low e2 symptoms didnt go away after crash

Low e2 sucks. I’ve been pretty jacked and athletic with abs my whole adult life but have low libido. With 550ng test my e2 sits around 13. Beer helps but too much allopregnenolone builds up with alcohol.
I'm 24 hours in to the ecdysterone and just like years ago, knocked out the ridiculous low e2 anxiety (which for me manifests into hypochondria, and that I'm dying of ridiculous things). I see also used 2 tbsp ground flaxseed today, but I'm sure it's too early for that to be working. Either way, I didn't have to use lemon balm or anywhere near the same amount of theanine. Highly recommend anyone still struggling with low e2 symptoms to try ecdy, specifically Iron Forged product because it's cyclodextrin complex. Let's pray it continues and gets even better with the flaxseed.
I'm 24 hours in to the ecdysterone and just like years ago, knocked out the ridiculous low e2 anxiety (which for me manifests into hypochondria, and that I'm dying of ridiculous things). I see also used 2 tbsp ground flaxseed today, but I'm sure it's too early for that to be working. Either way, I didn't have to use lemon balm or anywhere near the same amount of theanine. Highly recommend anyone still struggling with low e2 symptoms to try ecdy, specifically Iron Forged product because it's cyclodextrin complex. Let's pray it continues and gets even better with the flaxseed.
To continue this update, still sleeping like trash though. Literally woke up every hour. I was able to go back to sleep, dreamed hard, but then woke up over and over. I wonder how bad this for the brain and body is as compared to typical "just can't sleep" insomnia. That's also with taking 3mg melatonin every couple hours, totaling 9mg.
28 this year. Body fat around 14% (I can see my abs if I squint hard enough under good lighting lol). Libido and EQ are at least a solid 8/10 on most days, 9/10 if I go a few days without any action. My TRT dose is on the higher side though. We don't have the proper tests for FT and E2 here but my TT is 1200.

Before estradiol it was more like 3/10. I needed cialis to get it up and even then I would sometimes not be able to sustain an erection during sex. Increasing T dose did not help. Joint pains and anxiety. It was hell for a couple of years - stay away from aromasin unless you really know what you're doing, guys.
I crashed my e2 for a prolonged period about a year ago, and I haven't been the same since. I have all the classic low e2 symptoms - cracking/popping joints, dry skin/hair, dead libido, ED, lethargy, anhedonia, brain fog -- full zombie mode.

I, too, have an extremely high TT:E2 ratio - also around 40:1 most of the time. My T:E ratio doesn't seem to raise proportionately (i.e., the more test I inject, the more skewed the ratio becomes and the worse my "low e2" symptoms become).

How long did you experience low e2 symptoms before starting estradiol injections? I think I'm willing to experiment with low doses in the future if my symptoms don't abate after a period of stabilization. This is hell.

It would be great if previous posters like @nurselyfe @Chroniclowe @Checkdis could provide any updates regarding their situations / potentially recommend any doctors who may be able to work with complex cases such as our own.
To continue this update, still sleeping like trash though. Literally woke up every hour. I was able to go back to sleep, dreamed hard, but then woke up over and over. I wonder how bad this for the brain and body is as compared to typical "just can't sleep" insomnia. That's also with taking 3mg melatonin every couple hours, totaling 9mg.
This is still going on. Very frustrating.
I crashed my e2 for a prolonged period about a year ago, and I haven't been the same since. I have all the classic low e2 symptoms - cracking/popping joints, dry skin/hair, dead libido, ED, lethargy, anhedonia, brain fog -- full zombie mode.

I, too, have an extremely high TT:E2 ratio - also around 40:1 most of the time. My T:E ratio doesn't seem to raise proportionately (i.e., the more test I inject, the more skewed the ratio becomes and the worse my "low e2" symptoms become).

How long did you experience low e2 symptoms before starting estradiol injections? I think I'm willing to experiment with low doses in the future if my symptoms don't abate after a period of stabilization. This is hell.

It would be great if previous posters like @nurselyfe @Chroniclowe @Checkdis could provide any updates regarding their situations / potentially recommend any doctors who may be able to work with complex cases such as our own.
We are in the exact same boat brother. I tried raising my low e2 for YEARS and nothing worked. Not HCG, not more test, not even e2 gel (Oestrogel only worked for a few days).

I only got temporary relief of brain fog and joint pain when I supplemented with Cat's Claw (Uncaria Tomentosa) but it was nothing more than a stopgap measure.

If you continue to feel terrible on low e2, I really recommend looking into getting some estradiol cypionate and taking it alongside TRT. Only a small amount is needed to feel better, literally 100-200mcg. My life has changed so much for the better since then.

Look at the MtF forums to see the trusted sources, or you can DM me and I'll do my best to help.
We are in the exact same boat brother. I tried raising my low e2 for YEARS and nothing worked. Not HCG, not more test, not even e2 gel (Oestrogel only worked for a few days).

I only got temporary relief of brain fog and joint pain when I supplemented with Cat's Claw (Uncaria Tomentosa) but it was nothing more than a stopgap measure.

If you continue to feel terrible on low e2, I really recommend looking into getting some estradiol cypionate and taking it alongside TRT. Only a small amount is needed to feel better, literally 100-200mcg. My life has changed so much for the better since then.

