Men with low T report similar satisfaction on Clomid as they do on testosterone replacement

Actually I dont. I am just starting to look into this area. Things are going good. And I want to keep the trend going. Maybe on my next labs I can check for Thyroid also. I want to say I do not believe I have a thyroid problem per se. But there appears to be some simple measurements that can tell if your thyroid is not working up to par.

There was an interesting study done by Dr. Broda Barnes several years ago on normal patients. Not patients that were experience thyroid problems and he treated them with NDT (Naturally Dessicated Thyroid) it is available OTC. The effects were very good including weight loss, increased energy, dramatic reduction in heart disease, a whole lot of stuff. The theory being that many Americans with their modern diet have a lower performing thyroid.

It was a long term study and he started a foundation dedicated to teaching about this issue. Thought you guys might have had some experience with this issue.
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Actually I dont. I am just starting to look into this area. Things are going good. And I want to keep the trend going. Maybe on my next labs I can check for Thyroid also. I want to say I do not believe I have a thyroid problem per se. But there appears to be some simple measurements that can tell if your thyroid is not working up to par.

There was an interesting study done by Dr. Broda Barnes several years ago on normal patients. Not patients that were experience thyroid problems and he treated them with NDT (Naturally Dessicated Thyroid) it is available OTC. The effects were very good including weight loss, increased energy, dramatic reduction in heart disease, a whole lot of stuff. The theory being that many Americans with their modern diet have a lower performing thyroid.

It was a long term study and he started a foundation dedicated to teaching about this issue. Thought you guys might have had some experience with this issue.

Absent labs, it's hard to respond to you specifically. There is an entire folder here on the Forum "Thyroid and Other Hormones," full of material on thyroid function and management.
I wanted to give an update on where my chlomid therapy is going. I am still on the same chlomid with DHEA daily. My testosterone is maintaining a higher level in the mid to upper 500's. So my other results? I feel pretty good. Not down on my energy and light depression. I feel better overall. So this part is a big success. I discussed with my doctor and we are going to maintain this for the next six months and check again.

I still have a couple of concerns.

1. I still think my T is below what it should be. I would prefer it to be higher if possible.

2. I discussed this with my doctor. I still have this stubborn belly fat. I am not a fat person. I am not overweight for my my age. But I have this belly fat. I have tried everything but it does not go away. Doc also put me on DIM. He said this will help. But so far I have not seen any results. I have not lost any weight. In fact I have gained a little weight and inches on my belly. But I believe this is a long term project so I will keep going.

What do you guys think? I was under the impression that higher T levels will help to reduce belly fat but so far I have not seen this. Am I being too ambitious? Do I need more patience? Or is there something else you guys would recommend?
Good to hear that you are feeling better overall!

A couple of things: DIM is a natural supplement used to lower E2 - it wont help you loose weight by itself. Sure, if your E2 was sky-high it could be adding body fat, but you would most likely be having overt high E2 symptoms by then as well, and if you were that high, DIM wont help - you'd need Anastrozole.

A Total T in the mid-500s is OK, but nothing to get excited about. Likely not high enough to really help reduce fat.

What is your Sensitive E2, and SHBG?
Ero thanks for your help. I believe when you say sensitive E2 you are talking about Estradiol sensitive correct? Mine is 15.5 on a scale of 8.0 to 35.0.

As for SHBG, I have something called Globulin, Total on my lab. Is this the same thing? It says 2.2 on a scale from 1.5 to 4.5.

What does this tell you?
Interesting to see the E2 scale of 8 to 35 - that is not a range that I have seen before. If you are at 15.5 - which is generally considered low - I would definitely not force it any lower. Low E2 causes joint pain and is not heart-healthy, either. Your SHBG scale is one unfamiliar to me as well - are you outside of the US by chance? at any rate if you are 2.2 on a scale of 1.5 to 4.5, you are solidly in-range. SHBG is problematic when high or low - mid range is good.

Loosing fat and/or building muscle with TRT has a lot to do with genetics as well - probably more than we like to admit. Some guys just respond very, very well and you get them on a TRT dose of 150 mg a week along with a solid diet and exercise program and they will look like Captain America in 6 months. Others like myself, even at a dose of 200 mg a week of T, find that it feels and acts like water in terms of any muscle building or fat-burning effect.
Well maybe I fall into the 2nd category. lol I have always been healthy even fit. But I have never had more than an average physique and do not expect more today. But I was hoping to at least see some of the fat reduction and not to see actual weight gain.

Maybe I am not giving it enough time. Maybe it still needs tweaking. This is all new to me. For most of my life I have never taken any long term medications or supplements so I dont really know.

The test was done recently in the US by Labcorp. I can email you the results redacted of any personal info of course. If you think it would help.

Thanks for your comments.
Just giving an update. Still on Chlomid been doing it for about 9 months. And I feel pretty good. Not like I am 18 but good and healthy. Libido is normal to above normal for me. Head is feeling pretty good. Not any type of brain fog. Still lethargic sometimes, and still very frustrated with stubborn belly fat. I have been working on this for a while. I am also taking pregnelone, and DIM, and LIPO-C shots twice a week. These are things that should help with weight loss and excess fat.

I also have started using the supplement KETO-OS from a company called Pruvit. It is a set of exogenous ketones and should help with multiple things including weight loss. It is expensive and does not taste so good. But I have been disciplined with what I eat and the supplements and exercise. However weight loss has been almost minimal. Not sure I can justify the expense anymore.

This has been disappointing to me. I am not an obese person nor do I have unrealistic expectations of what to lose. But my hip to waist ratio is above 1.0 and I need it at least down to .90. And to lose a moderate amount of body fat, about 5% or 6% of my weight. But nothing seems to really work.

If you guys have any suggestions I would love to hear them. I have read that cortisol could be causing the weight retention and I am ordering this test on my next round. Not sure if that is going to help though.
Just giving an update. Still on Chlomid been doing it for about 9 months. And I feel pretty good. Not like I am 18 but good and healthy. Libido is normal to above normal for me. Head is feeling pretty good. Not any type of brain fog. Still lethargic sometimes, and still very frustrated with stubborn belly fat. I have been working on this for a while. I am also taking pregnelone, and DIM, and LIPO-C shots twice a week. These are things that should help with weight loss and excess fat.

I also have started using the supplement KETO-OS from a company called Pruvit. It is a set of exogenous ketones and should help with multiple things including weight loss. It is expensive and does not taste so good. But I have been disciplined with what I eat and the supplements and exercise. However weight loss has been almost minimal. Not sure I can justify the expense anymore.

This has been disappointing to me. I am not an obese person nor do I have unrealistic expectations of what to lose. But my hip to waist ratio is above 1.0 and I need it at least down to .90. And to lose a moderate amount of body fat, about 5% or 6% of my weight. But nothing seems to really work.

If you guys have any suggestions I would love to hear them. I have read that cortisol could be causing the weight retention and I am ordering this test on my next round. Not sure if that is going to help though.

What is your Clomid dose?

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