Needle phobe, questions about giving HCG injections - I know, I sound like a big baby!

Hey guys, as the title says I'm a big wuss! My doc told me to use these small insulin 31g 8mm long needles and go straight into my thigh. I was doing that until one day I did it, it burned a little so I didn't inject and a bulge popped up about a 1/4" from where I put the needle into my skin. It looked like a vein went into a spasm or something, weird bulge which buged me out.

Now, ever since I've been having a difficult time. I have little fat on my thigh and can see little blue veins in my leg and am afraid of hitting them and causing a problem. My doctor seems to prefer I don't pinch the fat, almost like I'm doing them intra muscular. Nor does he want me using them in my belly fat, I started doing that and my levels fell.

Any recomendations? Do you guys hit veins, do you try to go around them?
Once the needle goes in, aspirate (pull back on the plunger a little bit) to see if you're in a vein. If there is significant blood in the syringe you may be in a vein. Withdraw the needle and try again.
Hold on a minute; you're talking about HCG injections correct?

If so, simply inject into a fat pad, there is NO reason to inject into muscle nor into your thigh as well.

Simply inject into your love handles and be done with pain no mess.

That simple.

PS, make sure the alcohol is dry on your skin before you inject and go to the video section on the site to learn more about injections.
Hold on a minute; you're talking about HCG injections correct?

If so, simply inject into a fat pad, there is NO reason to inject into muscle nor into your thigh as well.

Simply inject into your love handles and be done with pain no mess.

That simple.

PS, make sure the alcohol is dry on your skin before you inject and go to the video section on the site to learn more about injections.

Hey Gene, yes HCG injections. My labs changed (T levels dropped) and the only thing I changed is the way I was injecting and the brand. During my higher T levels, I was injecting straight into the thigh and was using Pregnyl. Then I changed to HCG from a compounded pharmacy and started injecting into fat pads like you suggested and my labs dropped.
So I don't know if it is because of the way I was injecting, thinking if I was getting my shots IM at first it was being better absorbed into my body or my body preferred Pregnyl. So I figured I start injecting right into the thigh again but want to make sure I don't cause any damage to myself.
Once the needle goes in, aspirate (pull back on the plunger a little bit) to see if you're in a vein. If there is significant blood in the syringe you may be in a vein. Withdraw the needle and try again.

If there was some blood, is it safe to pull out the needle an reinsert into my body elsewhere?
If there was some blood, is it safe to pull out the needle an reinsert into my body elsewhere?

Yes, just clean the site and you're good to go.

When you switched brands of hCG, are you sure that it was the same concentration of the medication? Seems odd that you'd have such a drastic change from subQ to IM.
You may want to read this study that shows no difference in efficacy with the two routes of administration:

Bioavailability of hCG after intramuscular or subcutaneous injection in obese and non‐obese women

The study above found that IM was more effective than sub cutaneous in women. Below other studies show that both modes of injection are equivalent.

Jones, T. H., J. F. Darne, et al. (1994). "Diurnal rhythm of testosterone induced by human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) therapy in isolated hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism: a comparison between subcutaneous and intramuscular hCG administration." Eur J Endocrinol 131(2): 173-8.
When human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) is used to stimulate testosterone synthesis and release in males with hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism, it is administered two or three times weekly by intramuscular injection. We have compared the pharmacokinetics of a twice weekly standard dose of hCG (5000 U) given for the first week by intramuscular injection and in the second week by self-administered subcutaneous injection. The patients studied had Kallmann's syndrome, isolated idiopathic hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism or post-traumatic isolated hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism. Salivary testosterone was collected twice daily at 08.00 h and 20.00 h, and serum testosterone was collected after 0, 24 h, 72 h, 120 h and 168 h each week. The cumulated serum and salivary testosterone levels were comparable on both intramuscular and subcutaneous hCG. In normal males there is diurnal variation in testosterone, with peak serum levels in the morning falling to a nadir in the evening. The exact nature and controlling factors of this circadian rhythm have not been established. In four of the subjects, the twice weekly hCG injections, either subcutaneous or intramuscular, produced a regular testosterone diurnal rhythm. The other four patients had fluctuations in testosterone but with no strict diurnal pattern. This study provides evidence that the luteinizing hormone-like action of hCG is necessary to prime the circadian rhythm but only a single bolus of hCG is sufficient to induce the rhythm in the absence of endogenous gonadotrophin production. In conclusion, self-administered subcutaneous hCG is safe and produces comparable levels of serum and salivary testosterone to that administered by the intramuscular route. Moreover, it was very well accepted by the patients and was preferred to conventional treatments. Human hCG in some patients with hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism produces normal physiological changes in daily testosterone levels.

