I tried searching the forum and web and can't seem to find a direct answer. Is mass spectrometry the same as LC-MS? (Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry)
My fiance (biological female) just completed blood work at a hospital and she got her results in.
Total t - 255, free t - 25. The test method said it was completed by mass spectrometry. Shouldn't it have been LC-MS? Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry or are they the same? Trying to interpret if her results are correct and reliable.
I tried searching the forum and web and can't seem to find a direct answer. Is mass spectrometry the same as LC-MS? (Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry)
My fiance (biological female) just completed blood work at a hospital and she got her results in.
Total t - 255, free t - 25. The test method said it was completed by mass spectrometry. Shouldn't it have been LC-MS? Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry or are they the same? Trying to interpret if her results are correct and reliable.