Im not sure what you’re not understanding. Go find and read the study on nandrolone sensitizing E2 and prolactin receptors. It’s not bro science. I’m not sure what you want me to do. Would you only believe it if you ran the study proving it? Do you only believe certain studies? I’m just not understanding why if it was proven by at least one study, why it’s still “bro science”. Isn’t bro science things that bro’s make up without actual scientific evidence?
And of course there are gonna be guys that have issues on deca. But where’s the examples of men using nandrolone correctly that are having sexual function issues. I’m sure they’re out there, but why can’t anyone present a single case? You’re really saying that since this guy had no clue what he was doing, and ran nandrolone the complete opposite way thatBut where’s the examples of men using nandrolone correctly that are having sexual function issuesit’s meant to be used, that this means that guys should be very concerned about the same thing happening to them? All this video was, is a guide on how to use nandrolone if you want to guarantee sexual dysfunction.
“But where’s the examples of men using nandrolone correctly that are having sexual function issues.”
My physician at Baylor College of Medicine has told me that he’s had guys on the same dosage of their normal T experience ED when adding in nandrolone, with no serum increases in E2 or prolactin (this was in response to me asking him if any of his guys have had issues with deca about 6 months ago). Other patients on very similar doses experience no issues whatsoever. So there are some real-life examples.
You keep harping over one potential side effect of nandrolone, ED. However, I’ve continually brought up reports from men saying they experience lethargy, depression, memory issues, feeling less ‘manly’, yet you’ve woefully ignored those and homed in on ED because it’s easier to argue from a hormonal imbalance standpoint. I experience many of these same side effects with no serum increases in prolactin or E2.
There’s a lot that we don’t know about nandrolone, and potential side effects are real and are not necessarily dependent on E2 or prolactin receptors or serum concentration (as evidenced by guys experiencing issues with no changes in E2 or prolactin).
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