Some pharmacies will ship to Louisiana, some will not. However, for physicians the real question/risk is not whether a given pharmacy will ship into Louisiana, but rather the risk involved. Pharmacies are governed by a different body than physicians and, consequently, may view risks differently (as risks may in fact be much different to the pharmacy compared to the physician).
Physicians are governed by the board of medicine and it turns out the Louisiana Board of Medicine is very hostile towards HCG use (yes, even as ancillary for TRT). In fact, from my discussions with several LA providers, the Louisiana board of medicine seems more hostile to many aspects of contemporary hormone replacement than many other states. I have three separate Louisiana physicians as my patients all independently verify same and one even had his medical license formally threatened with discipline for prescribing HCG in the exact circumstances we typically use it. Further, a colleague from my medical school class now licensed and practicing in Louisiana submitted a formal inquiry to the LA Board of Medicine and the response confirmed our caution..."prescribe at your own risk" was the gist of their response. I would LOVE to prescribe HCG to my Louisiana TRT patients whom need it for the RIGHT reasons...unfortunately, the risk to my (and my colleagues) license/livelihood is simply too great at this time. Until, if or when, the Louisiana Board of Medicine adopts a more accepting stance on the use of HCG as ancillary support for TRT.