Need Help Sourcing FSH

Hello all,

Long-time lurker here - first time poster. I'm going to try to keep this short and sweet: Empower and Hallandale have stopped compounding FSH due to the same regulations that stopped HCG. But, I'm desperate to continue my FSH injections to see if I can regain my fertility. Otherwise, my last option is going to be a HIPTA restart, which I do NOT/NOT want to do. But, will if I must. I'm a long-time Defy customer.

Little background/context: 39 YO male on TRT for almost 5 years. Secondary hypogonadism and started TRT at 35 YOA due to absolutely abysmal T numbers. Prior to starting TRT, had two children in my 20s without any issues. Due to my desire to maintain my fertility, also did HCG in tandem with the T, almost from the beginning (approx. 90 days after starting on T, I introduced the HCG and have been on it ever since). Have had my protocol dialed into optimal numbers for quite some time. I inject roughly 75mg of T twice a week, along with roughly 300iu of HCG twice per week, which keeps all of my numbers at the optimal end of the scale. The only number that runs a little high is my sensitive estradiol, which is routinely around 40-42. However, I've never suffered any apparent issues from this E number, haven't felt any symptoms, so I've just left it alone as far as an AI is concerned.

In late 2020, missus and I started trying to conceive. After 8 mos without any luck, sought out the assistance of a fertility doc. Had a semen analysis, and was stunned to learn my sperm count was at ZERO. I thought the HCG had been preserving my fertility, and was shocked that I was wrong. I've since learned that this does happen to a percentage of men on TRT. Did multiple consultations with Defy over the past couple of months. Increased HCG did nothing. Then added in some FSH in the Fall. I've finished 90 days of that, but from reading on these forums, I want to keep going with it for at least 6 most to see if I can get my swimmers going again - there's at least one gent on here I read about in a very similar circumstance, and he successfully conceived after 6 mos of FSH supplementation.

HOWEVER, thanks to our wonderful Federal bureaucracy, FSH is not being compounded anymore, apparently. Defy will write me a script - but, for manufacturer FSH (like Menopur or Golan-F) from a pharmacy, I'm looking at QUADRUPLE the price. It would be worth it if we end up conceiving in the end - but, it's a staggering amount on a gamble.

Can anyone recommend ANY possible other sources of quality, compounded FSH???

Thanks so much.

Name brand FSH is super expensive and not covered by insurance.

You may want to try TRT plus HCG (500 IU every other day) or Clomiphene.
Thanks for the reply, Nelson. I did the HCG 500IU every other day for about 4 mos - that was our first try. While it def elevated my T and E, after 4 mos, I got another zero sperm count test. That's when we decided to introduce the FSH.

I have another sperm analysis scheduled in about 10 days. I'm hoping the results of 90 days of FSH at least took me from the zero to the low count column. If it did, then I'll probably have no choice but to continue on with the insanely-priced FSH, as I would still greatly prefer it to the grueling HPTA restart process.

But, if I can find a source of quality, compounded FSH elsewhere, it would be al life saver. Even if overseas. Would none of the compounding pharmacies in the U.S. potentially have leftover, already produced FSH sitting in storage? I was thinking to call a couple tomorrow....
You used to be able to get hMG from ReliableRx, but they're not listing it at the moment. I see that has it, with the least expensive being Humog at $52 for 150 IU. They seem reliable, but international shipping can be a little slow.

Though grueling in a different way, it's possible to restart your pituitary without stopping TRT/hCG. You just need gonadorelin and enclomiphene. Almost certainly it's much less expensive to make your own FSH this way than to pay for a name brand. However, this technique is more experimental, so no guarantee of success.
Thank you so much, Cataceous. I spent the whole night networking a bit and on the "inter-webs" and believe I've found a reliable source for some HMG. A little different than what I was looking for originally, but think it will do the job I'm trying to get done. That price sounds right - I found 75IU for $24 - am doing a small test purchase just to ensure quality. If all is good, then I'll stock up to make sure I've got enough to get mama to her desired state of pregnancy lol. Thank you!
Thank you so much, Cataceous. I spent the whole night networking a bit and on the "inter-webs" and believe I've found a reliable source for some HMG. A little different than what I was looking for originally, but think it will do the job I'm trying to get done. That price sounds right - I found 75IU for $24 - am doing a small test purchase just to ensure quality. If all is good, then I'll stock up to make sure I've got enough to get mama to her desired state of pregnancy lol. Thank you!

