Good summary
Mountain Man
I think it's more about confidence in being able to defend myself than the actual need to. I am usually able to avoid fights by paying attention to what is going on.
In my youth I lived in some very dangerous neighborhoods on the south side of Chicago, I only got mugged once when I was about 19. I doubt a gun would have helped as I wasn't paying proper attention to my surroundings and got caught by 3 guys coming at me from the side, rear and front, with a wall blocking any escape to the other side. They didn't have any weapons so I fought them, in the scuffle they tried to drag me across the street into the projects, but they managed to rip my back pocket off my jeans with my wallet and leave. I got a minor cut on my face, the police showed up maybe 5 min later. Funny, a little kid ran up to me and gave me an steel bar, like from a window and suggested I could follow the attackers into the "projects" in Chicago. But going into the projects (high rises) is like crossing the DMZ into enemy territory. Equally funny, about 2 weeks later I got my wallet with drivers ID back in the mail labeled return address "from a soul brother".
I felt in more danger from the police, as I have had pistols draw on me 2 times by the police. Once the guy was shaking from nervous tension, which scared me. Glad I didn't sneeze, he probably would have blown me away.
I lived in the suburbs now, and it's relatively safe.
A few years ago I used to stroll around bangkok after midnight, stopped and tossed a few shots with some street guys, they were a little pushy but i took off after a more dangerous looking fellow on scooter showed up. So no problems, but maybe just lucky. Cambodia after midnight seems fairly safe, though I wouldn't want to wonder out of the tourist areas.
At first, I googled Brazilian jujitsu, but there were a lot of ads for kids classes. Being short with shorter arms, I tend to think I am at a disadvantage with boxing and do better with grappling, but searching for boxing turns up adult sites most often. Krav Maga is definitely interesting, but i wonder how often you can strike someone in sparing as the moves seem designed to cripple. In their Krav Maga video, they had a fair number of women in the class.
Most real world situations you are often faced with multiple attackers, disabling one and running away probably works well. Before you get overwhelmed.
Every site offered a free class, some 2 weeks free, even a month. So maybe it makes sense to try each of them and see how it fits me.
I am really interested in each of your experiences with martial arts, thanks for responding.