Nandrolone and HCG for CIDP


Finally got all my test results in. My appt w/ Defy isn't until Feb 1, so I thought I'd get some thoughts from ya'll. Protocol, as shown below, is for a muscle wasting disorder I have.

Testosterone: 60mg or .3ml twice weekly
60mg or .3ml twice weekly
300IU or 1/2ml twice weekly
.25mg twice weekly
same day at Test
1 capsule daily


copy/pasted test results mostly seem good but the ones in the attached jpg are all high.

Test Result Flag Reference
DHEA-SULFATE | 507 | H | 24-244 mcg/dL
| DHEA-S values fall with advancing age. For reference,
IGF | | |
IGF-I | 155 | | 41-279 ng/mL
Z-SCORE, (MALE) | 0.5 | | -2.0 - +2.0 SD
ESTF+T | | |
TESTOSTERONE | 1226 | H | 250-1100 ng/dL
FREE TESTOS. | 283.2 | H | 35.0-155.0 pg/mL
COMP | | |
GLUCOSE | 114 | H | 74-106 mg/dL
BUN | 24 | | 8-26 mg/dL
CREA W eGFR | | |
CREATININE | 1.17 | | 0.6-1.2 mg/dL
eGFR AFRIC AMER | > 60 | | > 60
| GFR value is reported as mL/min/1.73 square meters
eGFR NON-AFR AM | > 60 | | > 60
| GFR value is reported as mL/min/1.73 square meters
LYTES | | |
SODIUM | 139 | | 136-144 mmol/L
POTASSIUM | 4.1 | | 3.6-5.1 mmol/L
CHLORIDE | 105 | | 101-111 mmol/L
CARBON DIOXIDE | 27 | | 22-32 mmol/L
CALCIUM | 9.1 | | 8.5-10.1 mg/dL
LPD | | |
CHOLESTEROL | 176 | | <200 mg/dL
TRIGLYCERIDES | 58 | | <150 mg/dL
HDL CHOLESTEROL | 58 | | >39 mg/dL
LDL CHOLESTEROL | 106 | | <130 mg/dL
AST/SGOT | 36 | | 15-41 U/L
ALT/SGPT | 25 | | 17-63 U/L
ALK PHOSPHATASE | 52 | | 32-105 U/L
TOTAL PROTEIN | 7.0 | | 6.5-8.1 gm/dL
ALBUMIN | 4.2 | | 3.5-5.0 gm/dL
A/G RATIO | 1.5 | | 1.1-2.2
BILIRUBIN,TOTAL | 0.5 | | 0.3-1.2 mg/dL
TSH | 2.00 | | 0.34-5.60 mcIU/mL
Test Result Flag Reference
CBC AUTO | | |
WBC | 7.9 | | 4.1-10.8 K/mm3
RBC | 5.21 | | 4.7-5.9 M/mm3
HGB | 16.0 | | 13.5-17.5 g/dL
HCT | 49.2 | | 42.0-52.0 %
MCV | 94.5 | | 80.0-99.0 fL
MCH | 30.7 | | 27.0-34.0 pg
MCHC | 32.5 | | 32.0-36.0 g/dL
RDW | 14.0 | | 11.5-14.5 %
PLT | 345 | | 130-400 K/mm3
MPV | 9.4 | | 7.4-10.4 fl
NEUTROPHIL | 70.8 | | 45.0-72.0 %
LYMPHOCYTE | 19.8 | L | 25.0-45.0 %
MONOCYTE | 6.9 | | 2.0-12.0 %
EOSINOPHIL | 1.8 | | 0.0-8.0 %
BASOPHIL | 0.7 | | 0.0-2.0 %
NEUTROPHIL # | 5.6 | | 2.1-7.8 K/mm3
LYMPHOCYTE # | 1.6 | | 1.2-4.5 K/mm3
MONOCYTE # | 0.5 | | 0.1-1.2 K/mm3
EOSINOPHIL # | 0.1 | | 0.0-0.6 K/mm3
BASOPHIL # | 0.1 | | 0.0-0.2 K/mm3



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Besides your TT the others that are high are of no consequence, in fact, we know that Labcorp's Progesterone scale was changed recently without explanation. Im unsure of the cumulative effect of the Cyp and Nandrolone and how those 2 have driven your TT so very high. Was your blood drawn in the trough, right before your injections?
Good numbers in general although you know you should decrease your testosterone probably to 50 mg twice per week You can probably stop DHEA (how much is one capsule?). Your hematocrit and HDL are surprisingly good. Your glucose is slightly high for a fasted state (insulin resistance?).

