Nebido for TRT


New Member
Doctor put me on nebido 4ml one injection for 12 weeks. Has anyone used this for trt
I noticed that after the 10th week I got bloods taking and my levels were below normal range.. mind you !!
I took the injections over 2 stages 2ml first as I didn’t want to take 4ml in one go I was thinking it would be very sore?
Maybe that’s why my levels dropped down so fast? I took it 5 weeks after the first injection
Nobody on Excelmale is on Nebido that I know of, the half life is just too long for men attempting to optimize hormones. It sounds like your body is metabolizing the testosterone quickly and you need to bring injections closer together.

Nedibo was never designed to get your levels above midrange, which I might add is suboptimal for a lot of men. The makers of Nedibo had a good concept of infrequent injections for convenience , but in the real world it doesn't work well for a lot of men, especially if your body eats through testosterone quickly.

The half life of T-cypionate is 7-8 days, the half life for Nebido is much longer. It takes 6 weeks to reach stable levels on T-cypionate and now you see it takes a long time to reach a stable state on Nebido.
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Thanks for replying, my doctor won’t give me cypionate see I think the problem is he dosent no to much about trt and I was so lucky he even gave me nebido...
Doctor put me on nebido 4ml one injection for 12 weeks. Has anyone used this for trt
I noticed that after the 10th week I got bloods taking and my levels were below normal range.. mind you !!
I took the injections over 2 stages 2ml first as I didn’t want to take 4ml in one go I was thinking it would be very sore?
Maybe that’s why my levels dropped down so fast? I took it 5 weeks after the first injection
Is Aveed (Nebido outside the US) Long Acting Testosterone Injection The Answer For Men's Low T?
My reply to other thread: Tried Nebido in Asia and it didn't work out well for me. Estrogen levels shot up and negated any benefit from the testosterone. After 14 days my testosterone dropped back down below 400. Currently on enanthate 1ml 250mg per week and it works out OK. I also tried Sustanon 250 and jacked up my estrogen. The simple stuff seems to work better for my situation.
Doctor put me on nebido 4ml one injection for 12 weeks. Has anyone used this for trt
I noticed that after the 10th week I got bloods taking and my levels were below normal range.. mind you !!
I took the injections over 2 stages 2ml first as I didn’t want to take 4ml in one go I was thinking it would be very sore?
Maybe that’s why my levels dropped down so fast? I took it 5 weeks after the first injection

Nebido works well for me, I prefer it.

The company says the first loading dose should be 6 weeks, not 10. So you waited too long. After the loading dose the schedule is between 10-14 weeks between injections.

You also violated their protocol by taking it in two stages, increasing the resorption surface by increasing the number of depots could alter the pharmacokinetic profile.

Sometimes it is sore, like getting punched in the butt, but if you inject very slowly that tends to make it much less sore.

For a couple of weeks after an injection, T and E2 levels will be high, like 1200 total T, but then decrease gradually, for me at the end of the 13 weeks total T is between 620-690 after having reached stable state.

Advantage is much lower incidence of elevated HCT, less injections to deal with, my E2 tends to not be high, less peaks to deal with. testosterone cypionate injections will cause more peaks which could cause a higher E2, or you could inject TC daily with less peaks.

Disadvantage, once you inject you can't lower your total T, it isn't easy to self inject deep into glut, Nebido isn't approved in the US, Aveed is, but they grossly overcharge for Aveed for less product,

One could supplement Nebido with a cream or injection of another ester IF that is available to you. Your base of 650 the last month of Nebido would be more like 800-900 or however high you wanted it.

From your post you don't really have a choice, so why not follow the correct protocol?
Thanks for replying, my doctor won’t give me cypionate see I think the problem is he dosent no to much about trt and I was so lucky he even gave me nebido...

My advice is find a doctor that in knowledgeable or at least request sustanon or enanthate both which have shorter eaters. It's very common to see doctors struggle with TRT knowledge, most are operating in the dark.
My reply to other thread: Tried Nebido in Asia and it didn't work out well for me. Estrogen levels shot up and negated any benefit from the testosterone. After 14 days my testosterone dropped back down below 400. Currently on enanthate 1ml 250mg per week and it works out OK. I also tried Sustanon 250 and jacked up my estrogen. The simple stuff seems to work better for my situation.
Hey yea see I live in Ireland and no doctor will even try to fix men here with testosterone if you say you have low testosterone .all they want to give you vigra pills thinking that’s the only problems.. low t causes...
so after finding this doctor he’s an Endo doc..
he said iv secondary hypogonasm... well I had to say that to him.. do you think I’ve secondary... As my LH and FDH was below range... they just don’t no F All about treating men for low T... it’s a joke
So put me on gels first @ €65 box 30 gels
I said no I don’t want to take them.. then said ok injections and will only give nebido...
Low LH and FSH is a pituitary failure, something is cause your pituitary to slow down it's production of LH and FSH.
Yea pituitary mri scan... and it came back good he said no tumors that’s all he was worried about,.. see I have been on test long time over the years for training but I give up on all that life with small test cycles young and dum... totally waste if I could turn bk time I wood have never touched it.. so I went on trt myself from my own source 100iu cyp 50/50 a week.. but my balls were gone.. so did pct done hcg at low dose with my trt didn’t really see any size... finished it then ran Clomid and novla for 4 weeks nuts came bk up not totally massive but a lot better. Left that for 2 weeks got bloods levels went Lh 2.1 (1.7- low range my testosterone came up to 10.9 (8.6- was low range so that came up bit... but after few more week it dropped again .. I’m thinking now as I having done test since last week and it was only 50iu cyp... will I try hcg again on it’s own ? See will my nuts come bk.. then run some clomid ... as I would love to see can I come off everything and would my body come bk up a bit it’s self...
The hypothalamus sends signals to the pituitary to release or inhibit pituitary hormone production, so the failure could be downstream of the pituitary gland.
Thanks so much lads for all this information
Is there anyway I can make this wright ?
Like try reset it? Would clomid low dose help.. I want to try something I’m on 37 and I don’t want to be left on the use of trt now at my age.. but if I have too I will.. insurance don’t cover it here and nebido is €135 a bottle
Like try reset it?

