It's semantics. Some would say any exogenous T means you're not natural, which to me makes about as much sense as saying a diabetic taking insulin isn't natural, or taking thyroid medication isn't natural. Since this is a male health and TRT forum, I'll start by assuming we can all agree that stance is BS.
And then there's intent. If this were a court of law, that'd be a big deal. Is the individual taking testosterone, at any dose, for the sole purpose of bodybuilding? Did they acquire it illegally? That's probably considered "steroids", like if it were a 30 year old with a natural t of 650 and absolutely zero low t symptoms boosting himself to 1100, just hoping to build more mass.
Personally, when I think of steroids, I think of very high, supraphysiological testosterone levels (well above your values) brought on by doses around 500mg a week, way more than any natural, healthy male would ever produce. And that's typically a "starter" cycle, often only done once, so then people move on to stacks of deca/tren/dbol, etc. They take medicine to get bigger then they take more medicine to counter the side effects of the other medicines. To me, THAT'S steroids. (for the record, IDGAF, and have no disrespect for those doing so)
So, are your values higher than average these days for a 42 year old "natural" American male? Sure. To which I'd say: "so what?". Is it helping you? Do you feel good? Is this the right dose of doctor-prescribed TRT for you? If so, you're a natural IMHO.