My Melanotan 2 experience.

So weird that I see sites specifically saying take it the night before and then go in the sun the next day when the half life appears super short. Maybe after it's out of your system your melanin production is still sensitized or something. Did one before tan and still not difference. Still at 250 mcg though (every day) so I guess I'll go to 375 and then 500 and continue daily before I give up.
MII was discussed on the Today show today. Mostly discussing the nasal spray form. Mentioned side effects and a few studies saying that it caused melanoma. A little concerning. One study I read was a young female who was taking MII and came down with melanoma, but she went to a tanning bed like 3 times a week. Was it the tanning bed or the MII???
Would love to see links to studies. Sometimes "studies" means anecdotes, which I guess is worth considering, but generally a bit annoying. Maybe it's because I heard what I wanted to hear, but I saw protective qualities both from helping people avoid tons of sunbathing as well as from peripheral effects. If I end up running it more than 3-6 months I'll do a super deep dive...unless someone on here has already.
I am on TRT regime. I am extremely light skinned and cannot go out in the sun without feeling it burning my skin. I use a lot of sun blocker (95 strength). I discovered Melanotan through researching Melatin. I am interested to begin using this. I will enjoy tanning but more interested in the ED side effect.

Anyone with info to advise me?

I was pretty pale but not feeling the burn. Try a little and see right? I started with like 1/4 the recommended dose, then 1/2 then 2/3rds, and now full. I see ED/libido gains but not huge. Good luck! Heavy nausea so I do it right before bed. 33 ish hours half life so tan the next day is fine. Some people say it works without sun, and my belief is that's BS--needs UV to activate, and works best on the exposed areas, so don't go tan in a t-shirt. I wear a banana hammock (speedo type swimsuit).
I too am very light-skinned, but I can get pretty dark with this stuff. The nausea is no joke though until you get used to it then it seems to go away.

No help on libido for me, but the tan is very nice.
I am on TRT regime. I am extremely light skinned and cannot go out in the sun without feeling it burning my skin. I use a lot of sun blocker (95 strength). I discovered Melanotan through researching Melatin. I am interested to begin using this. I will enjoy tanning but more interested in the ED side effect.

Anyone with info to advise me?

For tanning, I would say: 1) Eliminate omega 6 oils from your diet. Linoleic acid is implicated in causing people to burn instead of tan, as well as a host of other bad affects 2) Supplement with Astaxanthin and Tyrosine. Tyrosine is an amino acid used in the production of skin pigment.
Can anyone comment of the effects or differences between the injectable and the nasal types of Melanotan-2. Over effect, any benefit of one over the other. Thanks.
My experience is that you don't need no histamines nor higher dosages. Just go with the small dosage every other day and best 30min before sun exposure. Works great. Tried many different protocols over the years but "less is more" more approach here works particularly great
Can anyone comment of the effects or differences between the injectable and the nasal types of Melanotan-2. Over effect, any benefit of one over the other. Thanks.
I believe the nasal sprays caused blood pressure spikes in some people, so that could be an issue to watch out for. Also, more generally, I would be very careful to use a very low dose, and injectable seems much more precise. I do not use MT2 if I am going to be in the sun very much. It can cause strange pigmentation issues that don't always resolve. I ended up with strange white spots after a very brief use that have taken several years to mostly resolve. PT-141 also has a tanning affect, although milder.
It has a 33 hour half-life, and the nausea seems to last only 6 to 10 hours, so why do I want to take it half an hour before I go in the sun and sit there nauseous? Everyone is different so maybe that is just me.
It has a 33 hour half-life, and the nausea seems to last only 6 to 10 hours, so why do I want to take it half an hour before I go in the sun and sit there nauseous? Everyone is different so maybe that is just me.
If you get nauseous then your dosage is too big anyway. Find the smallest dosage, do that before tanning for best effect. Enjoy the tan. Simple. But yeah everyone is different so who cares :)
Good point. I had reduced my dose and did not feel I saw the results, but maybe I reduced it too much. I will try a smaller dose again and see if I can find a sweet spot of getting results without the nausea. A number of people told me they felt they got nauseous on basically any dose, so I decided it was a necessary evil.
Def worth it IMO. I was sick at home and had leftover mt2 in the fridge so decided to do EOD probably less then 250mcg and got nicely tanned with a few suntanning sessions in between. Pretty much zero sides and worked great. Right now started 250mcg EOD 30-60min before tanning session, just when a bit of sides kick in - then i hit the sun. I've read guys perfectly tanning @50mcg day or EOD fwiw.
I take Melanotan 2 and have for about a year. Fair skin, freckles, red hair. Never tanned before this stuff. You can get a tan without getting in the sun but you do get a better tan with some sun or tanning bed exposure. The instructions I had was to try and get some sun 2 to 3 hours after the shot. Never gave me an upset stomach. Initially I would do about 1 1.5 ml shot 3 times a week. Now at 1.0 mg shot weekly. I have to admit, it causes me quite a chubby off and on during the day on the days I do the shot.

