
I met with my doctor (the 4th one I have seen) last Friday and blood test showed my T level went up some on clomid but not enough and no positive benefits were seen. He agreed to the injections. Starting me on 200 mg every 2 weeks. Told me a few days before time for my next shot I may feel a crash or it declining. He said if so let him know and we can switch to once a week 100 mg. I am doing them at home myself. I had to do it in the office last week before I left and had no problem. I am doing it in my thigh, so into the muscle of course.

My question is what gauge needle are you using to draw with and what gauge to inject with? Pharmacy gave me 3cc syringe, 1.5 inch needle, and 22 gauge. Doc used 23 when I did it myself.

Also where do you buy your supplies at?
I just started injections myself last week. The first shot I did was IM using an 18 gauge to draw the T and 25 gauge 1" to inject. The injection itself was not painful but 12 hours later my whole thigh felt bruised, like someone hit it with a baseball bat, this lasted for 24 hours so I am switching to SubQ injections using a 29 gauge 1/2 inch needle injecting twice a week.
Depending on where you live you may or may not need a prescription to get needles. In my state no prescription is required so I can get them at any pharmacy or online.
Every two weeks is a recipe for feeling like crap as half life of Cyponate is 6 days. Also IM injections are old school, painful, difficult and possibly problematic

Sub-Q injections every few days is much preferred. If your doc wont consider it.....time to find doc #5. Also should be doing HCG and looking as some estridol control
HarryCat, I too had the same experience with the sore thigh. It lasted about a day to day and a half. Then just went away. Did you talk to your doctor about switching to subQ? Where will you inject the subQ at? And no, I do not need a prescription for the needles. Where online are you getting them?

SuperDutyDave, I am taking 200 mg every 2 weeks (but even the doc mentioned doing 100 mg every week). Is it 6 days no matter the dose?
HarryCat, I too had the same experience with the sore thigh. It lasted about a day to day and a half. Then just went away. Did you talk to your doctor about switching to subQ? Where will you inject the subQ at? And no, I do not need a prescription for the needles. Where online are you getting them?
I did talk to my doctor but he has no experience with subQ injections. You can find out more about it here: and here:

I injected into the belly fat about 2 inches from my navel. I had no reaction at all, essentially pain free.

I bought my needles from but there plenty of other medical supply places on the web.

more often you inject the less you can use and that equates to more stabile levels and less conversion to E. When you dump in big amounts your body can't use it all so some gets converted to E which is self defeating.

I inject EOD and levels are great......also you may be able to use less and get same results as the greater frequency usually is more efficient.

You inject in belly fat very easy....I use a 27g 1/2" needle.....fills easier and injects easier with the oil vs. a 30 or 31 which you can use for HCG.

If doc isn't familiar with this stuff that is a red flag to me that he is not up to speed and you need a more knowledgeable doc.
Yes I inject with both T-Cyp and HCG every other day.....fairly low dose ( I have low SBHG so I burn thru it quick) and it keep me right at top of range I also take arimedex EOD to ensure estradiol doesn't go to high All injections done sub-q
Yes I inject with both T-Cyp and HCG every other day.....fairly low dose ( I have low SBHG so I burn thru it quick) and it keep me right at top of range I also take arimedex EOD to ensure estradiol doesn't go to high All injections done sub-q

My SBHG also stays in the lower part of the range. What is your SBHG level? What dose are you injecting EOD?
My SBHG is 20 I inject about T-cyp 40mg EOD. 150ius's HCG. But it depends on you.....I am a hyper metabolizer on most drugs Also take a huge amount of supplements.

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