My doctor so stupid it takes her 2 Hours to watch 60 minutes. This is my 3rd year on test...


New Member
Back when I was put on testosterone cypionate, I was given 50mg a week. Nothing. I complained and asked for at least 100mg a week. Ok, now I'm making progress. Was allowed to inject myself. That was like getting permission from the pentagon to go target practicing. They wanted to stick me weekly. Please...

I switched doctors due to insurance. Next doctor wasn't to bad but I thought was aloof. He was an Endo too but still not to interested in controlling increased Estradiol with inhibitors, rather he just wanted to lower my doses. I'm thinking, "Which is worse?" He even asked me if I was on steroids! No kidding...

Got switched to another primary, She said it caused prostate cancer and refused to refer me to my endo and refused prescription. Blood work proved PSA was fine at 3.0, she wasn't going to budge.

Switched doctors again. New primary. Gave me a referral to the old Endo. The Endo can't see me for 6 months. BS, I'm looking around now for a new Endo. The Primary whom I'm with now, the one who put me on Test because it reduced heart disease now refuses to prescribe it because her new info says it causes heart disease. I told her that study was on older men, primarily 70 and up with pre existing cardiovascular disease. Talking to a brickwall was way more productive.

So Ive been injecting 100mgs a week for 3 years. I had testing in Jan. Day before shot, 702. Day after shot 1005

Now Im getting blood work done in November. Im told if its to high, were taking you off.... Holly shit, I sandbagged the test and waited 9 days after last injection. Came back with 693... ok, They gave me a prescript to hold me over.
I asked for more blood work dealing with Estrogens. Got it back. Sand bagged again because they asked for Testosterone levels again, waited until injection was due, I got the test results from 12/7. Test was reading 431mg. No big deal. I'm able to get my level up enough but I have a big problem. Or I think I do.

My Estradiol is really high. This has been the case for a year or more. When I ask for Arimidex, I get treated like a Red headed stepchild. I'm not getting ANYWHERE with these doctors on this. I'm planning to go to USA Peptide and buy some Liquiodex and try this on my own.

Any professional out there I could use some good pointers.

I'm struggling to loose weight. I lost 80 lbs over nearly 2 years but this Estradiol I think is keeping me fat. I need to loose more. I work out pretty hard. I do 30-40 min of cardio a day on a stair machine and use weights 1-2 times a week.

Don't beat me up here. I've had neck and back surgery and I have several injuries. I can't go to hard and to fast with weight training or I'm F'ed.
I need the anabolic value of the Test treatment

Last year, to this day, December 11th, I was in surgery on my back. There was an accident. They told my wife after 9 hours of surgery I wouldn't walk again,

I fought my way back. Never used pain meds. Endured some serious pain my friends but no dope.

I just want to get stronger and not be F'ed up but the medical system is so indoctrinated, seemingly against actually healing you, I'm very discouraged with them.

Of course, if you have the $$$$ cash, you can buy your way out of these dilemmas. That's not going to happened here, I need to use my insurance.

I'm 51 years old. Turning 52 in Feb.

Here's a look at the blood work for November 27th and this last week Dec 7th.

I've got my questions to ask from Nelson's page on how to find a good Doctor.


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I know you are using insurance, but is there any way you can swing for self-pay at defy Medical? Its clear that the doctors you are getting now know next to nothing about TRT. I am not affiliated with Defy, but I am quite happy with them as are a great many folks on this forum. Good prices, they do everything via phone or email and most importantly, they know what they are doing. They are not like the typical huge $$$ anti-aging clinics you see these days.
You can go out of pocket and receive excellent care, or you can struggle along relying on insurance. I don't know your financial situation, and I understand that it's your choice to make, but if - after such a long period of frustration - you are still not enjoying success, you face some hard questions. The one essential element to a successful TRT protocol is a relationship with a doctor who knows what they are doing and regards you, the patient, as a partner. Those doctors exist. Defy is one option, I am not a patient but have spoken with them and respect their model.

Do I understand you are injecting once a week? Can you break your weekly dose into two injections every 3.5/days? That should stabilize your testosterone level and work on reducing your estradiol. That would be a good starting point.
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Yes you are correct and I'm resigning myself to this fact. it really is about paying for it outside of insurance. I'm aware of defy and others. Looking at those options.
Thanks for the feedback.
Yes and I've been planning to do that. Twice a week is always better.

My main goal which I neglected to directly ask for was how often would using a product like the Anastrozole be advisable, maybe someone has used? I'm wondering if that might solve the problem which is truth isn't that big of a deal.

Thankfully my ration of Test to Est is high and I believe its partly why it's not manifesting into a problem
I would modify your protocol to smaller, more frequent dosing and then revisit your labs. Many members, I am one, manage estradiol without an AI through this method.
Your hemoglobin and hematocrit are both high. Has your doctor addressed this? It is a not uncommon issue that some men on TRT encounter. You should be donating blood in order to deal with it. It should not be ignored.
Mojave, is my good friend for the last 35 years, he is good about giving blood every 3 months. I am hoping he can get with Defy, my wife is their patient and we are very happy with them I will probably end up as a patient too. Thanks everyone on this site for there advice to Mojave.
Your hemoglobin and hematocrit are both high. Has your doctor addressed this? It is a not uncommon issue that some men on TRT encounter. You should be donating blood in order to deal with it. It should not be ignored.
Yes I've been donating blood every 2 months for a long time now. That I started from the outset when those crept up after starting test.
Can anyone comment on wether or not LiquiDex (Anastrozole) will lower my current Estradiol levels. I'm convinced they are high from Test use and Aromatization. I do know extra fat will also cause those readings to be higher but not that high. I'm taking this LiquiDex now and hoping I will see reduction by my next blood workup.
Mojave, I am new to the forum. May I ask a question? I too have had issues with estrogen. What was your estradiol count? I have issues even when it is high 30s or 40s.