Do u mind sharing where ur ordering it from?
You used to be able to get hMG from ReliableRx, but they're not listing it at the moment. I see that has it, with the least expensive being Humog at $52 for 150 IU. They seem reliable, but international shipping can be a little slow.

Though grueling in a different way, it's possible to restart your pituitary without stopping TRT/hCG. You just need gonadorelin and enclomiphene. Almost certainly it's much less expensive to make your own FSH this way than to pay for a name brand. However, this technique is more experimental, so no guarantee of success.
Is steroidify legal? Never heard of this site
Is steroidify legal? ...
The organization or the purchase process? Regarding the process: First, for legality a valid prescription is needed. According to the FDA, "In most circumstances, it is illegal for individuals to import drugs into the United States for personal use." If you read further it appears that they're referring to drugs they haven't approved. Sites such as AllDayChemist and Steroidify offer a range of drugs, some of which may be approved in the U.S. This means the answer is, it depends.
Hello all,

Long-time lurker here - first time poster. I'm going to try to keep this short and sweet: Empower and Hallandale have stopped compounding FSH due to the same regulations that stopped HCG. But, I'm desperate to continue my FSH injections to see if I can regain my fertility. Otherwise, my last option is going to be a HIPTA restart, which I do NOT/NOT want to do. But, will if I must. I'm a long-time Defy customer.

Little background/context: 39 YO male on TRT for almost 5 years. Secondary hypogonadism and started TRT at 35 YOA due to absolutely abysmal T numbers. Prior to starting TRT, had two children in my 20s without any issues. Due to my desire to maintain my fertility, also did HCG in tandem with the T, almost from the beginning (approx. 90 days after starting on T, I introduced the HCG and have been on it ever since). Have had my protocol dialed into optimal numbers for quite some time. I inject roughly 75mg of T twice a week, along with roughly 300iu of HCG twice per week, which keeps all of my numbers at the optimal end of the scale. The only number that runs a little high is my sensitive estradiol, which is routinely around 40-42. However, I've never suffered any apparent issues from this E number, haven't felt any symptoms, so I've just left it alone as far as an AI is concerned.

In late 2020, missus and I started trying to conceive. After 8 mos without any luck, sought out the assistance of a fertility doc. Had a semen analysis, and was stunned to learn my sperm count was at ZERO. I thought the HCG had been preserving my fertility, and was shocked that I was wrong. I've since learned that this does happen to a percentage of men on TRT. Did multiple consultations with Defy over the past couple of months. Increased HCG did nothing. Then added in some FSH in the Fall. I've finished 90 days of that, but from reading on these forums, I want to keep going with it for at least 6 most to see if I can get my swimmers going again - there's at least one gent on here I read about in a very similar circumstance, and he successfully conceived after 6 mos of FSH supplementation.

HOWEVER, thanks to our wonderful Federal bureaucracy, FSH is not being compounded anymore, apparently. Defy will write me a script - but, for manufacturer FSH (like Menopur or Golan-F) from a pharmacy, I'm looking at QUADRUPLE the price. It would be worth it if we end up conceiving in the end - but, it's a staggering amount on a gamble.

Can anyone recommend ANY possible other sources of quality, compounded FSH???

Thanks so much.

What is your FSH/HMG dosage and frequency? Sent you a PM to share my personal source as well and wanted to get your experience on yours
Why send private messages when you can help others find this expensive product ? Please share in here.
SwissChem. The reason is because I just started using their product for 2 weeks but cannot back up results yet. I have previously been on Defy FSH for 1+ year, and then stopped for 1-2 months due to the FDA ban.

