Sorry for the delay, here is my update.
I had to attend a biomedical conference in california from October 17-19. I got on a plane at 9am the night of the 19th and landed at 7am on the 20th. I went directly to the hospital and had surgery at 9:30am on the 20th.
Surgery on the 20th went well. The surgeon said the tendon was locked just up above the ACF (interior elbow) and was quite tight, he had a difficult time pulling it down and prepared for what might be a painful week due to the digging he had to do. He was able to successful attach the button and all went generally as expected on the tendon was located.
He put me on
Aspirin (since I was on a long flight pre-op).
I was placed in a soft/hard cast and given a sling for the week. For those curious they do a nerve block in the shoulder prior to putting you fully under. The procedure wasn't painful as you're pre-medicated. The entire arm was numb for approx 8 hours post surgery. At around the 6 hour mark the phenomenon known as "pins and needles" sets in as you regain feeling. I made sure to take the full course of pain meds q4h as directed even though I was numb. I highly recommend this. After the block wears off you can really start to feel it and I was glad that I was medicated.
I started the animal pak and animal flex same day as surgery.
I started the GHRH/GHRP peptide combo 3x per day from a reputable source after resting completely for a day.
I started the Sermoralin, IGF-1 spray and Resumed TRT as directed from Telthera after resting completely for a day.
On day two I felt OK to go out and about. I brought my pain medicine out with me and went to a bar with some friends to watch the football games.
I started to feel a lot better and regain some limited function inside of the cast around day 3. I discontinued the narcotic that day as well as I am not a big fan of them. I had a friend take me to and from 1/2 days at work from then on out. I just wanted to show face for morale and address a few things more than anything else.
My post op was 7 days after the surgery on the 27th. The cast was removed and the stitches were taken out and the arm felt amazing. Obviously weak, but it wasn't painful and I had tactile sense, no numbness, and good range of motion compared to the norm.
The surgeon was extremely pleased and said I was several weeks ahead of schedule. Normally he would place a pt in a brace and slowly open range of motion over the course of 6 weeks, but due to my muscle tone and range of motion we were able to skip the brace and rehab and go straight to PT. I was advised to use a sling when out for the next 2 weeks in case anyone bumps me and to remind me not to lift anything heavy with that arm. I was cleared to drive if needed, but told to take it easy and be very careful.
I started THB-500 weekly from a reputable source that evening.
My first day of PT was Weds 11/1 we did some range of motion exercises and went over a few things. The main concern at this stage is not doing anything stupid which will cause bone growth, tendon attachments issues, etc which would cause problems down the road. I will be doing PT 2x per week. I was cleared to resume basic exercise not involving the affected arm. I can also tell you the "sports massage" to break up scar tissue, is not a massage. It is pure pain haha.
Today is 11/6 I am 17 days post op. There is very minimal pain or loss of muscle. My range of motion is very good both extension/flexion and pronation/supination. The arm and repair feels pretty strong, though I am not going to test it. I have been doing basic work in the gym as well as the elypitcal (with no arm swings) and the stationary bike for cardio.
In the interest of full honesty and transparency I play on a flag football team that had a bowl game yesterday Sunday 11/5 and I played center, snapping the ball and catching a few passes. Probably was not smart, but I knocked on wood before the game, so maybe that kept me safe haha.
I have started using Silagen from Telthera on the wound closure area to help with the wound healing and prevent scar formation. So far it looks pretty good.
My next PT appt is Weds 11/8 and my next appointment with my surgeon is 11/10.
Will update soon.
Hey Gang,
Last Saturday while playing social sports (football) I suffered a distal Biceps tendon rupture (complete). I will be undergoing surgery on Friday the 20th (13 days post injury) for an open biceps tendon repair.
For those interested. I will attempt to check in here periodically and do status updates around which products, medicines, and peptides I am using for recovery. As well as PT regimen, gym regimen, and other updates. Reports will likely be infrequent as first due to recovery, but I will do my best.
From Telthera I will likely use basic TRT c HCG as well as begin a sermoralin regimen.
Outside of Telthera I am researching several peptides:
GHRP-2, CJC s DAC combo.
In addition I will likely use animal pak as a high power MVE and animal flex for repair/support vitamins.