Nelson's HCG + Test injection video question


New Member
I watched Nelson Vergel's video showing how to use test and hcg in the same syringe. I just started TRT 6 weeks ago, doing 50 mg of test e3.5d and last week started using 250 iu of HCG e3.5d as well. I have been using a 31g 5/16'' insulin needle and injecting the test with on needle and the hcg with another. First off, the plunger takes an insane amount of force to inject the test into my body. That is the hardest part of my injections. In his video, he does the injection in 2 seconds. It takes me around 45 seconds.

MY question is, when he draws the test, how much air does he then draw into the needle to prepare for the hcg drawing? And when he draws the hcg, it looks like he flips the hcg vial over and injects the air into the liquid, rather than into the empty space of the vial. This confused me. How does he inject only air and not some of the test by accident into the hcg vial? In the video, his hand is covering the hcg vial and I can't tell whats going on.

Can someone dumb it down for me so I can do this correctly? Also, would I be okay drawing 70 mg of test and 250 IU of hcg into the same vial or is that too much liquid for one insulin needle? Thanks!
Uniballer, all of the testosterone and HCG should fit in the syringe, first put air in each vial and Nelson's using a 27gauge 1/2 needle, not that it should make much difference. I don't know if that's much help?
Uniballer, all of the testosterone and HCG should fit in the syringe, first put air in each vial and Nelson's using a 27gauge 1/2 needle, not that it should make much difference. I don't know if that's much help?

I just dont get how he draws the test, then draws more air (how much?) and then injects that air into the upside down vial of HCG (shouldnt the vial be upright when you inject the air into the vial?) and then wouldnt there be a slight gap of air between the test and the hcg once everything is in the needle? I worry that when I inject the air into the hcg vial, I would also inject a little test into the hcg vial which would ruin the hcg vial.
Uniballer, if you feel uncomfortable doing it that way you can use two needles, HCG in one shoulder and testosterone in the other and then switch sides every three and a half days.
Uniballer, if you feel uncomfortable doing it that way you can use two needles, HCG in one shoulder and testosterone in the other and then switch sides every three and a half days.
I really hate injecting 2 shots e3.5d, this is why I want to do Nelson's protocol. Even though I am using a small needle, I still hate doing it. So one shot e3.5d would be much better.
Uniballer-I also use Nelson's technique with 27 gauge 1/2" and it only takes a few seconds to inject but I don't like to blast it in so I purposely slow it down to about 15-20 seconds, so maybe it's your needle. I could be wrong but I have accidentally injected a drop or two into my hcg and I don't think it got ruined.

When I load the syringe I pull the hcg in first for 2 reasons, the first is that when I did it the video order I was getting kind of a suspension of hcg trapped in the test that looked like bubbles, not air bubbles so it wasn't harmful I just didn't like it. My other thought is that if the test leaves the syringe last you wind up losing a drop that stays in the needle, if I lose a drop I would rather it be hcg than test if that makes sense.

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