WARNING...if you are taking Cialis, Viagra or whatever, do not do a shot the same day you take a Melanotan shot. I made that mistake once. Thought I would have to go to the hospital. Seriously, those 4 hour erections we all joke about are painful and scary. Never thought it would happen to me.
I take Melanotan 2 and have for about a year. Fair skin, freckles, red hair. Never tanned before this stuff. You can get a tan without getting in the sun but you do get a better tan with some sun or tanning bed exposure. The instructions I had was to try and get some sun 2 to 3 hours after the shot. Never gave me an upset stomach. Initially I would do about 1 1.5 ml shot 3 times a week. Now at 1.0 mg shot weekly. I have to admit, it causes me quite a chubby off and on during the day on the days I do the shot.

WARNING...if you are taking Cialis, Viagra or whatever, do not do a shot the same day you take a Melanotan shot. I made that mistake once. Thought I would have to go to the hospital. Seriously, those 4 hour erections we all joke about are painful and scary. Never thought it would happen to me.
What mcg dosage does your 1mg shot equal? Tx
So I decided to give Melanotan 2 a try about a month and a half ago. I’m currently on 60mg of test a week and 5mg of Cialis a day. I was curious about what I’ve heard, the tanning, the libido and erection benefits etc…. So I mixed it with 3ml bacterostatic water and at first I tried 20 units with a 29 gauge insulin needle. So after I took the first injection in about 15-20 minutes I started to feel a little warm, I could tell it was doing something. Then about an hour later I started getting an erection from the slightest stimulation. This stuff works really well for me. The only things I don’t like about it are at night my elections actually wake me up lol it’s almost like my penis is saying wake up I’m not tired A LOT. The other things I noticed are my freckles and other spots have darkened up but supposedly it’s expected and will gradually lessen after discontinuing use. Being I kind of watered it down a bit my tan is actually very normal looking and not over the top like I’ve seen on some guys at the gym. Only side effects I noticed are slight burning when injecting which goes away rather quickly, and minimal nausea that is only fleeting, and some flush feeling. I actually purchased some Pt-141 which is supposed to be the same minus the tanning. I purchased the Melanotan 2 from Elite and the PT-141 from Paradigm.
Currently here beginning a Melanotan 2 regime. Doc recommended PT 141 but I am choosing the Melanotan 2 because I am fair skinned and skin cancer so if there is some tanning it may be helpful when I go out into the sunshine without strong sunscreen. I am currently on Testosterone (100 mil 2X a week) and want to try the Melanotan 2 for increasing libido and erections (randon hard ons won't bother me). I am planning to water things down and start with a low dose and do increases to avoid the nausea.

Any comments will be appreciated.
Currently here beginning a Melanotan 2 regime. Doc recommended PT 141 but I am choosing the Melanotan 2 because I am fair skinned and skin cancer so if there is some tanning it may be helpful when I go out into the sunshine without strong sunscreen. I am currently on Testosterone (100 mil 2X a week) and want to try the Melanotan 2 for increasing libido and erections (randon hard ons won't bother me). I am planning to water things down and start with a low dose and do increases to avoid the nausea.

Any comments will be appreciated.
I have some on hand and thinking about it. Keep us updated. Tx!
Currently here beginning a Melanotan 2 regime. Doc recommended PT 141 but I am choosing the Melanotan 2 because I am fair skinned and skin cancer so if there is some tanning it may be helpful when I go out into the sunshine without strong sunscreen. I am currently on Testosterone (100 mil 2X a week) and want to try the Melanotan 2 for increasing libido and erections (randon hard ons won't bother me). I am planning to water things down and start with a low dose and do increases to avoid the nausea.

Any comments will be appreciated.
How is it going? Tx
I know this is a old thread but I just tried Melanotan II for the first time due to curiosity of libido. At a dosage of 250mcg I get no sides except that after 4 or so hours I get about 50 to 60% erect and stay that way for about 24 to 36 hours and my nocturnal is so intense it almost hurts but goes away if I get out of bed except for that 50%. Crazy stuff but I like it lol. I do worry that some health web sites claim issues with kidney problems. I am curious if anyone else gets partially erect for long periods?

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