I was under the impression that cream won’t increase HCT. your saying it does ?
Injectable T has been shown to have a greater impact on increasing HCT compared to transdermal T.
3–18% with transdermal administration and up to 44% with injection.
In most cases when using injectable T high supra-physiological peaks post-injection and overall T levels (running too high TT/FT level) will have a big impact on increasing HCT.
Manipulating injection frequency by injecting more frequently using lower doses of T resulting in minimizing the peak--->trough and maintaining more stable levels may lessen the impact on HCT but it is not a given.
As again running very high TT/FT levels will have a stronger impact on driving up HCT.
T formulation, the dose of T, genetics (polymorphism of the AR), age all play a role in the impact a trt protocol will have on blood markers (RBCs/hemoglobin/hematocrit).
Hello guys, I’ve been on TRT for about 4 months and I just recently got my blood lab results. Everything looks good, but I did noticed my hemoglobin and hematocrit did increase to 15 and 45 respectively. Are they going to keep increasing? My doctor wants to check me at 6 month intervals now and...
Erythrocytosis Following Testosterone Therapy
Proposed direct and indirect effects of T on erythropoiesis.
Effects of T formulation
Of the available T formulations, short-acting IM injections (TC and TE) have the highest incidence of erythrocytosis (approaching 40%).14 Recent studies support a unified hypothesis in which T formulation, dose, and pharmacokinetics collectively determine the risk of erythrocytosis by establishing the duration of supraphysiologic T levels.52 T formulations that result in stable serum concentrations (pellets, transdermal gels and patches, and extended-release IM TU) result in a low incidence of erythrocytosis that is dependent on dose and serum level and independent of duration of therapy.11, 52, 67 The relation of individual T formulations and associated effects on average T levels and incidence of erythrocytosis are presented in Table 1.
Although injectables have been shown to have a greater impact on HCT.
You can see even when using a transdermal formulation that maintains stable serum concentrations that the impact it has on HCT is dependent on the dose and serum level of T.
Using higher doses of transdermal T and achieving higher TT/FT levels will have a great impact on HCT levels.
Erythrocytosis is often a limiting variable in patients on TTh.
Direct and indirect effects related to supraphysiologic T levels are believed to mediate the effects on erythrocytosis. The true mechanism of erythrocytosis and its role in thromboembolic events remain unclear, although some data support an increased risk of CV events resulting from T-induced erythrocytosis. Large multicenter randomized controlled trials are required to study TTh, its effects on Hb and Hct, and the clinical significance of treatment-induced increases in red blood cell mass.