Most up to date HCG/AI dosing/timing protocol

With this total change to injections from Clomid you should not be using any AI, at all until you test in 6 weeks and can also evaluate any E-symptoms. You may not need any AI and using it now would be detrimental. The rest seems reasonable. I do not advocate the use of Preg or DHEA.

Thanks for the input. Another question....I've heard people using 29g 1/2" insulin syringes for injecting Test Cyp in the quads/delts. What does everyone here use when injecting smaller amounts 2x per week? I've also heard of people injecting Test Cyp subcutaneously, just like HCG. Would love some thoughts and opinions on needle size/length...
Thanks for the input. Another question....I've heard people using 29g 1/2" insulin syringes for injecting Test Cyp in the quads/delts. What does everyone here use when injecting smaller amounts 2x per week? I've also heard of people injecting Test Cyp subcutaneously, just like HCG. Would love some thoughts and opinions on needle size/length...

The 29g 1/2" is pretty much standard equipment for Cyp and HCG here, no need to use a larger or longer needle for any of this; SQ
Ok, so what I'm hearing is:

For HCG, use 29g .5" SUBQ
For Test, use 29g .5" IM in quad or delt


Stick the needle in a push the plunger. At some point youre overthinking and making this too hard on yourself. SQ and IM and Shallow IM are flawed terms that don't necessarily mean anything, at all, when using a .5" long needle.
Stick the needle in a push the plunger. At some point youre overthinking and making this too hard on yourself. SQ and IM and Shallow IM are flawed terms that don't necessarily mean anything, at all, when using a .5" long needle.

Alright - getting to the point where the doc has submitted the scripts. Was only able to get him to agree to once a week TEST injections so far, but he did say he's not ruling out moving to two.

Anyways, once a week is what I have right now, so I'm looking for suggestions on the best timing for HCG/AI, if say my TEST injection was 'Day 1'. Shooting for 500iu 2x / week of HCG. Which days (1-7) should these two HCG injections be? AI timing?
i guess things are a bit different in my case, i had zero problems when i started trt, midrange lh/fsh, good free test. hcg has been really good to me. going back to test prop soon, i like changing esters. And will be doing the 100 daily hcg method with that.

That's not what I said.
Hey everyone, so my doc has agreed to 2x weekly cyp injections. With that said, I will be doing:

Monday/Thurs for everything. 50mg cyp, 500iu HCG, 1/4 tab arimidex.

Does this look good? Or should I dose the A-dex the day after?
Hey everyone, so my doc has agreed to 2x weekly cyp injections. With that said, I will be doing:

Monday/Thurs for everything. 50mg cyp, 500iu HCG, 1/4 tab arimidex.

Does this look good? Or should I dose the A-dex the day after?

Yes you take an AI 24 hours after your T injection.
This will be T injection and HCG at the same time. Still take the AI 24 hours later?

Yes still take it 24 hours after injection, both drugs the testosterone and AI will be peaking at the same time. The testosterone 72 hours the AI 50 hours.
Yes still take it 24 hours after injection, both drugs the testosterone and AI will be peaking at the same time. The testosterone 72 hours the AI 50 hours.

Ok, so this:

Monday: 50mg Test Cyp, 500iu HCG
Tuesday: AI

Thurs: 50mg Test Cyp, 500iu HCG
Friday: AI
I've got people telling me to take the AI the day of injections as well. Is there any data to back up one method vs. the other?
I've taken my AI both ways. It made on difference for me. Your AI builds up in your system (steady state) just like your T does.

Currently I do my T MWF and AI Tue and Thur.
So does it matter when you dose the AI if it's just going to reach steady-state anyway?

For me it did not. That said I currently take .125 two times a week. Some days I can feel my E2 is high and I will take a 3rd pill. I get relief from the high E2 within 4 hours.
I actually have youtube video bookmarked to test my E2. I know it is not scientific but it works for me.

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