Saal, W., H. J. Glowania, et al. (1991). "Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics after subcutaneous and intramuscular injection of human chorionic gonadotropin." Fertil Steril 56(2): 225-9.
OBJECTIVE: The pharmacokinetics and efficiency of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) after subcutaneous (SC) injection was to clarify in comparison with the intramuscular (IM) mode of administration. DESIGN: In a prospective study, the pharmacokinetics of hCG and the response of serum testosterone (T), luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) after an IM and SC injection of 5,000 IU hCG were evaluated up to 144 hours in two randomized groups. SETTING: The study was carried out in a clinical dermatology department providing tertiary care. PARTICIPANTS: Twenty-four healthy male volunteers with a mean age of 22.7 +/- 4.3 years were divided into two groups. INTERVENTIONS: Human chorionic gonadotropin (5,000 IU) was injected IM or SC. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Serum concentration of /b-hCG, T, LH, and FSH were evaluated after IM and SC administration of hCG. Differences between the two groups were determined by t-test. RESULTS: Compared with IM administration of hCG, peak serum drug concentration was significantly delayed (P = 0.01) and serum half-life was prolonged (P = 0.01) after SC injection; however, T, LH, and FSH responses were identical. CONCLUSIONS: Subcutaneous application of 5,000 IU hCG is as effective as IM administration in terms of steroidogenesis.

In my own personal bias, I think IM is better. That is why I use a shallow IM injection:
Video: How to Use HCG with Testosterone To Preserve Fertility, Libido and Testicle Size
Good to know! When I stuck myself and had a bulge pop up (mentioned in the beginning of this thread) I wasn't sure if I could reuse the needle that was still loaded with HCG and hrew it away.

The first brand (Pregnyl) was 10,000 IU's that I mixed with 5ml water, the second brand (compounded pharmacy) was 11,000 IU's mixed with 5.5ml water. So they should have been the same. Until now, I never considered I could have had a bad batch of HCG which in reality makes me feel better. Someone told me that most likely my testes have maxed out and that's the reason, I really don't want to believe that one. I'm going to try the Pregnyl again and inject directly into my thigh for 3 weeks.
I actually have read this one before Nelson, the only reason I have doubted it is because I've talked to people online that swear they notice a difference when they go IM Vs SubQ, could all be a placebo though. I'll try again IM then I think I'll try again SubQ sticking to Pregnyl both times to really find out!

I saw how you shot yours right into your shoulder with the mix of T and HCG, is that how you always do it? That looks like 100% IM as your shoulders seem lean!
Yes, just clean the site and you're good to go.

When you switched brands of hCG, are you sure that it was the same concentration of the medication? Seems odd that you'd have such a drastic change from subQ to IM.


If you are injecting either IM or SQ it's getting into your bloodstream one way or another...or where else is it going?

You switched brands and that is where I'd look first.

Men, like myself, have been injecting HCG SQ for years with great results.

If you are injecting either IM or SQ it's getting into your bloodstream one way or another...or where else is it going?

You switched brands and that is where I'd look first.

Men, like myself, have been injecting HCG SQ for years with great results.

I plan on doing that, thanks again for your help!
so, you just started self injecting....sounds like, right? It gets easier. Your experience of the site reaction is nothing to worry about, we all have times where we have drawn blood, either nicked a blood vessel or something. I also use the 31mm it is a great syringe, I don't even feel it, do not even fold or pinch the skin, just poke and push.
Yea, I'm new to injecting, I've been doing it for less than two months now. Pretty much every time I do it a little drop of blood comes out but every so often no blood comes out. Not sure if it's becuase of technique or just that I'm hitting a blood vessel why some blood comes out. These 31mm are definitely great and painles!

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