Look at the MtF forums to see the trusted sources, or you can DM me and I'll do my best to help.
Thanks for the reply. Appreciate it! I'll reach out if I decide to go this route!
Awful anxiety. Sorry I didn't list it as a symptom. The issues I have experienced are numerous. I first attributed the anxiety to medical school, but i didn't have the anxiety at all till I crashed my e2 during my 3rd and 4th year. Whats incredibly weird is that when I was younger (roughly 8 years ago) I could crash my e2 on purpose to fix gyno. I eventually got the lumps removed, but prior to that I would crash my e2 with letro and bounce back in maybe 1-2 weeks. Now Its all changed! Oh how our bodies develop and adapt over time.
One more follow up... any muscle related symptoms like cramps, tightness, or not recovering from workouts? Not sure what to call it, and too early to confirm with bloodwork, but I'm getting bizarre muscle out tendon tightness in any muscle I use, even barely use. Also everything just feels weak. I'm 213, about 20% bf, so not weak by any means (not lean either), but muscles just feel like they are.
One more follow up... any muscle related symptoms like cramps, tightness, or not recovering from workouts? Not sure what to call it, and too early to confirm with bloodwork, but I'm getting bizarre muscle out tendon tightness in any muscle I use, even barely use. Also everything just feels weak. I'm 213, about 20% bf, so not weak by any means (not lean either), but muscles just feel like they are.

A lot of the symptoms you are describing are similar to mine. Honestly, i've been on 50mg Clomid now for awhile with my TRT to fix the low e2 sides and it has helped tremendously. I am still not the old me, but the hot flashes have assuaged and im actually sweating in the gym again. My sleep has also been phenomenal. I still am weaker in the gym though and don't really have that motivation like I used to. The Clomid is also making me more lethargic and moody at times. I am considering stopping TRT for a few weeks and continuing on with the clomid. I had a buddy who could only fix his crashed e2 after years like us when he came off for 6 weeks and started over with TIW injections.
A lot of the symptoms you are describing are similar to mine. Honestly, i've been on 50mg Clomid now for awhile with my TRT to fix the low e2 sides and it has helped tremendously. I am still not the old me, but the hot flashes have assuaged and im actually sweating in the gym again. My sleep has also been phenomenal. I still am weaker in the gym though and don't really have that motivation like I used to. The Clomid is also making me more lethargic and moody at times. I am considering stopping TRT for a few weeks and continuing on with the clomid. I had a buddy who could only fix his crashed e2 after years like us when he came off for 6 weeks and started over with TIW injections.
Interesting. I'm not having hot flashes or night sweats oddly enough. I have no motivation for the gym anymore. Just 3 months ago I deadlifted 475...couldn't dream of that anymore, nor do I even care to. Crazy what hormones do. Gonna test soon because this is nuts.
I'm 24 hours in to the ecdysterone and just like years ago, knocked out the ridiculous low e2 anxiety (which for me manifests into hypochondria, and that I'm dying of ridiculous things). I see also used 2 tbsp ground flaxseed today, but I'm sure it's too early for that to be working. Either way, I didn't have to use lemon balm or anywhere near the same amount of theanine. Highly recommend anyone still struggling with low e2 symptoms to try ecdy, specifically Iron Forged product because it's cyclodextrin complex. Let's pray it continues and gets even better with the flaxseed.

Any word on the flax seed or e2 supplementation in general for this thread?
@JA Battle I've started direct supplementation of E2 via transdermal gel (LifeFlo brand) at 5mcg per day (50mcg, with an assumed 10% absorption rate). I noticed immediate reduction in heat-induced rashes (was breaking out in hives from light exercise) and reduced CNS stimulation. Additionally, my joints seem to be feeling better. I've only been trialing it for a few days, so I will update to see how things progress.

I have noticed it's had a negative impact on sexual function (flaccid size looks smaller, and erection quality diminished).

I am likely going to try to raise my TRT dose and E2 dose in tandem. I think both sets of receptors are..."fried," for lack of a better word.
I don't understand why so many people are suffering with this issue. Want the low E2 symptoms to immediately subside? Pop a dbol, maybe two. That stuff aromatises like hell and quick too.

Long term plans:

1. Estradiol injection (as mentioned already)
2. Estradiol pills (as mentioned already)
3. MENT (Trestolone). This stuff aromatises into a really strong methyl estradiol.
4. And keep the dbol in a draw for emergency use.

A few dbols once off is not going to kill you and are the easiest to obtain from all the above.

I think people are hesitant to try this as its not prescribed, has to be obtained illicitly and therefore feel its taboo. Its not "HRT".

I test all these things on myself so you don't have to (at least the MENT and dbol).

And if anyone wants an immediate "antidote" to too much E2 symptoms, ask me about winstrol in another thread. Fastest way to bring on these "low E2" symptoms you guys describe so well.
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I am on estradiol enanthate and now I try to find ideal dose. 14 ago I pined 1mg and my e2 went up to 212 pg/ml and it took 14days to drop it back to 54 pg/ml. It was Interesting to track how I feel day by day while my e2 slowly went down. My trt is 20mg test E ED and I have to say I felt best libido and erection in somwhere around 80pg/ml … My total test level is 800ng and SHBG of 10.. I did bet fot my low SHBG will fit lower E2 better, now I think My e2 is 35ng/ml. In few days I will check it again before my e2 injection, but now I can say I feel worse every day (libido, sleep, energy). Lets see two last days dropping my e2 to confirm my hypothesis.

So what is your e2 protocol?

Thank you
What is your dose now? Is it still helping your libido?
Interesting, that would mean you feel best on a T:E ratio of 10:1. (I assume this is the sensitive E2 test?)

I'm also finding the ideal E2 dose. Currently 2mg/day of estradiol valerate (1mg subq, morning and evening) with 250mg/week of TRT helps me feel good. I simply feel like crap on any lower amount of T.

I will have to see where that puts my E2 numbers at. Even if it's ridiculously high, I have no high E2 sides at all. In fact I feel myself slipping back into low E2 states right before my injections and I always feel better after the E2 jabs.
Do you have your blood level of e2? It would be extremely valuable to the community

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