low T symptoms & free T of 54 pg/ml


New Member
Hello! I am 25 years old and it's been 2 years since I experience low T symptoms: low libido, inability to build muscle, difficulties with memory & focus, hair loss and so on.
After a period of high stress and for the first time no morning wood for a month!! I decided to do something about it, read tons of forums watch videos and decided to buy enanT& hcg-pregnyl (I plan to go with 2×50mg T+ 2× 300IU / week).

Besides buying medicine, my budget permited to analyze only freeT for the moment. It was 54 pg/ml (Ser/ELISA - god knows what that means). This means 5.4 ng/dl, correct?? The problem is that my doctor said that this is within normal range of 2-24pg/ml (he is young not even knowing the values, getting them from the clinic's website), on the internet I found these values, but olso 50-230, which puts me on the lower limit.

I forgot to mention that I have a varicocelle for half an year, planning of getting surgery Asap.

So guys, what do you think of my freeT level?
Also, do you think that it is possible for my testosterone to be optimal even if experiencing all range of symptoms for quite some time?
I plan on starting treatment asap, so please help
You need to test everything. A free T test tells us almost nothing without the context of your entire hormone profile and bloodwork. I'd highly recommend holding off on doing anything before getting more testing done.
The inexpensive free T test is not very useful. Even on a tight budget it's much better to measure total T and SHBG. They're both good to know on their own and you can use them to calculate a pretty accurate free T.
dunno what to think anymore.. My results come and my testosterone is at 1500 ng/dl!!, SHBG also high 88 nmol/L and elevated free T 54 pg/ml. All levels are high, but I still experience all symptomps. Could it be some negative kind of feedback?
I will check T3 and T4 levels, maybe hypertyroidism..
Norm Range for Free T is for example 47-244 pg/ml it varies a little by lab. Your free T is bottom end norm range and your shbg and total T are high. Your problem is the high shbg binding your T . The body tries to compensate by increasing T production LH FSH are probably high to.
A reason for elevated shbg could be hyperthyroidsm.
Most men are unable to produce enough testosterone to compensate for such high SHBG. But your calculated free testosterone is about 20 ng/dL, which is good. Testing estradiol would also be good. If it's low relative to testosterone than that can be a problem too.

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