Low E2 and not sure why

Good job checking these too. So that rules that out as a cause
I also take DHEA which most swear that it converts to E2, I also got back my DHT which I have not tested in years came back at 92ng/dL (12-65 ng/dL) , Im sure this is not helping either with the low E2. Im starting to wonder if this has been a slow process just with mild symptoms starting over a year ago such as penile sensitivity and dry skin.

SHBG just resulted in at 25nmol/L
DHEA Sulfate came back in at 298mcg/dL (70-495mcg/dL)
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I also take DHEA which most swear that it converts to E2, I also got back my DHT which I have not tested in years came back at 92ng/dL (12-65 ng/dL) , Im sure this is not helping either with the low E2. Im starting to wonder if this has been a slow process just with mild symptoms starting over a year ago such as penile sensitivity and dry skin.

SHBG just resulted in at 25nmol/L
DHEA Sulfate came back in at 298mcg/dL (70-495mcg/dL)
Maybe it's really the cialis+kyolic that slowly over time decreased your (serum) E2 too much, causing an imbalance of DHT:E2. Or the cialis+kyolic has not much to do with it and your are a case where the body does not balance stuff out on its own.
Has your BP gotten better since out stopped cialis+kyolic?
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Maybe it's really the cialis+kyolic that slowly over time decreased your (serum) E2 too much, causing an imbalance of DHT:E2. Or the cialis+kyolic has not much to do with it and your are a case where the body does not balance stuff out on its own.
Has your BP gotten better since out stopped cialis+kyolic?
No it still runs on the lower end.....Im guessing it has something to do with the E2. Im hoping here in a week or two off the tadalafil\kyolic things improve if not I think my only option would actually be estradiol.
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Well update, had another regular estradiol test done at quest on oct 8th came back with <15, so still low even after stopping tadalafil and garlic. I figured it was so I did order estradiol validate in injection form. I have been taking .2mg EOD since Oct 11th and honestly feel better than ever, libido is way up better than its been since starting TRT, sensitivity increased dramatically, and EQ is up as well(could be from the sensitivity increase). Also one thing I noticed is my muscle are not sore at all and energy is way up. Also mood is starting to stabilize\improve. I don't know where I stand with estradiol at the moment, but I can tell you I feel amazing compared to low e2 and I have no side effects really what so ever my BP stabilized and I gained about 2-4lbs extra daily fluctuation in weight I assume from water. I assume it's the extra water but my wife said my face looks younger. While I was waiting on this I was researching it seems there are becoming quite a few people on TRT that eventually end up with low e2, it really has me curious why. I will note with low E2 my flaccid was cold tight\smaller, with the E2 supplementation I am almost at a constant chub (with the tadalafil added back)
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Hey OP, just wanted to add myself to the list of people who have been on trt forever and all of sudden having low e2. It’s horrible. I was going to start a thread but yours is so similar. On another forum I received advice to stop taking d3, curcumin, and chamomile tea as that’s been shown to lower e2. And to start dhea and pregnenolone. I also switched from 2x a week to 1x a week in hopes of aromatising more. Getting retested next week but symptoms haven’t abated so I don’t have high hopes. Hearing stories about supplemental estradiol and how successful it is is really encouraging.
What made you go with estradiol injections over oral?
Hey OP, just wanted to add myself to the list of people who have been on trt forever and all of sudden having low e2. It’s horrible. I was going to start a thread but yours is so similar. On another forum I received advice to stop taking d3, curcumin, and chamomile tea as that’s been shown to lower e2. And to start dhea and pregnenolone. I also switched from 2x a week to 1x a week in hopes of aromatising more. Getting retested next week but symptoms haven’t abated so I don’t have high hopes. Hearing stories about supplemental estradiol and how successful it is is really encouraging.
What made you go with estradiol injections over oral?
I have oral tablets coming, to compare both forms. So I will update the thread once I get the pills and trial them to compare to injections.

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