems that way. It looks like the older you start TRT the better you do. I started age 60 and I feel my best at high levels. If my total T gets down to 500. I feel terrible.

Some doctors believe if you get to your T levels, the same as they were at age 21. You feel your best.
Sure seems that way. It looks like the older you start TRT the better you do. I started age 60 and I feel my best at high levels. If my total T gets down to 500. I feel terrible.

Some doctors believe if you get to your T levels, the same as they were at age 21. You feel your best.
And who would know what their levels were?
Hi everyone - been awhile. To the OP, when I was trying to get back on track, It took 6 months + as others have said. I also found TRT was just one aspect. I had to eat healthy and work out with intensity, as much sleep as I could get (this was a important factor - watch for sleep apnea), and cut back on any stuff that would de-sensitize my mind or body to being turned on (allergy meds, porn, sleeping pills, weed, too much booze ...). TRT was not the sole solution but part of the mix - and it gave me energy and motivation to go to the gym and eat better. Everyone is different. I have also read that cardiovascular issues can be an issue. BTW, did they check your iron levels?
Damn cant believe I forgot to post the blood work, here it is.
Call your urologist or go see a sexual medicine doc if one isn't too far away from you. They will likely ask you to try Tri Mix. If they do it right, they will teach you in the office how to do the injections. I can personally tell you, they are not hard to take or do. But, if they teach you in the office how to, they will give you a low dose to see if you get an erection started. I say started, because they intentionally start with a low dose, so you don't get an hours long woodie in the office. They will then suggest if you get a partial or response at say 10 or 15 units, or so, to increase the dose at home, gradually, until you get an erection that lasts 30-45 minutes give or take a little. If you try a small dose in the office, and get nothing, you may need to try a little more, but you might just get surprised too. Libido is still extremely important. It is more important with Viagra, and it still helps significantly with Tri Mix. You can also consider "bocox" or botox for the penis. it is a game changer for me. Increasing testosterone will help drive libido. But there is a limit to how much anyone can and should do. You have many options to explore. Look at it as a learning and fun experience figuring it out, because it really can be.
One reason why TRT may not work effectively.

A free testosterone level can be adequate, and you still might not get the effect at the cellular level.

That’s because your bi-lipid membrane is inflamed, independent of CAG repeat numbers. T cream, or oral testosterone can best drive past this problem (not for everyone though), because you can drive free testosterone up really high, rapidly.
One reason why TRT may not work effectively.

A free testosterone level can be adequate, and you still might not get the effect at the cellular level.

That’s because your bi-lipid membrane is inflamed, independent of CAG repeat numbers. T cream, or oral testosterone can best drive past this problem (not for everyone though), because you can drive free testosterone up really high, rapidly.
This is interesting, though it does not explain why for some going to a lower dose solves problems, for some supraphysiological levels seem to work really well. I've pretty much always felt good right after injecting, when levels go beyond range, always thought the decline in benefits is due to e2 following behind. Some seem to solve most problems with AI which also does not back up this membrane thing.
Question about Trimix
I’m new to Trimix first time .2 ml only minor reaction 2nd .3 ml very good reaction, 3rd .3 ml very good, 4th .3ml NO reaction, 5th .35 ml not enough reaction to do anything with. Is this normal, going from a strong 2 hr reaction to “dead in the water”?
PT 141 gets me sick, i rather not have sex if i have to stick a needle in my dick
I have ED severe enough, post prostate cancer, that I use Cialis daily 10 mg, have tried P shots, (helped in some ways improved sensitivity and added blood flow for larger girth) and am now getting Bocox (botox injections) every 3-4 months (a game changer). In addition, I use Tri Mix as well. If you think you have it bad.....I am going to tell you, strap on your big boy pants and be a man. First, the Tri Mix needle is a pinch at worst. Not bad at all. IF it works for you, it will produce a good erection. IF it works for you, it could produce an erection that will have your girlfriends going, "again???". And I have not even touched PT 141, (the nausea usually clears after the first dose or two) (get the real stuff not a non prescription cheap knock off) which is a sub q injection into your belly every couple of days, that in many, produces erections total on their own, sometimes off and on for days! If you can't do don't really want sex that badly. Sorry to be blunt, but you have not even begun to try.
Question about Trimix
I’m new to Trimix first time .2 ml only minor reaction 2nd .3 ml very good reaction, 3rd .3 ml very good, 4th .3ml NO reaction, 5th .35 ml not enough reaction to do anything with. Is this normal, going from a strong 2 hr reaction to “dead in the water”?
I have been injecting for a few years, and injection technique is critical. I know for me, early on, I was nervous, trying to be sure I was injecting at 3pm or 9 pm as if you were looking at a clock face around the base of your penis. It's easy to have the needle angled a little too much as well. I had to learn to slow down, relax, and take my time injecting. The other thing I have learned is that being very nervous, really hurts the quality of erection, and effect of Tri Mix. (our fight or flight nervous reactions are a pain!) There are different ways to get over being nervous if that might be your problem. A beer or two, which in theory, doesn't affect Tri Mix, might help. If you are married and or have a regular significant other you know well, start with all your usual play, and let things go so you are very relaxed and not nervous, then give them a toy, and say let this keep you busy for a minute, and go inject.
I have ED severe enough, post prostate cancer, that I use Cialis daily 10 mg, have tried P shots, (helped in some ways improved sensitivity and added blood flow for larger girth) and am now getting Bocox (botox injections) every 3-4 months (a game changer). In addition, I use Tri Mix as well. If you think you have it bad.....I am going to tell you, strap on your big boy pants and be a man. First, the Tri Mix needle is a pinch at worst. Not bad at all. IF it works for you, it will produce a good erection. IF it works for you, it could produce an erection that will have your girlfriends going, "again???". And I have not even touched PT 141, (the nausea usually clears after the first dose or two) (get the real stuff not a non prescription cheap knock off) which is a sub q injection into your belly every couple of days, that in many, produces erections total on their own, sometimes off and on for days! If you can't do don't really want sex that badly. Sorry to be blunt, but you have not even begun to try.
I had prostate cancer and the DaVinci surgery in 2015 viagra or Cialis has worked except for the heart burn. My doc prescribed Trimix and I got it from a pharmacy in my town. I thought I had it made after two successful runs of .3ml (the needle is nothin). Maybe I just haven't got my dose figured out Yet. Also, I’m 79
I had prostate cancer and the DaVinci surgery in 2015 viagra or Cialis has worked except for the heart burn. My doc prescribed Trimix and I got it from a pharmacy in my town. I thought I had it made after two successful runs of .3ml (the needle is nothin). Maybe I just haven't got my dose figured out Yet. Also, I’m 79
I would talk with your doc, but if you had two successful injections, it's likely something else, not the Tri Mix, or your body. If you don't have a good libido, talk with your doc about that, because good libido always helps. It could be injection was not quite where it needed to be, it could be if you were very nervous, as well. If it was longer than 12 hours after the previous dose, thats good, if not, it could be too soon for you. If you are otherwise fairly healthy, no severe heart disease for instance, it could be something very simple. If your blood pressure was very low, even that can cause a poor erection. I wouldn't give up, be very careful with your injection technique, try to be calm and relaxed, rub the injection site for a minute or so gently, and then use some lube and masterbate for a few minutes, and above all else, be happy. It does help. Nervous, fear, worrying emotions are not our friend.

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