I wanted to start a thread detailing my personal experience with Jatenzo (
oral TRT) which is remarkable in how quickly it has shown results when compared with injections. The first week on Jatenzo was very pleasant unlike my experience after dosing changes on injections, all with minimal swings and I felt things stabilize on day 7 which is where things felt consistent.
The first few days on Jatenzo my glucose levels were the lowest, then over the next two and a half weeks I would see glucose levels fluctuate wildly and at the end of week three a return to those same lower fasting and lower peak glucose I saw in the beginning of treatment.
I started with a fasting glucose in the 220-260 range, peak glucose in the 369 range after meals and now I'm seeing 140's fasting, and 140's 1-2 hours after meals all in three weeks time! When I started Jatenzo I had cypionate half-lives built up in my system which is almost completely out of my system and things are still progressing in the same direction.
The strongest perceived benefits thus far is wellbeing and sexual function being the most notable improvements and I notice a connection between lowering of glucose and erectile function.
I have started feeling erectile sensitivity during the daytime if only briefly like a lightswitch flickering on and off which is pretty intense. I'm going to be drawing labs soon to see what kind of numbers I'm getting on 158mg twice daily which is the lowest dosage for Jatenzo.
My blood pressure is well controlled and am seeing it decrease every so often (120/65) and resting heart rate in the low 60-70's. My veins are very noticeable in my hands, arms and legs.
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I will continue to update this log and detail my experience going forward.