I’m on 37

Your approaching the age when decline in testosterone is seen, you are fighting an age related decline and clomid cannot fix an age related decline. It can increase testosterone once stopped if the cause of low T is addressed, so unless you and your doctor have a plan of action, I don't expect a different outcome.

Clomid is not the feel good drug, it has many side effects and doesn't do a good job of relieving symptoms even with perfect numbers. Successful clomid restarts are very rare, or at least I do not hear about them often.

Testosterone and the Heart
Testosterone (T) has a number of important effects on the cardiovascular system. In men, T levels begin to decrease after age 40, and this decrease has been associated with an increase in all-cause mortality and cardiovascular (CV) risk.
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Your approaching the age when decline in testosterone is seen, you are fighting an age related decline and clomid cannot fix an age related decline. It can increase testosterone once stopped if the cause of low T is addressed, so unless you and your doctor have a plan of action, I don't expect a different outcome.

Clomid is not the feel good drug, it has many side effects and doesn't do a good job of relieving symptoms even with perfect numbers. Successful clomid restarts are very rare, or at least I do not hear about them often.

Testosterone and the Heart

Clomid: It depends on what people mean by "restart". I used clomid, it worked to restart my HPTA, though I think it just speeded things up. And it did boost my total T to 478 while normally it's around 350. Not enough to make me feel good, not anything like TRT, but higher.

To me restart should mean your hpta axis is returned to what is normal for you. Like right now my LH would be around 3.1 and my total T would be about 350 if I weren't on TRT.

If I quit TRT, for a time my LH won't recover and my total T might go to 250.

A successful restart for me would be an LH of 3.1 and a total T of 350 and normal sperm production.

However, it seems some people think a restart should mean they total T will be much higher than it was before starting TRT, which isn't going to happen.

In addition, we know total T declines 1-2% a year with age, so if you are on TRT for 10 years and stop, I would expect a lower Total t would manifest after a successful restart.
Clomid: It depends on what people mean by "restart". I used clomid, it worked to restart my HPTA, though I think it just speeded things up. And it did boost my total T to 478 while normally it's around 350. Not enough to make me feel good, not anything like TRT, but higher.

To me restart should mean your hpta axis is returned to what is normal for you. Like right now my LH would be around 3.1 and my total T would be about 350 if I weren't on TRT.

If I quit TRT, for a time my LH won't recover and my total T might go to 250.

A successful restart for me would be an LH of 3.1 and a total T of 350 and normal sperm production.

However, it seems some people think a restart should mean they total T will be much higher than it was before starting TRT, which isn't going to happen.

In addition, we know total T declines 1-2% a year with age, so if you are on TRT for 10 years and stop, I would expect a lower Total t would manifest after a successful restart.
I would be happy if I got my LH to 3.1 as when I’m on trt my testicles go to nothing don’t hang down..
this makes me so self conscious I get anxiety over it. This is why I’m trying to see is there anything I can do so I don’t have to be on trt right now and will my levels come up that small bit more not even to normal range for my age just 400 even we’re I could get testicles size that bit back...
see the Endo doc I have dose not get into details with me... just said my mri scan of pituitry was normal no tumors and we will give you some testosterone... like didn’t say what is cause.. only no
It’s not primary as my first bloods was
LH 2.1 and fsh I think 3. Something both was low next bloods LH was 1.7
I would be happy if I got my LH to 3.1 as when I’m on trt my testicles go to nothing don’t hang down..
this makes me so self conscious I get anxiety over it. This is why I’m trying to see is there anything I can do so I don’t have to be on trt right now and will my levels come up that small bit more not even to normal range for my age just 400 even we’re I could get testicles size that bit back...
see the Endo doc I have dose not get into details with me... just said my mri scan of pituitry was normal no tumors and we will give you some testosterone... like didn’t say what is cause.. only no
It’s not primary as my first bloods was
LH 2.1 and fsh I think 3. Something both was low next bloods LH was 1.7

What are saggy testicles?

Most men notice that their scrotum, the sack of skin that holds the testicles, starts to sag as they get older. This process might start as early as your teenage years.

Saggy testicles are a natural part of aging, and don’t necessarily indicate that there’s anything wrong with your scrotum or your testicles. However, if your scrotum looks swollen or misshapen, it’s best to follow up with your doctor. These may be signs of an underlying condition requiring treatment.

Keep reading to learn more about why testicles sag and what you can do to slow down this natural process.

Saggy Testicles: Is It Normal? Plus Surgery, Exercises, Other Treatments

I actually have an official measurement of my testicle size done by a doctor. I could dig it out of the file but I have never seen anyone post their size. Does anyone know their "size'?

I do wonder why if some men are worried about their testicle size, why they don't have measurements on hand? 95% of all men know their penis size.

I can't emphasize with feeling self conscious over testicle size as not many people even see my testicles. How many men or women even have a frame of reference, meaning one should have seen at least 20-30 different samples to even know what is normal?

Most men don't have any idea what is the normal range of testicle size, so I think it's a very subjective subject. I realize psychologically you can have anxiety over anything, but that's a different sort of problem.

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