My ability to fall asleep was always below average but once asleep, I stay asleep. Started to add alot of structure to my day, Waking up at dawn, optionally low/moderate dose of coffee/tea and vaping marijuana to help training, train, and then eating 1 big meal (weed helps make the meal more pleasurable) for the day with my trt, 3500iu vitamin d3, and 120mg magnesium glycinate. I find negative effects of caffeine and weed go away after awhile when you get used to a low-moderate dose and get a good strain. The meal is usually non-processed most of the time and it’s my only meal most of the time, but I allow myself 1 additional small snack/meal a day only if hungry. Drink water as desired (40-100 ounces a day).
I didnt do it to improve my sleep, but it did. Once in awhile when my eczema gets bad, I find this routine improves my eczema so i follow it at times in my life. Sort of like intermittent fasting and an intermittent routine. Analyzing the routine, it’s probably very close to how our ancestors were and how we were designed. Wake up at dawn for more daylight to maximize chance of hunting success, hunt for the exercise, eat the meal, and naturally minimize artificial light at night that suppresses melatonin since you’ll be in bed earlier instead of later.
However, it is a bad schedule to be social in urban areas. Main reason I dont do this forever as a lifestyle instead of intermittently as needed. Most people wake up later and often socialize during dinner/lunch. If I ever decide to do this forever instead of intermittently, I’d compromise to make the routine more socialable by waking up alittle later, train, and then maybe eat my biggest meal around lunch/dinner instead of right after training.