With testosterone alone the relationship with estradiol is fairly linear, except at very high levels, where saturation of aromatase becomes significant.It is my understanding that my dose is probably too high if I am aromatising too much? Surely there is a sweet spot we all possess where our testosterone is at a good level but anything above that starts the steady accumulation of E2.
Above 1000 seems to be too high for me as my E2 is still over 60 despite only taking 80mg a week of test E. The difficult question I will ask my doctor is should I titrate T down or HCG?
hCG complicates matters because it directly stimulates aromatization in the testicles. My suspicion is that its long half life contributes to relatively high estradiol production compared to natural luteinizing hormone.
One thing to try is to reduce the frequency of the hCG injections. Someone, maybe Nelson, has suggested that peak levels have independent importance. If so then injecting the same amounts a little less often could reduce average estradiol while retaining other benefits.