Natesto (nasal testosterone spray)

Quick update. I had another TT lab and this time I was up to 520. Still not as good as t cyp (750-ish) but at least I am up to therapeutic levels with Natesto. Hot flashes have decreased (but not gone away). Maybe there’s hope yet? Only thing I didn’t have LH/FSH retested. I hoping to see if they would go up even a little bit because in the previous labs both were close to zero.

It looks like even if I wanted to try Testopel, it’s a no go with my insurance company.

Xyosted likewise won’t be covered BUT there is a manufacturer coupon that brings the cost down to $150/mo. That is actually more expensive than Defy/Empower but it’s a one-a-week shot, and still subq.

Test undecanote is sounding appealing too from the experiences and interviews I’m finding here.

I see the urologist tomorrow to discuss TRT options. My goal really is just to find a good long term option that will be covered by insurance.
Would be helpful to know when you administered Natesto in relation to your blood draw because it’s in/out so quickly. No free T measure?
I wonder if Natesto would be perfect if you were also on a low dose of long ester Testosterone, like Cypionate or Undecanoate? Maybe 100mg/week test cyp to get serum levels steady at around 500, then layer in the Natesto 2-3x/day. Sounds like the troughs are the problem and this would solve it (it'd significantly reduce your fertility if that's a concern though).
I wonder if Natesto would be perfect if you were also on a low dose of long ester Testosterone, like Cypionate or Undecanoate? Maybe 100mg/week test cyp to get serum levels steady at around 500, then layer in the Natesto 2-3x/day. Sounds like the troughs are the problem and this would solve it (it'd significantly reduce your fertility if that's a concern though).

Hmmm… that’s a very interesting idea! Although for me 100mg T is not exactly a low dose, so I would have to figure out how much I would need for a stable baseline without causing Natesto to then drive me too high.

I will run it by my urologist!
Quick update. I had another TT lab and this time I was up to 520. Still not as good as t cyp (750-ish) but at least I am up to therapeutic levels with Natesto. Hot flashes have decreased (but not gone away). Maybe there’s hope yet? Only thing I didn’t have LH/FSH retested. I hoping to see if they would go up even a little bit because in the previous labs both were close to zero.

It looks like even if I wanted to try Testopel, it’s a no go with my insurance company.

Xyosted likewise won’t be covered BUT there is a manufacturer coupon that brings the cost down to $150/mo. That is actually more expensive than Defy/Empower but it’s a one-a-week shot, and still subq.

Test undecanote is sounding appealing too from the experiences and interviews I’m finding here.

I see the urologist tomorrow to discuss TRT options. My goal really is just to find a good long term option that will be covered by insurance.
Would you consider adding one or two pumps of Natesto to your previous regime? You may suppress LH and FSH more than initially intended, but they will still stay more intact than with cyp. Also, note that when getting blood taken in the morning, Natesto's trough levels have to be lower than cyp's because of Natesto's short half life, irrespective of how many pumps you had the day before. But low T overnight should not really be a problem.
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Would you consider adding one or two pumps of Natesto to your previous regime? You may suppress LH and FSH more than initially intended, but they will still stay more intact than with cyp.
Adding to which previous regimen? The t cyp subq injections? That already had my TT at 750-ish.

I don’t know how I could try this though I would need to separate prescriptions for two different types of testosterone, which would probably be seen as abusing prescription meds.

But yeah, I am very curious about the idea of adding natesto on top of a somewhat normal baseline with TC or TE injections. I will run it by urology but I’m guessing the answer will be no. :)
Adding to which previous regimen? The t cyp subq injections? That already had my TT at 750-ish.

I don’t know how I could try this though I would need to separate prescriptions for two different types of testosterone, which would probably be seen as abusing prescription meds.

But yeah, I am very curious about the idea of adding natesto on top of a somewhat normal baseline with TC or TE injections. I will run it by urology but I’m guessing the answer will be no. :)
I may have misunderstood your previous comment. It sounded to me as if you were using Natesto. Although some people use one pump before a gym session while on a different testosterone, that's not what I had in mind.

I sense that Natesto is generally underused. People shy away as T peaks too low. That's true when only using 2 or 3 pumps. When applying one or two more during the day, things will be different.
Gotcha. Yeah I was on subq test cyp, then decided to give Natesto a try a couple of months ago - replacing test cyp. I have been doing 2 sprays three times a day. A lot of my pre-TRT symptoms like hot flashes and low libido have returned since making the switch to Natesto.
The main advantage of Natesto is that when used alone it doesn't cause too much HPTA suppression. If you stack it with another form of TRT then you lose this benefit. I think it's likely there's some advantage in mimicking the diurnal variation in serum testosterone seen in healthy young men. But if you're not worried about HPTA suppression then this is more easily accomplished with daily injections of a propionate/cypionate blend.
I think the issue with Natesto for me is that my baseline levels are too low to begin with - in the 150-200 TT range. So when TT comes down an hour after application, I’m essentially back to pre-TRT.

The HPTA axis doesn’t worry me as much at this point (except for trying to conserve testicular size). I am more interested in symptom relief and also being careful not to raise Estrogen too much. I think that’s where Defy had got it right with subq shots of 50mg three times per week plus hcg 500iu. Natesto was an interesting experiment- an exercise in getting insurance coverage for TRT - but I just don’t feel the same level of symptom relief.

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