Hello, do you have any updates on TRT in men with low SHBG?
Since I started TRT in 2015, I have gained a lot of weight on my chest and below my belly button, subcutaneous fat and I feel very anxious. Since then, my insulin/glucose levels have gone up a lot in my tests, this insulin resistance makes it difficult for me to lose weight even in a caloric deficit and with exercise.
Maybe because my free estrogen is too high...
I tried microdoses without success and lastly T Gel 35mg + anastrozole 1mg (eod). But I still felt terrible, always very anxious. I asked my doctor to try just anstrozole without testosterone, and I added pregnenolone every day and the anxiety disappeared. As for the subcutaneous fat that I gained after starting TRT, it is still firm, lol.
A Brazilian doctor talks about MOSH, which are patients with hypogonadism caused by obesity, who usually have SHBG <30, respond poorly to TRT. I had SHBG below that in 2015, but I was thin, with a little fat below the navel only. Apparently for low SHBG the best options would be: pregnenolone + low doses of DHEA (<15) + aromatase inhibitors. Or simply the daily aromatase inhibitor, as shown in some scientific articles.
Do you think that transcrotal testosterone with an aromatase inhibitor could be good for those with very low SHBG?