Why is the lab not calculating your actual eGFR? Calculate it here

Are you sure you are using 300 IU of HCG? Tell us how you do your dilution for 300 IU to equal .5 cc.

How are you feeling? How long on the protocol? Any changes?
i'm not sure how much the dhea is but i've got a ton of it remaining. think i should stop taking it anyway and see what happens?
okay, i'll cut the t down. or do you think i ought to wait until i talk to defy on feb 1 to make any changes?

as to the hcg -- well, my memory is very spotty and I get confused easily and for the life of me i can't remember how much h20 i used. but you can rest assured that if there's a way to mess up the calculation, i messed it up.
but i do know that i'm not injecting 1/2 ml. that's an error on my part. i've been doing .3ml, the same as the T and the Nandralone.

well, i feel pretty damn good, except for i still get depressed quite often and when that happens, i stop exercising, which is the whole point of me using nandralone in the first place. it's been like that for three weeks now. but before then, i really felt like i was making improvements in the muscle area. i've got to get back at it.

my main issue with all this is that for the first time in years and years and years i've become interested in relationships with girls. and though i hate to say it, love or anything close to it makes me very self destructive. so, i'm trying to deal with that as best i can. i know i could take finasteride and drop my libido into the toilet but i am like the ridiculous proverbial moth who is drawn to fire and have been unable to take that step. i probably should, however.
it's a progressive disease called chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy, CIDP. my case has responded to none of the traditional treatments, hence the nandralone, to try to stem the tide of muscle loss.

I too was diagnosed with CIDP 3 years ago after losing function of my right hand. I am on remission now but hand surgery only made things worse. What part of your body is it affecting you the most?

How many rounds of IVIG did you go through?

I agree that nandrolone would be a good option.

I would stop anastrozole. Estradiol is key for myelination.

You may be depressed. Have you talked to your neurologist about it?

Killing your sex drive with finasteride will only make things worse. You should reach out to a therapist to deal with your "self-destructive" issues when you get interested in a girl.
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To bring people up to speed on your condition and previous posts:

Workouts while on T and Nandrolone? [Archive] -

[TABLE="class: gsc-table-result, width: 600"]
[TD="class: gsc-table-cell-snippet-close"]I'm hoping that Defy will put me on testosterone and Nandrolone during ... for a demyelinating muscle-wasting disease I've got (CIDP) that has ...


Workouts while on T and Nandrolone?

[TABLE="class: gsc-table-result, width: 600"]
[TD="class: gsc-table-cell-thumbnail gsc-thumbnail"]
[TD="class: gsc-table-cell-snippet-close"]
I'm hoping that Defy will put me on testosterone and Nandrolone during ... for a demyelinating muscle-wasting disease I've got (CIDP) that has ...


Thread: Nerve Degenerative Disease, wasting and testosterone

[TABLE="class: gsc-table-result, width: 600"]
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I wonder if nandrolone or oxandrolone in concert with T might help ... I'm sure it has everything to do with the nature of my hated CIDP disease.


I too was diagnosed with CIDP 3 years ago after losing function of my right hand. I am on remission now but hand surgery only made things worse. What part of your body is it affecting you the most?

-- Glad to hear you are on remission. Right now, it's my legs and feet. I'd say I have lost 75% or more of the muscle in my legs and my feet are just an overall mess. My balance shot too.
More recently, like in the past month, I've started having round-the-clock tremors in my arms and hands. Sometimes I have to use two hands to take a drink of water. The only thing I've found that settles em down is booze and of course booze is terrible for anyone w a nerve disorder.

How many rounds of IVIG did you go through?

-- Three. My neurologist says I'm one of the 20 or 30% of CIDP people who do not respond to IVIG. Bummer.

I agree that nandrolone would be a good option.

I would stop anastrozole. Estradiol is key for myelination.

-- Okay, I'll do that in advance of my Feb 1 call w/ Defy. Don't think I've heard of Estradiol. Will look into it ASAP.

You may be depressed. Have you talked to your neurologist about it?

Killing your sex drive with finasteride will only make things worse. You should reach out to a therapist to deal with your "self-destructive" issues when you get interested in a girl.

-- I've gone to shrinks of one variety or another since I was 18 (except for when I was married) and I've never gotten any relief from my issues. Only time I did is when I was in a 19-year-long loveless marriage. Believe it or not, I was as happy as I've ever been and often think I would like to find another one of those. The T has put other thoughts into my head, however, so I'm dealing w/ them as best I can, mostly by attending any number of different 12 step programs. I'm just trying to stay one step ahead of my self destructive tendencies.

Thanks for retitling this thread and adding the other threads to it.

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