I am planning to get a semen analysis done in a few weeks to confirm.
Why send private messages when you can help others find this expensive product ? Please share in here.
Sorry Nelson - wasn't sure if I could share the source here. I ordered HMG via It's a reputable site (many, many reviews online) where guys get gear for steroid cycles. Not my interest, but they also sell "ancillaries" and PCT products, which include HCG and HMG. For those of us who have prescriptions for medications, but nowhere to fill them (at a decent price, at least), I would call it a quasi-legal alternative until whoever in the FDA comes to their senses.

I ordered the HMG from Cadila Pharmacies in India, which as best as I can tell, is a subsidiary of Bayer. Have only been taking their product for a week, so cannot report on results yet. Can say, however, that I have read about and talked to others who had good results with their product. I intend to continue taking their HMG product at 75iu 3x/week. My understanding is that HMG has 75iu of FSH and 75iu of HCG - so this should suffice the same level of FSH I was taking before.

On that note, I'm happy to announce that I got my SA results back. Just as a reminder, after two azoospermic SA results, I did a protocol of HCG and FSH for 90 days, without reducing my TRT dose. Just ended that protocol in mid-December. Did an SA last week, and got the results today:

Total Motility: 61% >38
Forward Progression: 78% >32
Concentration: 2.3m/ml >14.9m
Total Count: 5.5m >38.9m

So, went from zero sperm, to low sperm count; which in my opinion, is awesome! It means the medication is doing something. I mentioned and commented on another thread - I've read of a couple of instances where the HCG+HMG protocol may take up to 6-7 mos to be back into "normal" ranges. And, my doc pointed out that the motility and forward progression numbers are good, as at the least the sperm I'm producing appear to motile and healthy.

So, starting last week, I'm doing a protocol of HCG 500iu HCG 2x/week, HMG 75iu 3x/week, and my typical TRT does of 80mg T 2x/week. Will test again sometime in likely April, and continue trying my best to give mama what she's looking for in the meantime LOL.

I've been on Defy pharmaceutical FSH for 3 months...paused for 1 month due to the FDA ban...and have been on non-pharmaceutical HMG for 2 weeks. My dosage is HMG 75iu/3x a week in addition to TRT with HCG.

At which point should I get a semen analysis done to test the legitimacy of the products?

I've been on Defy pharmaceutical FSH for 3 months...paused for 1 month due to the FDA ban...and have been on non-pharmaceutical HMG for 2 weeks. My dosage is HMG 75iu/3x a week in addition to TRT with HCG.

At which point should I get a semen analysis done to test the legitimacy of the products?

It sounds like you and I were almost exactly the same. Was doing FSH with Defy for 90 days - essentially mid-Sept through mid-December - 75iu 3x/week. Didn't realize the FDA ban also effected FSH - I thought it was just HCG (b/c that's what Defy's patient email said).

Anyway, the SA results I posted above in this thread were my first SA after finishing that 90-day protocol (problems scheduling b/c of Xmas and stupid COVID). In short, the protocol worked to bring me back from two tests reading ZERO sperm last year, to now at least producing. And, as I wrote before, I've read a few things that make me think it takes 6 mos on this protocol to get back in the "normal" columns for sperm count, etc.

So, that's the long-way of saying I think you should go ahead and get an SA now, so that after 90 days of taking HMG, you take another test and have something to compare to/see the difference. There's also a blood lab that includes FSH - that's another route you could go. The HMG I have clearly states it has 75iu FSH and 75iu LH - so, what you're taking should completely replace what you were taking, as well as add a little on top of your HCG protocol.
Guys, my wife just surprised me at dinner tonight - she's pregnant!! Apparently, the FSH/HCG combo works!! I got two ZERO sperm count SA's last May and August after trying for almost a year to get pregnant. Did 90 days of HCG/FSH from Sept - Dec. Apparently, it works!!!

Holy sh*t congratulations! That’s awesome to hear! What were ur HCG and FSH doses again? And injection frequencies

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