Looking for Restart Thoughts

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33 yr old, regular lifter, 190lbs, 13% bf. 4-5x/ week exercise with cardio/hiit. Ran two cycles of AAS five years ago, been on TRT ever since (sustanon), Gonadorelin (I don't like it) and adex.

Looking to come off TRT/Restart so my wife and I can have another kiddo.

Here's my proposed plan. I've been researching for days but could use some thoughts/direction. It's modified from the Perfect PCT.

Thoughts behind the CJC is to reduce some of the suck from the Clomid, and increase my quality of life.

Cialis - thoughts on as needed or ED?

Thoughts on longer use of the Nolvadex?

HCG is probably not an option. My current telecom doesn't have it, but I'd be interested in talking to a new doc if this is the preferred method.




Week 1


300 ED

Week 2


300 ED

Week 3

50 ED

20 ED

300 ED

Week 4

25 ED

20 ED

300 ED

Week 5

25 ED

20 ED

300 ED

Week 6

25 ED


300 ED

Week 7

12.5 ED


300 ED


300 ED

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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
If you’re open to another provider then I’d say consider setting up a consult with Defy, as they still provide HCG in the form of Pregnyl and that’s probably the best bet with regards to maximizing fertility.
My wife's oldest son used 50 mg daily of clomid two weeks on one week off to get his wife pregnant. I'm not saying it will work for you but he is 46.

My 36-year-old son just stop everything and got his girlfriend pregnant.
Beyond Testosterone Book by Nelson Vergel
I'm trying a restart now and got a log going here if you want to check it out. 500IU of hcg daily for 40 days with no test had my total T around 1000. Used some triptorelin a few days after stopping the HCG and then started enclomiphene 12.5mg daily (almost 3 weeks ago now). Been feeling absolutely the same as I did on TRT the whole time.
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