Nelson Vergel
..."What really makes the results outstanding, though, is that melatonin was as potent as letrozole, the most potent antiaromatase inhibitor the publicly available pharmaceutical arsenal knows in suppressing cell proliferation, estradiol (E2) production and gene expression of CYP19A1, pS2andKi-67. No wonder that the Thai authors of the paper at hand are convinced that "melatonin clearly offers potential advantages for breast cancer treatment". And this assumption is supported by both the often-reported association between increased breast cancer risk and shift work and the inverse correlation between the risk of breast cancer and urinary melatonin levels Eva S. Schernhammer and Susan E. Hankinson report in a 2005 paper - a correlation, which remained significant even when the women who had a history of night-shift were excluded!
Melatonin As Potent as Letrozole in Inhibiting Aromatization of Testosterone to Estrogen - This Raises the Question: Is a Lack of / Bad Sleep to Blame for Breast Cancer?!
Melatonin As Potent as Letrozole in Inhibiting Aromatization of Testosterone to Estrogen - This Raises the Question: Is a Lack of / Bad Sleep to Blame for Breast Cancer?!