My blood work and my prescription, thoughts?

This starting protocol is overkill!

Big pharma Delatestryl is 200 mg/mL.

.5 mL (100 mg esterified T) twice weekly let alone hCG off the hop to boot.

The best piece of advice is to always start low and go slow.

T only protocol as we want to see how your body reacts to testosterone and it would be a bum move to jump out the gate head first.

The use of hCG can be added later if need be.

Following such protocol prescribed by this doctor will surely have your FT let alone estradiol level through the roof!

Most men on trt are injecting 100-200 mg T/week whether once weekly, twice-weekly, M/W/F, EOD, or daily.

Most can easily achieve a healthy let alone high FT level on 100-150 mg T/week, especially when split into more frequent injections.

Far from common anyone would need the higher-end dose of 200mg T/week.

If anything I would cut your starting dose in half and inject 100 mg T split into twice-weekly injections (50 mg T every 3.5 days/84hrs).

Then blood work will be done at 6 weeks to see where your trough TT, FT, estradiol, SHBG, and other critical blood markers such as CBC and PSA sit!

Forget using the 25G let alone 23G to inject.

Stick with an LDS insulin syringe (fixed needle) 27-31G with various needle lengths depending on whether you are injecting your testosterone shallow IM or strictly sub-q.

I would go for the 30-31G for the water-based hCG.

Thank you for the detailed reply.
This starting protocol is overkill!

Big pharma Delatestryl is 200 mg/mL.

.5 mL (100 mg esterified T) twice weekly let alone hCG off the hop to boot.

The best piece of advice is to always start low and go slow.

T only protocol as we want to see how your body reacts to testosterone and it would be a bum move to jump out the gate head first.

The use of hCG can be added later if need be.

Following such protocol prescribed by this doctor will surely have your FT let alone estradiol level through the roof!

Most men on trt are injecting 100-200 mg T/week whether once weekly, twice-weekly, M/W/F, EOD, or daily.

Most can easily achieve a healthy let alone high FT level on 100-150 mg T/week, especially when split into more frequent injections.

Far from common anyone would need the higher-end dose of 200mg T/week.

If anything I would cut your starting dose in half and inject 100 mg T split into twice-weekly injections (50 mg T every 3.5 days/84hrs).

Then blood work will be done at 6 weeks to see where your trough TT, FT, estradiol, SHBG, and other critical blood markers such as CBC and PSA sit!

Forget using the 25G let alone 23G to inject.

Stick with an LDS insulin syringe (fixed needle) 27-31G with various needle lengths depending on whether you are injecting your testosterone shallow IM or strictly sub-q.

I would go for the 30-31G for the water-based hCG.

What would you recommend for lengths?

1" for Glute IM and 1/2" for stomach sub-q good? Both 27ga? Will I be able to get the Test E through anything smaller then 27?
What would you recommend for lengths?

1" for Glute IM and 1/2" for stomach sub-q good? Both 27ga? Will I be able to get the Test E through anything smaller then 27?

I would stick to the BD brand as many prefer them over the Easy Touch and they are widely available in Canada.

BD syringes are top-notch!

You can get away with injecting shallow IM using a 1/2" or even 5/8" needle but again it depends on where you are injecting and how much adipose tissue.

Unfortunately, BD does not make 27-gauge LDS insulin syringes (fixed needles).

You would need to use the BD 27 G Slip-Tip Tuberculin Syringe with Detachable Needle (1/2", 1-1/4", 1-1/2").

Easy touch makes 27-gauge LDS insulin syringes (fixed needles) 1/2" (@Nelson Vergel go-to syringe)!

If you plan on injecting shallow IM then you are much better off using a 27-28 gauge LDS insulin syringe (fixed needles) 1/2".

If you plan on going strictly sub-q then you can easily use a 27-31G LDS insulin syringe with various needle lengths 1/4"(6MM), 5/16"(8MM), 1/2"(12.7MM).

I inject strictly sub-q (abdominal fat) and previously used the BD 28G x 1/2" for years until switching over to the 30G x 5/16" and eventually the 31G X 1/4".

Now back to using the 28G x 1/2" again!

Started my trt journey using Depo-Testosterone (TC) and eventually switched over to Delatestryl (TE).

Never had an issue drawing/injecting TE let alone TC in cottonseed oil using an LDS insulin syringe.

Although drawing time may be somewhat slower when using a 30-31G it is not that big of a deal especially when one is injecting more frequently using a lower volume of the oily solution.

If you plan on following a once or twice-weekly protocol then I would go with a 27-28G.

If you plan on injecting more frequently as in EOD or daily then I would go with a 30-31G.

I would stick to the BD brand as many prefer them over the Easy Touch and they are widely available in Canada.

BD syringes are top-notch!

You can get away with injecting shallow IM using a 1/2" or even 5/8" needle but again it depends on where you are injecting and how much adipose tissue.

Unfortunately, BD does not make 27-gauge LDS insulin syringes (fixed needles).

You would need to use the BD 27 G Slip-Tip Tuberculin Syringe with Detachable Needle (1/2", 1-1/4", 1-1/2").

Easy touch makes 27-gauge LDS insulin syringes (fixed needles) 1/2" (@Nelson Vergel go-to syringe)!

If you plan on injecting shallow IM then you are much better off using a 27-28 gauge LDS insulin syringe (fixed needles) 1/2".

