Low T at 25


New Member
Hey Fellas- I am need of help.

I am 25 and have been having some low T issues. I have had a lack of sex drive and energy lately. I am a strength athlete and currently the strongest and most muscular I have ever been which through me off because from what I've been reading is one a sigh for testosterone deficiency.

Just a little background; I have never used any steroids. On average I would say I have 1 drink a week and sleep 8-9 hours a night. I regular supplement zinc 50mg and magnesium 250mg at night before bed.

As far a blood tests- The numbers is () is the scale my lab uses.

July 2013
HDL 49 mg/dL (>40)
LDL 129 mg/dL (<130)
25 hydroxy vit d 27 ng/dL (31-100)
Test total 424 ng/dL (175-781)
Test bioavailable 219 ng/dL (131-682)
Test free 93 pg/mL (47-244)
Test % free 2.2% (1.6-2.9)
SHBG 29 nmol/L (13-90)
Cortisol 12.9 ug/dL
Triiodothyronine 1.1 ng/mL (0.7-1.9)
Free Thyroxine .99 ng/dL (0.76-1.46)
TSH 1.610 mIU/L (0.360-4.170)

November 2013
Vitamin d = 46 (scale is 31-100 NG/ml)
FSH = 2.0 mIU/ML (scale is .7-10.8)
LH = 2.3 mIU/ML (scale is 1.2-10.6
Test, Total = 387 (scale 175-781 NG/DL)
Test, bio = 209 (scale 131-682 NG/DL)
Test, Free = 89 (scale 47-224 pg/mL)
Test, Percent Free = (scale 1.6-2.9%)
Sex hormone-binding globulin = 27 (scale 13-90 nmol/L)

November 2014
HDL 40 mg/dL (>40)
LDL 110 mg/dL (<130)
25 hydroxy vit d 32ng/dL (31-100)
Test total 321 ng/dL (175-781)
Test bioavailable 173 ng/dL (131-682)
Test free 74 pg/mL (47-244)
Test % free 2.3% (1.6-2.9)
SHBG 25 nmol/L (13-90)
DHEA Sulfate 414 ug/dL (8-640)
Cortisol 14.2 ug/dL
Triiodothyronine 1.0 ng/mL (0.7-1.9)
Free Thyroxine 1.05 ng/dL (0.76-1.46)
TSH 1.460 mIU/L (0.360-4.170)
Estradiol 23 pg/mL (0-52)

I also have CBC, basic metabolic, Hepatic Function, Hemoglobin A1C, Lipid, and Iron available for these exams but didn't want to type all of those out.

By looking at my numbers I've have low t for at least a year. For the most part I actually feel pretty good but I don't know if I have just "normalized" to low T if that makes sense. During my last blood work my doctor brought up my Test/Estrogen ratio was low and wanted to get the number to around 20. Its currently 14. We talked about the results and is currently having my try:

1500mg/day of Chrysin
10,000 IU/day of vit-d3
8grams of fish oil

The doctor wants me to do this for 5 weeks then retest my labs and go from there. I live in New York and a lot of doctors are pretty liberal. I'm trying to find out my best options moving forward.

Lou, thanks for joining the community! OK, your gonadotropin activity (LH FSH) is on the low end, which is where you're seeing some lower than desired test serum results. Your test serum IMO is no doubt on the low side, BUT not completely tanked. Are you taking any prescriptions (pain killers, anti-D's, etc.)? Any recreational activities beyond that one (1) drink that could be contributing to this?

If it's completely clean, I would think a physician might want to run an MRI in the pituitary region just to be safe. If all is GTG, I agree that you should explore some various options to get your natural production increased.
Thanks for the reply Vettester Chris, I am not and have not been on any pain killers or anti-D's before. In the past I have taken Carisoprodol (muscle relaxer) to help with a back injury but have been off it for roughly 4 months now. I do not partake in any recreational activities other than the occasional drink.

I will have to bring up an MRI to my doctor during my next visit. I know they have TRT/HRT participants but a lot of doctors near me think just because of my younger age that I can't have testosterone issues. I am concerned with having TRT treatments at such a young age and not figuring out if it an underlying problem that can be fixed with other means.

Do you have any other suggestions on things I should bring up during my next visit?
Chris nailed is as usual, your LH serum levels are very low for a man your age and why your testosterone production is compromised.

LH is a critical hormone in the HPT Axis and when this value is low so is testosterone levels.

To the astute and trained Physician this is a red flag and the Pituitary is the next place to check for problems.

I don't see prolactin being tested so this is one lab you would want since many of the Pituitary tumors secrete excessive prolactin which compromise HPTA.

An MRI would also be ordered to rule out an Adenoma which is a begin pituitary tumor that can be managed with drugs.

Guys your age should be peaking with testosterone serum levels and you are very low so something is wrong with you and it needs to be diagnosed.

The pituitary is the next thing to evaluate as Chris suggested as well.

BTW, have you ever had any head or neck trauma in the past?
Hey Gene- I was actually just reading that patients with high prolactin levels often have low FSH, LH, and testosterone levels so I will make sure to get that tested on my next blood work. I find it frustrating that it seems like I have learned more about low T levels then my current doctor knows. I feel like I should have to ask for a prolactin test. Either way he is just my general practitioner. I will have to ask him to commodore me to a specialist.

As far as head or neck trauma I haven't had anything requiring visiting the hospital. I did play football and race motocross for quite a few years. I have been banged up a little bit with that stuff but nothing that would alarm me as trauma.

Anything else that I should ask to get test during my next visit?
You need to see a specialist not a PCP; they simply are not trained in this area.

Look for an Endo who understands and manages Testosterone in men...this is very important as many Endo's don't know TRT in men as well.

Start looking my friend, the sooner the better.

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