need help with 5 day a week work out routine


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I'am 50 years old. I currently go to the gym M-F. I like going 5 days a week so I can get in there and do the exercise bike for 30 min each day. So each day I do the bike for 30 min and then do core/stomach exercises each day as well. I do upper body weightlifting on M,W,F and lower body work out on T, Thurs. Should I be designating days to different body parts? like do chest on Mon, arms on weds and back on Fri? And then continue doing legs on T, Thurs? I obviously don't really know what I'am doing, thats why I'am asking for help/suggestions.

Thank you!
Abs three times a week should be good. I group my workouts in 3 day mini cycles. day 1- Chest/triceps, day 2- legs/ shoulder/traps, day 3- back /biceps/forearms. That is my go to routine, although I've never really done the same thing for more than 6 weeks at a time. I am always changing up the routine. Choosing different machines or exercises. Even sometimes changing up the muscle group combinations but at minimum working in 6 week cycles. Check out and search the routines they have there is always something for everyone's goals. I've learned a lot form that site.
I try to keep my gym time short, I'm presently working out 40 minutes a day. Besides biking or walking. It makes it easier for me to concentrate and do good reps'
[FONT=&quot]You don't have to switch, just change things up. Bench to dumbbells, to cables etc and always increase weight.[/FONT]
I'am 50 years old. I currently go to the gym M-F. I like going 5 days a week so I can get in there and do the exercise bike for 30 min each day. So each day I do the bike for 30 min and then do core/stomach exercises each day as well. I do upper body weightlifting on M,W,F and lower body work out on T, Thurs. Should I be designating days to different body parts? like do chest on Mon, arms on weds and back on Fri? And then continue doing legs on T, Thurs? I obviously don't really know what I'am doing, thats why I'am asking for help/suggestions.

Thank you!

The best thing you can do is keep going to the gym. Even if all your doing is cardio, pec machine and 5,000 variations of bicep curls. If you want to be focused and use your time wisely read a Dave Drapers articles and books. If you want to learn the proper way to barbell train with an Olympic bar and weight plates read everything Mark Rippetoe has on his Starting Strength website. I admire and followed them for years. Today I read and follow Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 routine. I prefer lifting weights 3 days a week. Upper body lower body split. I recover nicely with this at age 50. Compound barbell exercises with light body weight assistance exercises after my main movement for the day. Cardio done on a non weight lifting day.
I do a 5 day routine each week with an option extra arm day.

Sunday- Chest
Monday - Back
Tuesday - Arms
Wednesday - Legs
Thursday - Shoulders
Friday - REST
Saturday Arms (Only if I feel recovered)

I do no cardio except for pre-workout warm-up on the rower.
The most important part about a fitness plan is sticking to it, but after round 3 months you notice a plateau then it might be time to change things up.
I like the 3 day split and cardo on the 2 other days so 5 days of working out. I find i really dont need 5 days of weight training and rather put it towards aerobic to help keep me lean and my metabolism good.
Older body here, and I have real trouble with over training due to impaired muscular function and recovery. The only way I can work out regularly is with rest days at least every other day. So work out MWF, walk 2-3 miles every day.

Monday and Friday 1 1/2 mile walk, thera/stretchy bands and a few assisted sets of knee pushups, pullups, light dumbell work to warm up. Then full body exercises, I don't do isolation work. Pull ups with knee/leg lifts, several types of push ups, (It's been a while but when I can I add weight to these body weight calisthenics) and compound lifts with barbell and dumbbells like squat with curl, clean and jerk, snatch, though form somewhat adapted for smoother more continuous motions to reduce spine compression (recommended by my PT). I shoot for one set each with weight for around 10 reps then up weight for two more sets 5-7 reps to failure. So overall workout time is short sweet and comprehensive throughout the body

Wednesday, HIIT, warm up with 1.5 mile walk, then usually about 4-6 intervals sprinting up hill intensely and long enough to leave me unable to run further, heaving/gasping for air. Continue walking for 1-2 more miles.

Recreationally, I have been rock climbing for close to 40 years, and climb at a high level for my age. Physical enough that I require 1-2 days rest after climbing days. Rock climbing days substitute for workout days.

Minimum of 30 minutes of stretching every evening, primarily for back, hips, legs,
I am a mid-fiftysomething with injuries from being a bodybuilder in my twenties and early thirties (both rotator cuffs and a knee). I do entire body resistance training on M/W/F and HIIT on an elliptical machine or cylcing on Tuesday/Thursday. My M/W workout usually includes flat bench, inclined bench, cable crossover flys, lat pull downs, curls with a curl bar, tricep pushdowns, side laterals, bent-over laterals, and a kettlebell workout. My Monday kettlebell workout is usually double kettlebell cleans and presses along double kettlebell front squat supersets and halos. My Wednesday kettlebell workout is single kettlebell swings and snatches plus goblet squat supersets with a heavier kettle bell (alternating arms) along with halos on Wednesday. Friday is my odd day. I do the Pavel's Simple and Sinister workout with double kettlebell pushups, heavy double kettle shoulder presses, and windwills added. I can do this workout without going to the gym. What I like about kettlebells is that are really good for guys with shoulder injuries and swings, cleans, and snatches have really strengthened my core. I suffered a really bad injury to my left shoulder that resulted in a lot of instability. Kettlebell swings, snatches, and cleans did wonders for that shoulder.

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