If you plan on going strictly sub-q then you can easily use a 27-31G LDS insulin syringe with various needle lengths 1/4"(6MM), 5/16"(8MM), 1/2"(12.7MM).

I inject strictly sub-q (abdominal fat) and previously used the BD 28G x 1/2" for years until switching over to the 30G x 5/16" and eventually the 31G X 1/4".

Now back to using the 28G x 1/2" again!

Started my trt journey using Depo-Testosterone (TC) and eventually switched over to Delatestryl (TE).

Never had an issue drawing/injecting TE let alone TC in cottonseed oil using an LDS insulin syringe.

Although drawing time may be somewhat slower when using a 30-31G it is not that big of a deal especially when one is injecting more frequently using a lower volume of the oily solution.

If you plan on following a once or twice-weekly protocol then I would go with a 27-28G.

If you plan on injecting more frequently as in EOD or daily then I would go with a 30-31G.

Thanks for the reply man and taking the time. Just reading this now.

I actually picked up supplies from a local place this week.

18G x 1" to draw BD
25G x 1" (1ml) BD to inject into glute
27G x 1/2" BD stand alone needles for my HCG shots (Monday morning)

Injecting my Delatestryl (TE) twice a week.

Was watching some videos online, regarding ZERO WASTE. Do the BD needles factor into their readings the oil in the tip? Or Should I do the math, and potentially just draw 0.4x into the syringe, remove vial then draw back remaining oil in tip to get my .5 ml?

Thanks. Will try a finer gauge. My butt would appreciate it as long as the push isn't too hard!
You control the force based on how fast you push the plunger. Take your time on draw and injection. It ain't a race.

Hi so checking back in here after 10 weeks of following my doctors protocol. I feel better, got some libido back, definately sleeping better, but I don't feel 'GREAT'. A friend recommended I should change my injecting frequency to EOD 0.28 to feel 'great' and get better libido back.

PS still waiting on FREE test and IGF - 1 to come back

I've attached 4 links to all my numbers BEFORE treatment, and after 10 weeks of doing M/T injecting at 0.5ml test e.

My hemoglobin, and hematocrit is elevated since starting, is this something to be concerned about? Also should my estrogen be higher?

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Hi so checking back in here after 10 weeks of following my doctors protocol. I feel better, got some libido back, definately sleeping better, but I don't feel 'GREAT'. A friend recommended I should change my injecting frequency to EOD 0.28 to feel 'great' and get better libido back.

PS still waiting on FREE test and IGF - 1 to come back

I've attached 4 links to all my numbers BEFORE treatment, and after 10 weeks of doing M/T injecting at 0.5ml test e.

My hemoglobin, and hematocrit is elevated since starting, is this something to be concerned about? Also should my estrogen be higher?

Read over my reply in post #20 again.

You were overmedicated (200 mg T/week split twice weekly) from the get-go.

As you can see you are hitting a very high trough TT 1003 ng/dL and the shit kicker here is your FT will be through the roof seeing as your SHBG is low 12 nmol/L.

Your trough TT, FT, and estradiol are all high.

Peak TT, FT, and estradiol are going to be much higher.

You went from an absurdly low TT of 248 ng/dL pre-trt to a high trough (lowest point before the next injection) TT of 1003 ng/dL.

Have no clue exactly where your SHBG sat pre-trt as you never had it tested but you have low SHBG now and your absurd weekly dose of T 200 mg/week split twice-weekly most likely drove it down.

Again with a very high trough TT 1003 ng/dL and low SHBG your trough FT is going to be very high!

Could have told you off the hop that you would most likely run into issues with elevated hemoglobin/hematocrit as your levels were already at the high end/slightly over pre-trt and with that whopping weekly starting dose of T it is a given that it will drive up your levels even further.

Although your hematocrit is not absurdly high 10 weeks in you need to keep in mind that it can take anywhere from 9-12 months to reach peak levels.

Need to look at the bigger picture.

Your doctor is an idiot for starting you on 200mg T/week!

Would not have even wasted my time getting your FT tested as all labs in Canada use the calculated method (cFTV).

You have free access to this online!

Take a good look at where your trough FT level sits!

Hi so checking back in here after 10 weeks of following my doctors protocol. I feel better, got some libido back, definately sleeping better, but I don't feel 'GREAT'. A friend recommended I should change my injecting frequency to EOD 0.28 to feel 'great' and get better libido back.

PS still waiting on FREE test and IGF - 1 to come back

I've attached 4 links to all my numbers BEFORE treatment, and after 10 weeks of doing M/T injecting at 0.5ml test e.

My hemoglobin, and hematocrit is elevated since starting, is this something to be concerned about? Also should my estrogen be higher?

Your ferritin dropped big time!
Hi so checking back in here after 10 weeks of following my doctors protocol. I feel better, got some libido back, definately sleeping better, but I don't feel 'GREAT'. A friend recommended I should change my injecting frequency to EOD 0.28 to feel 'great' and get better libido back.

PS still waiting on FREE test and IGF - 1 to come back

I've attached 4 links to all my numbers BEFORE treatment, and after 10 weeks of doing M/T injecting at 0.5ml test e.

My hemoglobin, and hematocrit is elevated since starting, is this something to be concerned about? Also should my estrogen be higher?

Going from a whopping 200 mg T/week split (100 mg every 3.5 days) ---> 196 mg T/week split (56 mg EOD) would be a bad move.

You're going to end up chasing your tail here!

Who is managing your piss poor protocol (clinic/doctor)?

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