Did I understand some of you to say that what is more important is the ratio of TT to estrogen, rathern than just the estrogen count alone? Does that mean a TT level of 1000 is could keep you from feel the effects of estrogen in the 30s or 40s?
Mojave, I am new to the forum. May I ask a question? I too have had issues with estrogen. What was your estradiol count? I have issues even when it is high 30s or 40s.

Did I understand some of you to say that what is more important is the ratio of TT to estrogen, rathern than just the estrogen count alone? Does that mean a TT level of 1000 is could keep you from feel the effects of estrogen in the 30s or 40s?

My estradiol is actually 127.3 as listed in the blood work images above. I have a higher Testosterone level, running around 1000 as well. ratio is a factor but some point, the level of estradiol will get so high, there are risks that you may also find side effects, such as mine which I suspect are difficulty in getting weight loss achieved.

So don't get to worried with your Estradiol quit yet. I had those levels and never had much of any side effects because the ratio was so high, 6-10 to one. Still, only a professional doctor could analyze it and know what would be best.

Sadly, that is not happening as in my case. They simply ignore it. While I'm sky high at 127.3, and now I've started to treat it myself with what is called an "AI", I have a friend that has used the same estrogen blocker, [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Anastrozole, and he has 2200 testosterone and only a 4 Estradiol. So each person is different. I am also sporting a lot more Fat then he does. Fat will raise your estrogen on it's own.

So before you go jumping off the deep end, use diet and working out to see if you can curb any estradiol levels that are creeping up. There is a better chance you will see results there and certainly the safer better rout. Exhaust all efforts first in that area. If you have low body fat already and have been edging upwards due to TT, I would imagine a very low dose would drop you down right quick since frankly, you are not that bad. 44 is the limit.

Don't forget, Estrogen helps protein synthesis in muscle tissue, needed for bones and teeth and libido. There are other things you NEED estrogen for.

I am far and away, NO expert, and I would ask some more senior members on this forum as you make a plan on your Estro control strategy.

That is why I took this question of my own here. I do respect the senior members, Thank God for EXCEL MALE for guys like myself.
Not sure if I missed it BUT have you had a SENSITIVE E2 test ran? If NO, I would get one ordered from DISCOUNTEDLABS. Very reasonable, and then you will know where you are at. The standard E2 test is not what you want to be using as a bases for adding and tweaking an AI. If you are taking Anastrozole it is a very powerful medication and a little goes a looooooong way. You do not want to swing the pendulum the opposite direction and go too low and then you will have other issues.
Not sure if I missed it BUT have you had a SENSITIVE E2 test ran? If NO, I would get one ordered from DISCOUNTEDLABS. Very reasonable, and then you will know where you are at. The standard E2 test is not what you want to be using as a bases for adding and tweaking an AI. If you are taking Anastrozole it is a very powerful medication and a little goes a looooooong way. You do not want to swing the pendulum the opposite direction and go too low and then you will have other issues.

I take it you looked at the above blood work? I can attest that over the last three years my estradiol has climbed higher to where it is now. I will look into the test you suggested. Considering I have 3 times the maximum levels of Estradiol, I would put my money on Aromatization going on up in here.

I plan to get blood work inside of 90 days from Dec 7th as that was my last work up. I think I can expect a decrease and I am very conscious of the power of this product. I am of course using extreme caution.

Thanks for the advice and direction.
Can anyone comment on wether or not LiquiDex (Anastrozole) will lower my current Estradiol levels. I'm convinced they are high from Test use and Aromatization. I do know extra fat will also cause those readings to be higher but not that high. I'm taking this LiquiDex now and hoping I will see reduction by my next blood workup.

Yes, that is exactly what Anastrozol is for - reducing estrogen (E2). Be careful on dosing - most docs get it wrong and prescribe WAY too much. O.25 mg twice a week is a good starting dose.
I'm sure I've done a hot dose at 1mg 4 times a week. I'm cutting it back to 1mg twice a week. Not any serious side effects but some things I can attest to.

Noticed the following with my 1mg every other day.

1. Libido went down considerably.
2. Seminal fluid dropped to hardly anything? Takes a long time to get the orgasm.
3. Might have developed a cough, I am using an allergy pill. It appears to be dry irritation, could be weather and it seems to be post nasal drip but it did start after dosing with LiquiDex.
4. Mood swings are totally gone. Used to have pre or post injection moodiness. I have also switched to twice weekly injections. Might be the split injections helping or the Liquidex.
5. Some weight loss seems to have occurred. Cannot be sure this is why but it seems to be from around the breast area... which is good.
6. Lastly, I gave blood yesterday, I had a heck of a bruise on my arm vein. I never have those. Could be related, could not. Just observations.

So some of the above points are directly related and other not.

As an addendum to all this I have upped my Testosterone from 100mg weekly to 200 mg weekly. I felt safe to do so with the AI in place where as before I was dealing with moderate levels, not that high,430- 740 and when the Estradiol got so high, I dared not think about increase until I had some way to get that under control.

Being that this is Jan 13th and I started LiqiuDex only on the 19th of last month, I've got some time to adjust.

Appreciate the experienced input as always. Thanks
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